United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

NRC Federal Register Notices - 2009

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| Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |

31 December 2009
No NRC notices published.

30 December 2009
Confirmatory Order Modifying License:
  U.S. Tennessee Valley Authority, et al.,
  69149–69152 [E9–31019] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Consent to Indirect Change of Control and Issuance of License Amendment to Materials License:
  Cogema Mining, Inc, Irigaray and Christensen Ranch Facilities,
  69152–69153 [E9–31036] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
69153–69154 [E9–30974] [TEXT]  [PDF]

29 December 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Signifacnt Hazards:
  Biweekly Notice,
  68867–68872 [E9–30675] [TEXT]  [PDF]
NUREG–1934, Nuclear Power Plant Fire Modeling Application Guide Draft Report for Comment,
68872–68873 [E9–30823] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request for Action Under 10 CFR 2.206
  Entergy Operations, Inc., et al.,
  68873 [E9–30822] [TEXT]  [PDF]

28 December 2009
Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities; CFR Correction,
68498 [E9–30739] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Docketing of Amendment Request for Material License SNM 2511:
  Pacific Gas and Electric Co.; Diablo Canyon Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation,
  68638–68639 [E9–30618] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Temporary Exemptions:
  Southern California Edison San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Units 2 and 3,
  68639–68641 [E9–30674] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 December 2009
No NRC notices published.

23 December 2009
Call for Nominations:
  Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes,
  68285–68286 [E9–30497] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  South Carolina Electric and Gas Co.,
  68286–68287 [E9–30482] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance LR–ISG–2007–02:
  Changes To Generic Aging Lessons Learned Report Aging Management Program Xi.E6, et al.,
  68287–68288 [E9–30483] [TEXT]  [PDF]

22 December 2009
Request for Action Under Title 10 CFR 2.206:
  Florida Power & Light Co.; Correction,
  68079–68080 [E9–30383] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Standard Review Plan Section on Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Protection Program; Availability,
68080 [E9–30382] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 December 2009
Acceptance for Docketing:
  University of New Mexico; Application for Renewal of Facility Operating License,
  67927–67932 [E9–30317] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.,
  67932–67935 [E9–30232] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Exemption from Certain Low-Level Waste Shipment Tracking Requirements:
  Pacific Gas and Electric Co.,
  67935–67936 [E9–30316] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
67936 [E9–30381] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 December 2009
Final Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
67253–67254 [E9–30103] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 December 2009
Withdrawal of License Transfer Application, etc.:
  USEC, Inc.; American Centrifuge Plant and American Centrifuge Lead Cascade Facility,
  66997–66998 [E9–30029] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 December 2009
Draft Technical Basis for Rulemaking Revising Security Requirements for Facilities Storing SNF and HLW,
66589–66592 [E9–29872] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  South Carolina Electric & Gas Co., Virgil C. Summer Nuclear Station, Unit 1, Fairfield County, SC,
  66697–66698 [E9–29874] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
66698 [E9–30012] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 December 2009
Biweekly Notice Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involoving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
66381–66387 [E9–29545] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Development of NRC's Safety Culture Policy:
  Public Workshops; Request for Nomination of Participants in Round Table Discussions and Stakeholder Participation,
  66387–66388 [E9–29793] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
66388–66389 [E9–29871] [TEXT]  [PDF]

14 December 2009
Confirmatory Order Modifying License:
  Duane Kuhn,
  66153–66156 [E9–29661] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Exelon Generating Co., LLC, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station,
  66156–66159 [E9–29660] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License, etc.:
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC,
  66159–66163 [E9–29672] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability,
66163–66164 [E9–29655] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fingerprinting and Criminal History Records Check Requirements:
  Licensees Authorized to Possess Radioactive Material Quantities of Concern,
  66164–66168 [E9–29653] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Imposing Increased Controls:
  Licensees Authorized to Possess Radioactive Material Quantities of Concern,
  66168–66173 [E9–29654] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Action to Decommission the University of Arizona Reactor Facility,
66173–66174 [E9–29659] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Renewal of Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM–180:
  University of Texas at Austin,
  66174 [E9–29656] [TEXT]  [PDF]

11 December 2009
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  HI–STORM 100 Revision 7, Confirmation of Effective Date,
  65679 [E9–29554] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Lost Creek In-Situ Recovery (ISR) Project in Sweetwater County, WY,
  65804–65806 [E9–29547] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Moore Ranch ISR Project in Campbell County, Wyoming, etc.,
  65806–65808 [E9–29553] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Nichols Ranch In-Situ Recovery (ISR) Project in Campbell and Johnson Counties, WY,
  65808–65810 [E9–29550] [TEXT]  [PDF]
NUREG–192; EPRI/NRC–RES Fire Human Reliability Analysis Guidelines:
  Draft Report for Comment,
  65810–65811 [E9–29555] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Receipt and Availability of Application for Renewal of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2:
  Pacific Gas and Electric Company,
  65811 [E9–29548] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 December 2009
No NRC notices published.

9 December 2009
License Applications:
  Virginia Electric and Power Co., North Anna Unit 3,
  65161–65162 [E9–29324] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities:
  Daniel Culver,
  65162–65164 [E9–29325] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Exemptions:
  Pacific Gas and Electric, Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3,
  65165 [E9–29327] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Regulatory Issue Summary:
  Monitoring the Status of Regulated Activities During a Pandemic,
  65165–65167 [E9–29326] [TEXT]  [PDF]

8 December 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving Proposed no Significant Hazards Considerations, etc.,
64744–64749 [E9–28972] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Orders:
  Cedric Fernando, M.D. ,
  64757–64759 [E9–29200] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  64755–64757 [E9–29201] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., Erwin, TN,
  64749–64752 [E9–29205] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  64759–64761 [E9–29199] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Shaw AREVA MOX Services,
  64752–64754 [E9–29196] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Defense Logistics Agency, Defense National Stockpile Center, Hammond, IN,
  64762–64764 [E9–29197] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Oconee Nuclear Station (Units 1, 2, and 3),
  64762 [E9–29198] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
64764–64765 [E9–29311] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request for License Amendment:
  Westinghouse Electric Co., LLC,
  64765–64769 [E9–29202] [TEXT]  [PDF]

7 December 2009
Denial of Portions of Petition for Rulemaking, Consideration of the Remaining Portions:
  64012–64016 [E9–29054] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Regulatory Agenda
  Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, 64572–64574 [E9–28595]

4 December 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Finding of No Significant Impact; Prairie Island Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation ,
  63798–63800 [E9–28975] [TEXT]  [PDF]

3 December 2009
No NRC notices published.

2 December 2009
Issuance of Renewed Facility Operating License:
  PPL Susquehanna, LLC; Susquehanna Steam Electric Station (Units 1 and 2),
  63160–63161 [E9–28816] [TEXT]  [PDF]

1 December 2009
Administrative Changes:
  Clarification of the Location of Guidance for Electronic Submission and other Miscellaneous Corrections,
  62676–62687 [E9–28141] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Florida Power and Light; Withdrawals,
  62829 [E9–28655] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co.,
  62829 [E9–28657] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance LR–ISG–2009–01:
  Staff Guidance Regarding Plant-Specific Aging Management Review and Aging Management Program, etc.,
  62829–62830 [E9–28659] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  U.S. Army Installation Command, HI,
  62830 [E9–28660] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses; Applications and Amendments:
  Biweekly Notice,
  62831–62840 [E9–28630] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
62840–62841 [E9–28815] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request for Action:
  Idaho State University,
  62841–62842 [E9–28658] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

30 November 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  License Termination Plan, Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unit 1 Reactor Facility, San Onofre, CA,
  62605–62606 [E9–28509] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating License Renewal:
  Penn State Breazeale Reactor,
  62606 [E9–28511] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Blending of Low-Level Radioactive Waste,
  62606–62609 [E9–28507] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Operating Licenses; Request for Action:
  Florida Power & Light Co.,
  62609–62610 [E9–28510] [TEXT]  [PDF]

