
Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security

Leading the way to a sustainable future

Addressing the nation's energy challenges, enhancing national security

Solar photo


Researchers address key challenges and work on the next generation of technologies.



We work to understand and prepare the nation for implications of climate change.

Climate modeling


We help secure the nation's critical energy infrastructure against natural or malicious disruption.


Enabling Capabilities

We support basic research in national security priorities.
Enhancing the nation’s security and prosperity through sustainable, transformative approaches to our most challenging energy, climate, and infrastructure problems.

Access to reliable, affordable, and sustainable sources of energy is essential for all modern economies. Since the late 1950s, Americans have not been energy self-sufficient. Our addiction to foreign oil and fossil fuels puts our economy, our environment, and ultimately our national security at risk.

National security is Sandia's core mission, and Energy, Climate, & Infrastructure Security (ECIS) helps deliver on that mission.