27 November 2009
Petition for Rulemaking:
  Professional Reactor Operator Society
  62257–62259 [E9–28380] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Standard Review Plan:
  Appendix 18–A on Guidance for Crediting Manual Operator Actions in Diversity and Defense-in-Depth Analyses
  62355 [E9–28376] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request for Action:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., et al./td>
  62355–62356 [E9–28379] [TEXT]  [PDF]

25 November 2009
  ACRS Subcommittee Meeting on Regulatory Policies and Practices
  61714 [E9–28244] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems
  61714 [E9–28245] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Radiation Protection and Nuclear Materials
  61715 [E9–28242] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Generic Communications:
  Inservice Inspection and Testing Requirements of Dynamic Restraints (Snubbers)
  61715–61718 [E9–28241] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 November 2009
  Sunshine Act
  61379 [E9–28240] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 November 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Luminant Generation Co. LLC; Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (Units 1 And 2) ,
  61177–61178 [E9–28090] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses:
  FPL Energy Point Beach, LLC ,  
  61179–61181 [E9–28092] [TEXT]  [PDF]

20 November 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Pennsylvania State University; Penn State Breazeale Reactor; Correction,
  60301 [E9–27912] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Unit 1 and Unit 2,
  60300–60301 [E9–27911] [TEXT]  [PDF]

19 November 2009
Confirmatory Order:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.,
  59995–59997 [E9–27792] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 November 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Naval Medical Reseacrh Center, Bethesda, MD,
  59588–59590 [E9–27651] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 November 2009
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
59259–59269 [E9–27406] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Indiana Michigan Power Co.,
  59269–59270 [E9–27527] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  59270–59271 [E9–27529] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
59271–59272 [E9–27646] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 November 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Eastern Connecticut State University's Facility in Willimantic, CT,
  59013–59015 [E9–27424] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
59015 [E9–27528] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 November 2009
Acceptance of Renewal Application:
  Idaho State University, etc.,
  58656–58660 [E9–27319] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Applications; Withdrawals:
  Amendment to Facility Operating License; Tennessee Valley Authority,
  58660 [E9–27284] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  FPL Energy Duane Arnold LLC; Duane Arnold Energy Center,
  58660–58661 [E9–27276] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Renewed Facility Operating License:
  FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.; Beaver Valley Power Station (Units 1 and 2),
  58661 [E9–27277] [TEXT]  [PDF]

12 November 2009
Draft Regulatory Guides:
  Preparation of Environmental Report; Exemption for Radionuclide Containing Product,
  58318–58319 [E9–27155] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Pennsylvania State University; Penn State Breazeale Reactor,
  58319–58322 [E9–27282] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Office of New Reactors; Final Interim Staff Guidance:
  Review of Evaluation to Address Adverse Flow Effects in Equipment Other than Reactor Internals,
  58323 [E9–27154] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Interim Staff Guidance:
  Gas Accumulation Issues in Safety Related Systems,
  58323–58324 [E9–27151] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guide,
58324 [E9–27058] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 November 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses, etc.,
58058–58063 [E9–26812] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Indiana Michigan Power Co.; Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant,
  58063–58064 [E9–27057] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Subcommittee on Regulatory Policy and Practices,
  58064 [E9–27066] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  58064 [E9–27068] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
58065 [E9–27146] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Model Safety Evaluation for Plant Specific Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler:
  Clarify Application of Setpoint Methodology for LSSS Functions,
  58065–58067 [E9–27061] [TEXT]  [PDF]

9 November 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Exemption Request for Lost Creek ISR, LLC, Sweetwater County, WY,
  57712–57715 [E9–26908] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Interim Staff Guidance on Finalizing Licensing Basis Information,
57715 [E9–26909] [TEXT]  [PDF]

6 November 2009
Draft Safety Culture Policy Statement; Request for Public Comments,
57525–57529 [E9–26816] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Superseding Order of October 9, 2009, Approving Application Regarding Proposed Corporate Restructuring, etc.:
  Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC, et al.,
  57533–57536 [E9–26813] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  EDF Development, Inc., et al.,
  57531–57533 [E9–26793] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  57529–57531 [E9–26805] [TEXT]  [PDF]

5 November 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
57349–57350 [E9–26686] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Orders:
  Magna Chek, Inc.,
  57350–57352 [E9–26682] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities:
  Robert C. Robbirds,
  57352–57354 [E9–26687] [TEXT]  [PDF]

4 November 2009
Final Interim Staff Guidance:
  Streamlined Review Process for License Renewal for Research Reactors and Response to Comments,
  57206–57207 [E9–26535] [TEXT]  [PDF]

3 November 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
56882–56893 [E9–26168] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
56893–56894 [E9–26515] [TEXT]  [PDF]

2 November 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
56672–56673 [E9–26282] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Regulatory Guide,
56673 [E9–26278] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

30 October 2009
  Cogema Mining, Inc.,
  56241–56243 [E9–26220] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interim Staff Guidance on Design Reliability Assurance Program,
56243–56244 [E9–26219] [TEXT]  [PDF]

29 October 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Department of Health & Human Services, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Baltimore, MD,
  55869–55871 [E9–26069] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses, etc.:
  Exelon Generation Co. LLC, Three Mile Island Nuclear Station Unit 1, et al.,
  55871–55872 [E9–26072] [TEXT]  [PDF]

28 October 2009
No NRC notices published.

27 October 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide, DG–1199, Alternative Radiological Source Terms for Evaluating Design Basis Accidents at Nuclear Power Reactors:
  Issuance, Availability; Extension of Comment Period,
  55272–55273 [E9–25781] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
  55273–55274 [E9–25780] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interim Staff Guidance on Post-Combined License Commitments,
55274–55275 [E9–25784] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
55275–55276 [E9–25924] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Performance Review Boards for Senior Executive Service,
55276 [E9–25783] [TEXT]  [PDF]

26 October 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
55070 [E9–25661] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee (on AP1000),
  55071 [E9–25730] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on EPR,
  55070–55071 [E9–25657] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA),
  55071 [E9–25729] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Modifying Exemption:
  Waste Control Specialists, LLC,
  55071–55074 [E9–25662] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guides (4.5 and 4.6),
55074 [E9–25659] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 October 2009
  Hope Creek Generating Station, Unit 1,
  54856–54858 [E9–25533] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2,
  54854–54856 [E9–25532] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Salem Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2; Hope Creek Generating Station,
  54859–54860 [E9–25535] [TEXT]  [PDF]

22 October 2009
  ACRS Subcommittee on the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor,
  54597 [E9–25423] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committe on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment,
  54597–54598 [E9–25421] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  54595–54597 [E9–25320] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 October 2009
No NRC notices published.

20 October 2009
  Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2, and Calvert Cliffs Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation,
  53770–53772 [E9–25166] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  EDF Development, Inc.; Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC; Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC, etc.,
  53772–53773 [E9–25165] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant,
  53768–53770 [E9–25167] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
53774–53784 [E9–24915] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Regulatory Guide,
53785 [E9–25144] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
53785 [E9–25342] [TEXT]  [PDF]

19 October 2009
Industry Codes and Standards; Amended Requirements,
53402 [E9–25049] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  Westinghouse Electric Co., LLC,
  53522–53523 [E9–25041] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 October 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Department of Health and Humans Services, National Institutes of Health's Facilities, Rockville, MD,
  53305–53307 [E9–24979] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interim Staff Guidance:
  Implementation of a Seismic Margin Analysis or New Reactors Based on Probabilistic Risk Assessment,
  53307–53308 [E9–24977] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 October 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  EnergySolutions LLC, Clive, UT; Correction,
  52981 [E9–24772] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Waste Control Specialists, LLC., Andrews County, TX,
  52981–52985 [E9–24774] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  52985–52986 [E9–24771] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Radiation Protection and Nuclear Materials,
  52986 [E9–24782] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS U.S. Evolutionary Power Reactor Subcommittee,
  52986 [E9–24781] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Models for Plant Specific Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler–508,
52986–52991 [E9–24773] [TEXT]  [PDF]

14 October 2009
Criminal Penalties; Unauthorized Introduction of Weapons,
52667–52675 [E9–24566] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
52820–52821 [E9–24720] [TEXT]  [PDF]
52821 [E9–24724] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC; Withdrawal,
  52821–52822 [E9–24726] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
52822–52823 [E9–24719] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC,
  52823–52824 [E9–24722] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating License:
  Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station (Unit No. 1),
  52824–52826 [E9–24721] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  52826–52829 [E9–24723] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  52829–52830 [E9–24725] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
52830–52831 [E9–24770] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 October 2009
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  HI–STORM 100 (Revision 7) ,
  52387–52391 [E9–24561] [TEXT]  [PDF]
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  HI–STORM 100 (Revision 7) ,
  52430–52431 [E9–24562] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals ,
52510 [E9–24589] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Western Nuclear Inc. ,
  52510–52512 [E9–24564] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Interim Staff Guidance 25:
  Pressure and Helium Leakage Testing of the Confinement Boundary of Spent Fuel Storage Canisters ,
  52512–52513 [E9–24559] [TEXT]  [PDF]

9 October 2009
Confirmatory Orders:
  Christopher S. Loyd,
  52262–52265 [E9–24421] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Earth Exploration, Inc. Indianapolis, IN,
  52265–52267 [E9–24423] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Interim Staff Guidance on Evaluation and Acceptance Criteria for 10 CFR 20.1406:
  Support Design Certification and Combined License Applications; Office of New Reactors,
  52267–52268 [E9–24424] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
52268 [E9–24530] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Opportunity for Public Comment on the Proposed Model Safety Evaluation:
  Plant Specific Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler–513, etc.,
  52268–52274 [E9–24407] [TEXT]  [PDF]

8 October 2009
Discontinuance of Certain Commission Regulatory Authority Within the State:
  Agreement Between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of New Jersey,
  51882–51884 [E9–24281] [TEXT]  [PDF]

7 October 2009
Revisions to Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses,
51522–51523 [E9–24153] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Florida Power & Light Co.,
  51621 [E9–24207] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Report for Comment:
  Electric Raceway Fire Barrier Systems in Nuclear Power Plants,
  51621–51622 [E9–24211] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  EnergySolutions LLC, Clive, UT,
  51622–51625 [E9–24208] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guide (7.1),
51625 [E9–24212] [TEXT]  [PDF]

6 October 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
51322–51323 [E9–24050] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Nuclear Fuel Services, Erwin, TN,
  51323–51326 [E9–24049] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
51326–51339 [E9–23780] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Standard Review Plan:
  Renewal of Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation Licenses and Dry Cask Storage System Certificates of Compliance,
  51339 [E9–24051] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Southern California Edison Co., San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 2 and Unit 3, San Diego County, CA,
  51339–51340 [E9–24053] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
51340–51341 [E9–24142] [TEXT]  [PDF]

5 October 2009
No NRC notices published.

2 October 2009
  Luminant Generation Co. LLC; Withdrawal,
  50989 [E9–23779] [TEXT]  [PDF]

1 October 2009
  ACRS Subcommittee on Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems,
  50840 [E9–23684] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Generic Communication:
  NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2005–02, Revision 1, Clarifying the Process for Making Emergency Plan Changes,
  50840–50845 [E9–23683] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

30 September 2009
License Acceptance of Renewal Application:
  Purdue University, Special Nuclear Materials License SNM–142, West Lafayette, IN,
  50258–50260 [E9–23572] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Draft Regulatory Guide (DG–1203),
  50260 [E9–23571] [TEXT]  [PDF]

29 September 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
49895–49896 [E9–23433] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Building 43, Hoffman–La Roche Inc. Facility, Nutley, NJ,
  49902–49904 [E9–23457] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FMC Corp. Facility, Princeton, NJ,
  49899–49901 [E9–23454] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Ligand Pharmaceuticals Facility, Cranbury, NJ,
  49897–49899 [E9–23459] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Hamilton's Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Hamilton, NJ,
  49896–49897 [E9–23455] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Sarnoff Corp. Facility, Princeton, NJ,
  49901–49902 [E9–23456] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
49904 [E9–23560] [TEXT]  [PDF]

28 September 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Southern Nuclear Operating Co.; Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (Units 3 and 4),
  49407–49408 [E9–23318] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor,
  49408 [E9–23312] [TEXT]  [PDF]

25 September 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
49041–49042 [E9–23203] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  49042–49043 [E9–23194] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Solicitation of Public Comments on the Implementation of the Reactor Oversight Process,
49043–49046 [E9–23214] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 September 2009
Risk-Informed Changes to Loss-of-Coolant Accident Technical Requirements,
48667–48668 [E9–23043] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Orders:
  Douglas Poling,
  48782–48783 [E9–23038] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
48783–48784 [E9–23041] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Environmental Protection Agency Facilities in Chicago, IL,
  48786–48787 [E9–23039] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Memory Pharmaceuticals Corp., Montvale, NJ,
  48784–48786 [E9–23040] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 September 2009
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
48612–48613 [E9–23025] [TEXT]  [PDF]

22 September 2009
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazard Considerations,
48318–48323 [E9–22605] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 September 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
48102–48103 [E9–22601] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Nebraska Public Power District, Cooper Nuclear Station,
  48103–48104 [E9–22600] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes,
  48104–48105 [E9–22599] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
48105 [E9–22775] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guide (7.2),
48105–48106 [E9–22603] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 September 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, L.L.C., Raritan, NJ,
  47975–47976 [E9–22556] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Exemption from Specific Import License Requirements,
47976–47977 [E9–22559] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Regulatory Guide,
47977–47978 [E9–22558] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Standard Review Plan:
  Branch Technical Position 18–1, on Guidance for Evaluating Minimum Inventory of Alarms, Controls, and Displays for New Light Water Reactor Plant Designs,
  47978 [E9–22557] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request for a License to Export Radioactive Waste,
47978–47979 [E9–22560] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 September 2009
Memorandum and Order:
  Southern Nuclear Operating Co. (Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Units 3 and 4),
  47826–47827 [E9–22383] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 September 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
47624–47625 [E9–22327] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Director's Decision:
  Indiana Michigan Power Co., Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (Unit 1),
  47625–47626 [E9–22323] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on AP1000,
  47626 [E9–22333] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  47626 [E9–22334] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 September 2009
License and Certificate of Compliance Terms,
47126–47138 [E9–22126] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Luminant Generation Co. LLC; Withdrawal,
  47277–47278 [E9–22128] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Florida Power & Light; Turkey Point, Units 3 and 4, Florida City, FL,
  47278–47280 [E9–22185] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability,
47280–47281 [E9–22184] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Northern States Power Co., LLC; Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant,
  47281–47287 [E9–22127] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Procedure for Requesting a Hearing on a License Amendment Application; Extending the Deadline for Requesting a Hearing and Correcting Information:
  Westinghouse Electric Company LLC for the Hematite Decommissioning Project, Festus, MO,
  47287–47289 [E9–22183] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Model Safety Evaluation:
  Plant Specific Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler–446, Revision 3, etc.,
  47289–47298 [E9–22182] [TEXT]  [PDF]

14 September 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Nebraska Public Power District; Cooper Nuclear Station,
  47030–47031 [E9–21974] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
47031 [E9–22211] [TEXT]  [PDF]

11 September 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
46798 [E9–21977] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC; Withdrawal,
  46798–46799 [E9–21976] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar Nuclear Station, Unit 2,
  46799–46800 [E9–21978] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Guidelines on Use of Firearms by Security Personnel; Effective Date of Statute,
46800–46806 [E9–21980] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 September 2009
Consideration of Petition in the Rulemaking Process:
  State of Colorado and the Organization of Agreement States,
  46512–46513 [E9–21860] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Unrestricted Release of Two Buildings at Veterans Affairs Facility in Iowa City, IA,
  46624–46626 [E9–21854] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Opportunity to Request a Hearing for License Renewal Application:
  University of Texas at Austin and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non Safeguards Information, etc. ,
  46626–46630 [E9–21893] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Application For Indirect Transfer of Control of Facility Operating Licenses:
  Exelon Corporation and NRG South Texas LP; South Texas Project (Units 1 and 2),
  46630–46631 [E9–21857] [TEXT]  [PDF]

9 September 2009
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC; Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, et al.; Withdrawal,
  46470–46471 [E9–21697] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
46471–46472 [E9–21835] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Proposed Regulatory Issue Summary; Implementation of New Final Rule, Protection of Safeguards Information,
46472 [E9–21694] [TEXT]  [PDF]

8 September 2009
  PSEG Nuclear LLC, Hope Creek Generating Station,
  46238 [E9–21617] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  PSEG Nuclear LLC, Salem Nuclear Generating Station (Units 1 And 2),
  46238 [E9–21620] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Biweekly Notice:
  Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
  46239–46247 [E9–21389] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Amendment to Materials License SNM–2514:
  Pacific Gas And Electric Co., Humboldt Bay Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation,
  46247–46249 [E9–21613] [TEXT]  [PDF]

4 September 2009
Draft Regulatory Guides:
  Issuance, Availability,
  45884–45885 [E9–21470] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Southern Nuclear Operating Co.; Alabama Power Co.,
  45885–45886 [E9–21456] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawals of Applications for Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses:
  PPL Susquehanna, LLC,
  45887 [E9–21441] [TEXT]  [PDF]

3 September 2009
Administrative Changes,
45544–45546 [E9–21230] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
45653 [E9–21282] [TEXT]  [PDF]
45653–45654 [E9–21283] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide, DG–1150; Issuance, Availability,
45654–45655 [E9–21279] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide, DG–1227; Availability,
45655–45656 [E9–21280] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Lost Creek ISR, LLC; Lost Creek In-Situ Recovery Project,
  45656–45657 [E9–21285] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revised Fuel Cycle Oversight Process; Availability,
45657–45660 [E9–21278] [TEXT]  [PDF]

2 September 2009
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
45486 [E9–21272] [TEXT]  [PDF]

1 September 2009
No NRC notices published.
To top of page

31 August 2009
Interim Staff Guidance on Ensuring Hazard-Consistent Seismic Input for Site Response and Soil Structure Interaction Analyses,
44879 [E9–20916] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Early Site Permit and Limited Work Authorization:
  Vogtle Electric Generating Plant ESP Site,
  44879–44880 [E9–20915] [TEXT]  [PDF]

28 August 2009
Call For Nominations:
  Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes,
  44401–44402 [E9–20813] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Orders:
  United States Enrichment Corp.; Paducah Gaseous Enrichment Plant,
  44402–44404 [E9–20817] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Considerations of Issuances of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses, etc.:
  Florida Power and Light Co.,
  44405–44409 [E9–20808] [TEXT]  [PDF]

27 August 2009
Medical Use of Byproduct MaterialAuthorized User Clarification,Confirmation of Effective Date,
43619 [E9–20677] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Order:
  United States Enrichment Corp.; Paducah Gaseous Enrichment Plant,
  43726–43729 [E9–20678] [TEXT]  [PDF]

26 August 2009
Environmental Statements; availability, etc.:
  Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.,
  43169–43170 [E9–20586] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on the Materials, Metallurgy and Reactor Fuels,
  43170–43171 [E9–20588] [TEXT]  [PDF]

25 August 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards,
42926–42940 [E9–20403] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Department of Health & Human Services, Rockville, Md.,
  42942–42943 [E9–20408] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Merck and Co., Rahway, NJ,
  42940–42942 [E9–20406] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Amendments:
  Sacramento Municipal Utility District, Sacramento, CA,
  42943–42946 [E9–20412] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  42946–42947 [E9–20414] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
42947 [E9–20565] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 August 2009
  United States Enrichment Corporation,
  42694–42697 [E9–20331] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty:
  National Health Physics Program, Department of Veterans Affairs,
  42697–42699 [E9–20333] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Generic Communication:
  NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2005–02, Revision 1, Clarifying the Process for Making Emergency Plan Changes,
  42699–42703 [E9–20334] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 August 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Uranium One Inc.; Moore Ranch In-Situ Recovery Project, Campbell County, WY,
  42332–42333 [E9–20117] [TEXT]  [PDF]

20 August 2009
Draft Regulatory Guides:
  Granting Extension of Comment Period,
  42128–42129 [E9–19997] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Third Party Ion Exchange Resin Power Resources, Inc., Glenrock, WY,
  42129–42130 [E9–20041] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS),
  42130–42131 [E9–20014] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Materials, Mettalurgy, and Reactor Fuels Subcommittee,
  42131 [E9–20016] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Subcomittee on Planning and Procedures,
  42131 [E9–20017] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Model Safety Evaluation:
  Plant-Specific Adoption of Technical Specification Task Force Traveler–501, Revision 1, ‘Relocate Stored Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Volume Values to Licensee Control’,
  42131–42138 [E9–19998] [TEXT]  [PDF]

19 August 2009
Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses, etc.:
  Virginia Electric and Power Co.,
  41939–41944 [E9–19845] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Department of the Army, U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, Army Research Laboratory Facility, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD,
  41944–41946 [E9–19849] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Standard Review Plan for the Review of a License Application for a Fuel Cycle Facility, Draft for Public Comment (Revision 1),
41946–41947 [E9–19848] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 August 2009
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
41758 [E9–19846] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 August 2009
Confirmatory Order:
  Westinghouse Electric Co., LLC,
  41455–41458 [E9–19642] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Curtis Bay Depot Facility, Baltimore, MD; License Amendment to Source Materials License,
  41459–41461 [E9–19648] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine's Facility, Lewisburg, WV,
  41458–41459 [E9–19653] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance LR–ISG–2007–01:
  License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance Process, Revision 1; Availability,
  41461–41463 [E9–19646] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
41463 [E9–19746] [TEXT]  [PDF]

14 August 2009
Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material; Updates and Clarifications,
41096 [E9–19545] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
41173–41174 [E9–19543] [TEXT]  [PDF]
41174 [E9–19544] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Uranium One Americas; Antelope and JAB Uranium Project,
  41174–41176 [E9–19542] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 August 2009
Performance-Based Emergency Core Cooling System Acceptance Criteria,
40765–40776 [E9–19423] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide:
  Issuance, Availability,
  40854–40855 [E9–19458] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Application Request:
  U.S. Army Installation Command for Schofield Barracks, Oahu, HI,
  40855–40857 [E9–19449] [TEXT]  [PDF]

12 August 2009
  Duke Energy Carolinas LLC; Withdrawal,
  40629 [E9–19296] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide:
  Issuance, Availability,
  40629–40630 [E9–19295] [TEXT]  [PDF]

11 August 2009
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  HI–STORM 100 Revision 6, Confirmation of Effective Date,
  40060 [E9–19213] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Standardized NUHOMS System Revision 10, Confirmation of Effective Date,
  40060 [E9–19214] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards,
40233–40243 [E9–18946] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
40243–40244 [E9–19294] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guide,
40244 [E9–19211] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 August 2009
Risk-Informed Changes to Loss-of-Coolant Accident Technical Requirements,
40006–40052 [E9–18547] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  FLP Energy Seabrook, LLC, et. al.,
  39979–39980 [E9–19056] [TEXT]  [PDF]

07 August 2009
  Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal,
  39716–39717 [E9–18947] [TEXT]  [PDF]

06 August 2009
Confirmatory Orders:
  Michael T. Hackett,
  39340–39343 [E9–18821] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide:
  Issuance, Availability,
  39343–39344 [E9–18817] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Bell Laboratories Murray Hill Facility, Murray Hill, NJ,
  39346–39348 [E9–18820] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Hartford Hospital Research Facility, Hartford, CT,
  39344–39346 [E9–18819] [TEXT]  [PDF]
NRC Involvement in Navy Remediation of Hunter’s Point Shipyard, San Francisco, CA,
39348–39349 [E9–18822] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Regulatory Guide Withdrawal,
39349 [E9–18818] [TEXT]  [PDF]

05 August 2009
Industry Codes and Standards; Amended Requirements,
38890–38894 [E9–18546] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Industry Codes and Standards; Amended Requirements,
38987–38988 [E9–18549] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Uranerz Energy Corporation; Nichols Ranch In-Situ Recovery Project,
  39116–39117 [E9–18687] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Publication of Draft Revision 2, NUREG–1520, etc.,
39117–39118 [E9–18686] [TEXT]  [PDF]

04 August 2009
Draft Interim Staff Guidance Document for Fuel Cycle Facilities; Availablity,
38673–38674 [E9–18554] [TEXT]  [PDF]

03 August 2009
Fitness for Duty Programs,
38326–38328 [E9–18364] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Limiting the Quantity of Byproduct Material in a Generally Licensed Device,
38372–38381 [E9–18438] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
38475 [E9–18436] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  Tennessee Valley Authority,
  38475 [E9–18437] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Extending the Effectiveness of the Approval of the Indirect Transfer of Facility Operating Licenses:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., et al.,
  38476–38477 [E9–18435] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Receipt and Availability of Application for a Combined License:
  Florida Power & Light Co.,
  38477 [E9–18486] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

31 July 2009
Environmental Review for Renewal of Nuclear Power Plant Operating Licenses,
38117–38140 [E9–18284] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License, etc.:
  Exelon Generation Company LLC,
  38234–38238 [E9–18367] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
38238–38239 [E9–18009] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Revision to Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,
38239–38240 [E9–18010] [TEXT]  [PDF]

30 July 2009
  Areva Enrichment Services, LLC,
  38052–38062 [E9–18012] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Orders Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty
  MISTRAS Holding Group et al.; Burr Ridge, IL,
  38062–38063 [E9–18212] [TEXT]  [PDF]

29 July 2009
No NRC notices published.

28 July 2009
Biweekly Notice:
  Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses, etc.,
  37245–37252 [E9–17699] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Order Approving Direct Transfer of Materials License No. SNM–2512:
  Idaho Spent Fuel Facility,
  37252–37253 [E9–17901] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
37253–37254 [E9–17997] [TEXT]  [PDF]

27 July 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and
  37063–37064 [E9–17789] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Arizona Public Service Co. et al.,
  37064–37066 [E9–17790] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 July 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Proposed General Electric–Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment Facility,
  36781–36782 [E9–17687] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance and Availability:
  Draft Regulatory Guide (DG–3038),
  36780–36781 [E9–17689] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 July 2009
Operating Licenses, Amendments; No Significant Hazards Considerations:
  Luminant Generation Co., LLC,
  36533–36538 [E9–17568] [TEXT]  [PDF]

22 July 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC,
  36274–36275 [E9–17385] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Inc.,
  36275 [E9–17382] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 2, LLC, et al.,
  36275–36276 [E9–17386] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 July 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses:
  Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations and Containing Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information, etc.,
  35889–35896 [E9–17243] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor,
  35897 [E9–17256] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems,
  35896–35897 [E9–17290] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Plant Operations and Fire Protection,
  35896 [E9–17289] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment,
  35897 [E9–17291] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
35897–35898 [E9–17378] [TEXT]  [PDF]

20 July 2009
Revision of Fee Schedules:
  Fee Recovery for FY 2009; Correction,
  35114–35115 [Z9–13425] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
35208 [E9–17260] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Generic Communication:
  Emergency Response Data System Upgrade from Modem to Virtual Private Network Appliance,
  35208–35210 [E9–17164] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 July 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Arizona Public Service Co. et al.,
  34803–34804 [E9–17050] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guide,
34804 [E9–17048] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 July 2009
Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Exelon Generation Co. LLC,
  34594–34596 [E9–16918] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment and Final Finding of No Significant Impact with Regard to Exemption from Certain Regulatory Requirements,
34596–34597 [E9–16916] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance LR–ISG–2006–02:
  Staff Guidance Regarding the Acceptance Reviews for Environmental Requirements for License Renewal Applications; Withdrawal,
  34597–34598 [E9–16920] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 July 2009
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
34373 [E9–16912] [TEXT]  [PDF]

14 July 2009
Medical Use of Byproduct Material:
  Authorized User Clarification,
  33901–33906 [E9–16658] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Medical Use of Byproduct Material:
  Authorized User Clarification,
  33925–33928 [E9–16656] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
34044–34052 [E9–16347] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
34052–34053 [E9–16660] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Fiscal Year 2010–2015 Information Security Strategic Plan:
  Solicitation of Public Comment,
  34053 [E9–16654] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Governors' Designees Receiving Advance Notification of Transportation of Nuclear Waste,
34053–34057 [E9–16351] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 July 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
33477–33478 [E9–16494] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance LR–ISG–2008–01:
  Staff Guidance Regarding the Station Blackout Rule Associated With License Renewal Applications,
  33478–33479 [E9–16486] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revised Regulatory Guide,
33479 [E9–16499] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Exelon Generation Company, LLC,
  33479–33480 [E9–16491] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 July 2009
Availability of Draft Interim Staff Guidance Document for Fuel Cycle Facilities,
33281–33282 [E9–16352] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide: (DG)–1176:
  Issuance, Availability,
  33282–33283 [E9–16349] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Renewed Facility License (No. TR–5),
33283 [E9–16350] [TEXT]  [PDF]

9 July 2009
Consideration of Approval of an Application:
  Exelon Corp. and NRG Energy, Inc.,
  32967–32968 [E9–16248] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Exelon Generation Company, LLC,
  32979–32981 [E9–16237] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32981–32982 [E9–16238] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32978–32979 [E9–16239] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32962–32963 [E9–16240] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32976–32978 [E9–16241] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32968–32970 [E9–16242] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32963–32965 [E9–16243] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32975–32976 [E9–16244] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32965–32967 [E9–16246] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32973–32975 [E9–16247] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32971–32973 [E9–16249] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  32970–32971 [E9–16250] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Licensing Requirements for Special Nuclear Material for Waste Control Specialists, LLC., Andrews County, TX,
  32983–32987 [E9–16143] [TEXT]  [PDF]

8 July 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
32651–32652 [E9–16144] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
32652 [E9–16207] [TEXT]  [PDF]

7 July 2009
Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability,
32197–32198 [E9–15948] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Potential Changes to the Agency's Radiation Protection Regulations; Solicitation For Public Comment,
32198 [E9–15950] [TEXT]  [PDF]

6 July 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide: Issuance and Availability,
31993–31994 [E9–15784] [TEXT]  [PDF]
31993 [E9–15785] [TEXT]  [PDF]
31991–31992 [E9–15786] [TEXT]  [PDF]
31992 [E9–15787] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Amendment Requests:
  Westinghouse Electric Co., LLC,
  31994–31996 [E9–15790] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Technical Specification Improvement to Relocate Surveillance Frequencies to Licensee Control:
  Risk-Informed Technical Specification Task Force (RITSTF) Initiative 5b, etc.,
  31996–32006 [E9–15780] [TEXT]  [PDF]

2 July 2009
Availability of Interim Staff Guidance Documents for Spent Fuel Storage Casks,
31769–31770 [E9–15620] [TEXT]  [PDF]
31769 [E9–15622] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC; Three Mile Island Nuclear Station (Unit 1),
  31772 [E9–15637] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Remediation of Portions of a site in Windsor, CT,
  31770–31772 [E9–15619] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Plant Operations and Fire Protection Subcommittee,
  31773 [E9–15629] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  31772–31773 [E9–15635] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee (AP 1000),
  31773 [E9–15630] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee on Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor,
  31773–31774 [E9–15632] [TEXT]  [PDF]

1 July 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
31469 [E9–15520] [TEXT]  [PDF]
31469–31470 [E9–15522] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Availability of the Final Interim Staff Guidance DC/COL–ISG–007, etc.,
31470 [E9–15519] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

30 June 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
31316 [E9–15407] [TEXT]  [PDF]
31316–31317 [E9–15409] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
31317–31318 [E9–15280] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses; Applications, Amendments, etc.,
31318–31331 [E9–15117] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
31331–31332 [E9–15515] [TEXT]  [PDF]

29 June 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
31073 [E9–15279] [TEXT]  [PDF]

26 June 2009
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board,
30644–30645 [E9–15119] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
30645 [E9–15281] [TEXT]  [PDF]

25 June 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
30332–30333 [E9–14982] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 June 2009
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  30174–30175 [E9–14833] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Public Workshop:
  Potential Rulemaking for Safe Disposal of Unique Waste Streams Including Significant Quantities of Depleted Uranium,
  30175–30179 [E9–14820] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 June 2009
Export and Import of Nuclear Equipment and Material; Updates and Clarifications,
29614–29630 [E9–14679] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment; Availability, etc.:
  Union Carbide Corp., South Charleston, WV,
  29730–29732 [E9–14684] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses, etc.:
  Crystal River Unit 3, Citrus County, FL,
  29732–29734 [E9–14686] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
29734–29735 [E9–14803] [TEXT]  [PDF]

22 June 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Unrestricted Release of a Pharmacia Corporation Building in St. Louis, MO,
  29520–29522 [E9–14573] [TEXT]  [PDF]

19 June 2009
Consideration Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License and Opportunity for a Hearing:
  Carolina Power & Light Co.,
  29241–29243 [E9–14420] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board,
29243 [E9–14435] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Regulatory Guide:
  Issuance, Availability,
  29243–29244 [E9–14422] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Regulatory Guide 4.1, Revision 2.; Availability,
29244 [E9–14421] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Modifying Facility Operating License No. R–74:
  University of Wisconsin Nuclear Reactor,
  29244–29247 [E9–14423] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Application for Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Entergy Operations Inc.,
  29247–29248 [E9–14419] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 June 2009
Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating License, etc.:
  Southern Nuclear Operating Co.,
  28962–28967 [E9–14305] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee on the Materials, Metallurgy and Reactor Fuels,
  28967 [E9–14304] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 June 2009
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  28727–28728 [E9–14235] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Agreements:
  Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of New Jersey,
  28728–28732 [E9–14110] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 June 2009
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
28575–28583 [E9–13999] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Renewal Applications; Availability,
28583 [E9–14111] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS), Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  28584 [E9–14121] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Future Plant Designs Subcommittee,
  28583–28584 [E9–14115] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal,
  28583 [E9–14112] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Subcommittee on Radiation Protection and Nuclear Materials,
  28584 [E9–14117] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
28584–28585 [E9–14203] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 June 2009
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS):
  Seeks Qualified Candidates,
  28285 [E9–13993] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalties:
  S and M Testing Laboratory, Gurabo, PR,
  28286–28287 [E9–13992] [TEXT]  [PDF]

12 June 2009
Consideration of Aircraft Impacts for New Nuclear Power Reactors,
28112–28147 [E9–13582] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Entergy Operations, Inc.,
  28071–28072 [E9–13711] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Renewals:
  Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc., et al.,
  28072–28073 [E9–13821] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Proposed License Amendment and License Termination Plan; Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant, Unit 1,
  28073 [E9–13820] [TEXT]  [PDF]

11 June 2009
Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations,
27724–27725 [E9–13713] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
27830 [E9–13704] [TEXT]  [PDF]
27830–27831 [E9–13715] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Demand for Information:
  General Motors Corp., Detroit, MI,
  27831 [E9–13709] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance and Availability of Draft NUREG/CR:
  Diversity Strategies for Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems,
  27831–27832 [E9–13708] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Modifying License:
  Dairyland Power Cooperative,
  27832–27837 [E9–13707] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, LLC,
  27837–27842 [E9–13705] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 June 2009
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  Standardized NUHOMS System Revision 10,
  27423–27426 [E9–13579] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for FY 2009,
27642–27673 [E9–13425] [TEXT]  [PDF]
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  Standardized NUHOMS System Revision 10,
  27469–27470 [E9–13578] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment. and Finding of No Significant Impact:
  Idaho Spent Fuel Facility,
  27571–27572 [E9–13577] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Regarding Oral Argument:
  South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co.,
  27572 [E9–13574] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Agreements:
  New Jersey,
  27572–27576 [E9–13580] [TEXT]  [PDF]

9 June 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
27356 [E9–13421] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Materials License Renewals:
  Duke Power Company, LLC,
  27357 [E9–13422] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
27357 [E9–13571] [TEXT]  [PDF]

8 June 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
27188 [E9–13295] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Pennsylvania State University; Breazeale Reactor; Facility Operating License,
  27188–27190 [E9–13296] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Director's Decisions:
  Indian Point Nuclear Generating Unit Nos. 2 and 3, Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.,
  27190–27191 [E9–13297] [TEXT]  [PDF]
NRC Enforcement Policy Revision,
27191–27192 [E9–13298] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Report to Congress on Abnormal Occurrences, Fiscal Year 2008,
27192–27196 [E9–13300] [TEXT]  [PDF]

5 June 2009
Final Generic Environmental Impact Statements, Avaliability:
  In-Situ Leach Uranium Milling Facilities,
  27052–27054 [E9–13027] [TEXT]  [PDF]

4 June 2009
Petitions for Rulemaking:
  Nuclear Energy Institute,
  26814–26816 [E9–13023] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards:
  PPL Bell Bend, LLC, Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant,
  26893 [E9–13022] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance and Withdrawal of Regulatory Guides,
26893–26894 [E9–13028] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Amendment, Issuance:
  Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., Erwin, TN,
  26894 [E9–13024] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Office of New Reactors; Interim Staff Guidance on Finalizing Licensing Basis Information,
26894–26895 [E9–13025] [TEXT]  [PDF]

3 June 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
26737 [E9–12887] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance and Availability of Regulatory Guide 3.52, Revision 2,
26737–26738 [E9–12891] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
26738–26739 [E9–13019] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Agreements:
  NRC and New Jersey,
  26739–26743 [E9–12895] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Scoping Summaries:
  Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants,
  26743 [E9–12894] [TEXT]  [PDF]

2 June 2009
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks; HI–STORM 100 Revision 6,
26285–26288 [E9–12619] [TEXT]  [PDF]
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks; HI–STORM 100 Revision 6,
26310–26312 [E9–12618] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Regulatory Guide 1.84, Revision 35, and Regulatory Guide 1.147, Revision 16,
26303–26310 [E9–12751] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
26428–26440 [E9–12511] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guides; Issuance, Availability,
26440–26442 [E9–12750] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  26442 [E9–12753] [TEXT]  [PDF]

1 June 2009
Facility Operating Licenses:
  Florida Power and Light,
  26261–26263 [E9–12620] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

29 May 2009
Order Modifying License:
  Detroit Edison Co.; Fermi Power Plant Independent Spent Fuel Installation; Correction,
  25778 [Z9–8827] [TEXT]  [PDF]

28 May 2009
Environmental Assessments; Availability, etc.:
  Invitrogen Co., Branford, CT,
  25582–25583 [E9–12402] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee On Reactor Safeguards (ACRS); ACRS Subcommittee on the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR),
  25583–25584 [E9–12384] [TEXT]  [PDF]

27 May 2009
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  Detroit Edison Co., Fermi Power Plant; Correction,
  25282–25283 [E9–12279] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
25283 [E9–12373] [TEXT]  [PDF]
NRC Staff Assessment of a Proposed Agreement Between the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and New Jersey,
25283–25287 [E9–12260] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty:
  Precision Calibration & Testing Corp., York, PA,
  25287–25289 [E9–12254] [TEXT]  [PDF]

26 May 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability; Correction,
24884 [E9–12102] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Arizona Public Service Co., Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station (Units 1, 2, and 3),
  24884–24886 [E9–12098] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Renewal of Special Nuclear Material License:
  AREVA NP, Inc., Richland, WA,
  24886 [E9–12096] [TEXT]  [PDF]

22 May 2009
  Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (Unit 2),
  24044–24048 [E9–11903] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards; Establishment:
  Detroit Edison Co., Fermi Power Plant,
  24048–24049 [E9–11985] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Stakeholder Meeting on Proposed Process Changes for Research Renewal and Test Reactor Licenses,
  24049–24050 [E9–11984] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 May 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
23894 [E9–11876] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.; Beaver Valley Power Station, Units 1 and 2, Shippingport, PA,
  23895 [E9–11877] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC and UniStar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC,
  23895–23897 [E9–11878] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Oconee Nuclear Station Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation,
  23897–23899 [E9–11860] [TEXT]  [PDF]

20 May 2009
Criteria for Identifying Materials Licensees for the Agency Action Review Meeting; Availability,
23749 [E9–11704] [TEXT]  [PDF]

19 May 2009
  Energy Metals Corporation Antelope and JAB Uranium Project, Sweetwater County, WY,
  23436–23440 [E9–11604] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Biweekly Notice of Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses,
23440–23452 [E9–11268] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment, etc.; Availability:
  Global Nuclear Fuel – Americas, LLC, Wilmington, NC,
  23452–23453 [E9–11611] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
23453–23454 [E9–11712] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 May 2009
Enhancements to Emergency Preparedness Regulations,
23254–23286 [E9–10947] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Criteria for Development of Evacuation Time Estimate Studies, Draft Report for Comment:
  23219–23220 [E9–11037] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
23220–23221 [E9–11390] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  COGEMA Mining, Inc.,
  23221 [E9–11532] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interim Staff Guidances:
  Emergency Planning for Nuclear Power Plants,
  23221–23222 [E9–11036] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  23222–23224 [E9–11531] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 May 2009
  Arizona Public Service Co.; Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1, 2, and 3,
  22978–22981 [E9–11388] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Tennessee Valley Authority; Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (Unit 2),
  22981–22985 [E9–11262] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Regulatory Guide,
22985–22986 [E9–11389] [TEXT]  [PDF]

14 May 2009
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  22762 [E9–11260] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment,
  22762 [E9–11261] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
22762–22763 [E9–11387] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Requests for Materials Licenses:
  Pacific Gas and Electric Co.,
  22763 [E9–11267] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 May 2009
Proposed Generic Communication,
22599–22600 [E9–11201] [TEXT]  [PDF]

12 May 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations, etc.,
22179–22184 [E9–11034] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards:
  South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co.,
  22184 [E9–11038] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
22184–22185 [E9–11129] [TEXT]  [PDF]

11 May 2009
Regulatory Agenda
  Semiannual Regulatory Agenda, 22070–22071 [E9–10281]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  Luminant Generation Company LLC; Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Units 3 and 4,
  21837 [E9–10930] [TEXT]  [PDF]

8 May 2009
Amendment Request for Decommissioning and Opportunity to Request a Hearing:
  ABB Inc., Windsor, CT,
  21720–21722 [E9–10720] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Tennessee Valley Authority,
  21722–21727 [E9–10744] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for License Amendment,
21727–21728 [E9–10718] [TEXT]  [PDF]

7 May 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
21412 [E9–10618] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Inc.,
  21413–21414 [E9–10637] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessments, etc.:
  Sigma–Aldrich Co., St. Louis, MO,
  21414–21417 [E9–10620] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC; Byron Station (Unit No. 2),
  21418–21421 [E9–10619] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request to Amend A License for the Export of Radioactive Waste,
21421 [E9–10610] [TEXT]  [PDF]

6 May 2009
  Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC,
  21015–21016 [E9–10455] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant,
  21013–21014 [E9–10456] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
21016–21017 [E9–10552] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawal of Regulatory Guide,
21017 [E9–10457] [TEXT]  [PDF]

5 May 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses, etc:
  Bi-weekly Notice,
  20741–20758 [E9–10039] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Swiss Army Brands, Inc., Shelton, CT,
  20758–20760 [E9–10343] [TEXT]  [PDF]

4 May 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
20507–20508 [E9–10139] [TEXT]  [PDF]
20507 [E9–10140] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Eagle Rock Enrichment, Idaho Falls, ID,
  20508–20509 [E9–10141] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
20509–20510 [E9–10136] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interim Staff Guidance on Assessing the Consequences of an Accidental Release of Radioactive Materials from Liquid Waste Tanks,
20510 [E9–10137] [TEXT]  [PDF]

1 May 2009
Physical Protection of Byproduct Material,
20235–20236 [E9–10041] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
20349–20350 [E9–10040] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, Unit 2,
  20350–20355 [E9–10043] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards:
  Amerenue, Inc., Callaway Plant Unit 2,
  20355 [E9–10049] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  20355 [E9–10044] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

30 April 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
19999–20000 [E9–9941] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Amendment of Byproduct Materials License for Unrestricted Release of Facilities at University of Missouri in St. Louis, MO,
  20002–20003 [E9–9946] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC (Byron Station, Unit No. 2),
  20000–20002 [E9–9950] [TEXT]  [PDF]

29 April 2009
Status of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation's Implementation of Electronic Operating Reactor Correspondence,
19605 [E9–9768] [TEXT]  [PDF]

28 April 2009
License Amendments:
  Sequoyah Fuels Corp., Facility, Gore, OK,
  19240–19241 [E9–9624] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
19241 [E9–9751] [TEXT]  [PDF]

27 April 2009
Proposed Revisions to the License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance Process and Regulatory Issue Summary 2007–16,
19109–19110 [E9–9504] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 April 2009
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance and Availability,
18748–18749 [E9–9406] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Transfer Application and Consideration of Approval of Application:
  USEC, Inc.; American Centrifuge Plant; American Centrifuge Lead Cascade Facility ,
  18749–18751 [E9–9405] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request for LIcenses to Export Radioactive Waste,
18751–18752 [E9–9414] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 April 2009
No NRC notices published.

22 April 2009
Consideration of Petition in Rulemaking Process:
  Raymond A. West,
  18303–18304 [E9–9197] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft NUREG–1536, Revision 1A:
  Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems at a General License Facility; Correction,
  18408 [Z9–8599] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 April 2009
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
18251–18262 [E9–8832] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability,
18262–18263 [E9–9099] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  18263–18265 [E9–9101] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
18265 [E9–9196] [TEXT]  [PDF]

20 April 2009
Final Regulatory Guide: Issuance, Availability and Withdrawal,
18000 [E9–9034] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Renewed Facility Operating License:
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC,
  18000–18001 [E9–9030] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 April 2009
Physical Protection of Byproduct Material; Preliminary Draft Rule Language,
17794–17795 [E9–8830] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Issuance and Availability of Regulatory Guide (RG) 3.16 (Revision 1),
  17885 [E9–8828] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Modifying License:
  Detroit Edison Co.; Fermi Power Plant Independent Spent Fuel Installation,
  17890–17895 [E9–8827] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FirstEnergy Operating Co.; Perry Nuclear Power Plant Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation,
  17885–17890 [E9–8826] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 April 2009
Draft NUREG–1536, Revision 1A:
  Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems at a General License Facility,
  17696 [E9–8602] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 April 2009
Draft Availability:
  NUREG–1536, Revision 1A, ‘Standard Review Plan for Spent Fuel Dry Storage Systems at a General License Facility’,
  17546–17547 [E9–8599] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance and Availability of Draft Regulatory Guide,
17547 [E9–8597] [TEXT]  [PDF]

14 April 2009
Requirements for Fingerprinting for Criminal History Record Checks of Individuals Granted Unescorted Access to Research and Test Reactors,
17115–17119 [E9–8461] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
17226 [E9–8447] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses, etc.,
17226–17233 [E9–8455] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  17234 [E9–8465] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Radiation Protection and Nuclear Materials,
  17234 [E9–8464] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Regulatory Policies and Practices,
  17233 [E9–8466] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
17234–17235 [E9–8575] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 April 2009
Bob Christie; Consideration of Petition in Rulemaking Process,
16802–16803 [E9–8319] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 April 2009
No NRC notices published.

9 April 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
16236 [E9–8063] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  General Electric–Hitachi Global Laser Enrichment Uranium Enrichment Facility,
  16237–16238 [E9–8062] [TEXT]  [PDF]

8 April 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
16013 [E9–7947] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating License; Applications:
  PPL Susquehanna, LLC; Withdrawal,
  16012 [E9–7810] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities:
  Keith Davis,
  16013–16015 [E9–7946] [TEXT]  [PDF]

7 April 2009
Biweekly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
15765–15778 [E9–7494] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Exelon Generation Company, LLC,
  15779–15783 [E9–7807] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Indiana Michigan Power Co.,
  15778–15779 [E9–7808] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
15783–15784 [E9–7943] [TEXT]  [PDF]

6 April 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant,
  15523–15525 [E9–7653] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Renewed Facility License; Issuance:
  Missouri University Of Science And Technology Research Reactor,
  15525 [E9–7648] [TEXT]  [PDF]

3 April 2009
Amendment Request for Decommissioning:
  Department of the Navy, Hypervelocity Gun Facility, Naval Research Laboratory, Chesapeake Beach, MD,
  15310–15312 [E9–7491] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  AREVA NP, Inc., Richland, WA,
  15312–15313 [E9–7492] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes,
  15313–15314 [E9–7497] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
15314 [E9–7624] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Standard Review Plan Section on Risk–Informed, Performance–Based Fire Protection Program, Correction ,
15314 [E9–7495] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Withdrawl of Application to Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Northern States Power Company – Minnesota,
  15315 [E9–7493] [TEXT]  [PDF]

2 April 2009
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company,
  15008–15009 [E9–7418] [TEXT]  [PDF]

1 April 2009
Commonwealth of Virginia:
  Discontinuance of Certain Commission Regulatory Authority; Agreement Between the NRC and Virginia; Waiver Termination,
  14821–14823 [E9–7283] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards:
  In the Matter of Himat Soni,
  14823–14824 [E9–7284] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  In the Matter of Dhiraj Soni,
  14824 [E9–7277] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

31 March 2009
Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact for License Amendments:
  Byproduct Nuclear Materials License No. 29–30119–01, etc.,
  14594–14596 [E9–7153] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Subcommittee on Safety Research Program,
  14596 [E9–7276] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
14596–14597 [E9–7279] [TEXT]  [PDF]

30 March 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
14163 [E9–6996] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Missouri University of Science and Technology,
  14163–14165 [E9–6997] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities:
  Jennifer O′Neill-Torres,
  14166–14167 [E9–6995] [TEXT]  [PDF]

27 March 2009
Power Reactor Security Requirements,
13926–13993 [E9–6102] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
13481–13482 [E9–6847] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses; Exemptions:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station,
  13482–13483 [E9–6845] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pre-Licensing Construction Activities at Proposed Uranium Recovery Facilities:
  Proposed Generic Communication,
  13483–13485 [E9–6844] [TEXT]  [PDF]

26 March 2009
Proposed Revisions to the License Renewal Interim Staff Guidance Process and Regulatory Issue Summary 2007–16,
13272 [E9–6757] [TEXT]  [PDF]

25 March 2009
Variable Annual Fee Structure for Power Reactors,
12735–12737 [E9–6554] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
12910–12911 [E9–6553] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessments:
  Aastrom Biosciences, Ann Arbor, MI,
  12911–12913 [E9–6399] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  Detroit Edison Co.,
  12913 [E9–6555] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 March 2009
  Biweekly Notice,
  12390–12399 [E9–6112] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  FPL Energy Duane Arnold, LLC,
  12399–12401 [E9–6413] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unit 2,
  12402 [E9–6401] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Regulatory Guide 1.125, Revision 2; Availability,
12401 [E9–6408] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
12401–12402 [E9–6549] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 March 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
12154–12155 [E9–6245] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order for Implementation of Additional Security Measures and Fingerprinting for Unescorted Access:
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC,
  12155–12159 [E9–6246] [TEXT]  [PDF]

20 March 2009
  Dominion Energy Kewaunee, Inc.; Withdrawal,
  11979–11980 [E9–6104] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Availability of the Final Interim Staff Guidance on the Definition of Construction and on Limited Work Authorizations; Correction,
11978 [E9–6111] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  PPL Susquehanna, LLC; Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, Units 1 and 2,
  11978–11979 [E9–6110] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
11979 [E9–6105] [TEXT]  [PDF]

19 March 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
11767 [E9–5997] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Order:
  Mark M. Ficek,
  11772–11773 [E9–5998] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Mattingly Testing Services, Inc.,
  11767–11772 [E9–5999] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD; Disposal of Contaminated Soil,
  11774–11775 [E9–6000] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 March 2009
Combined License Applications, etc.:
  PPL Bell Bend, LLC,
  11606–11610 [E9–5810] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Order Modifying License:
  Quality Inspection Services, Inc,
  11610–11612 [E9–5812] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment, etc.:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc., Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, Windham County, Vt,
  11612–11613 [E9–5811] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 March 2009
Issuance and Availability of Regulatory Guide (RG) 10.4, (Revision 3),
11382 [E9–5703] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance and Availability of Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 2,
11381–11382 [E9–5698] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
11383 [E9–5807] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 March 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Alpha Q, Inc. Facility, Colchester, CT,
  11136–11137 [E9–5601] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Interim Staff Guidance:
  Disposition of Review of Evaluation to Address Adverse Flow Effects in Equipment Other than Reactor Internals,
  11137–11138 [E9–5604] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  11138–11139 [E9–5613] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal,
  11138 [E9–5600] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  11139 [E9–5622] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  11139–11140 [E9–5610] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request for Action:
  Indiana Michigan Power Co.,
  11140–11141 [E9–5614] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 March 2009
Implementation of a Dose Standard After 10,000 Years,
10811–10830 [E9–5448] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment,
  10969 [E9–5450] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Tennessee Valley Authority (Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Units 1 and 2),
  10969–10971 [E9–5437] [TEXT]  [PDF]

12 March 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
10783–10784 [E9–5359] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Draft Regulatory Guide; Issuance, Availability,
10784–10785 [E9–5358] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Amendment of Byproduct Materials License; Unrestricted Release of a Facility in Creve Coeur, MO,
  10785–10786 [E9–5356] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Generic Communications; Protection of Safeguards Information,
10786–10790 [E9–5296] [TEXT]  [PDF]

11 March 2009
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, Plant Operations & Fire Protection,
  10624 [E9–5263] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 March 2009
Biweekly Notice Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
10305–10315 [E9–4898] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
10315–10316 [E9–5224] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Privacy Act; Systems of Records,
10316–10317 [Z8–31458] [TEXT]  [PDF]

09 March 2009
  Florida Power Corp.,
  10099–10101 [E9–4951] [TEXT]  [PDF]

06 March 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
9832–9833 [E9–4762] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Confirmatory Order Modifying License:
  Schlumberger Technology Corp.,
  9833–9836 [E9–4761] [TEXT]  [PDF]

05 March 2009
No NRC notices published.

04 March 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals:
  9437 [E9–4566] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessments and Findings of No Significant Impact:
  Three Mile Island, Unit 1,
  9437–9438 [E9–4565] [TEXT]  [PDF]

03 March 2009
C–10 Research and Education Foundation, Inc.:
  Receipt of Petition for Rulemaking,
  9178–9180 [E9–4444] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact:
  Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2,
  9308–9315 [E9–4441] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Indiana Michigan Power Co.; Donald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (Units 1 and 2),
  9315 [E9–4438] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
9315–9316 [E9–4559] [TEXT]  [PDF]

02 March 2009
Revision of Fee Schedules:
  Opportunity to Request Administrative Review,
  9130–9157 [E9–4229] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
9112 [E9–4334] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Combined License Application; Extension to the Environmental Scoping Period:
  South Carolina Electric and Gas Co. (aka Santee Cooper), etc.,
  9112–9113 [E9–4336] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Board:
  Progress Energy Florida, Inc.,
  9113 [E9–4338] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
9113 [E9–4436] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs Annual Decommissioning Report; Availability,
9113–9114 [E9–4331] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

27 February 2009
Consideration of Issuance of Amendment to Facility Operating License, Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination:
  Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC,
  9009–9011 [E9–4228] [TEXT]  [PDF]

26 February 2009
No NRC notices published.

25 February 2009
Docketing and Consideration of Approval of Transfer of Materials License:
  Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp.,
  8587–8588 [E9–4024] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
8588–8589 [E9–4109] [TEXT]  [PDF]

24 February 2009
Facility Operating License, etc.:
  Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC,
  8273–8276 [E9–3896] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  8276–8278 [E9–3898] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  8278–8281 [E9–3899] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses, etc.:
  Biweekly Notice,
  8281–8294 [E9–3515] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 February 2009
Availability of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for License Amendment:
  Unitech Services Group, Honolulu, HI,
  8120–8121 [E9–3768] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Availability of the Final Interim Staff Guidance COL/ESP–ISG–004 on the Definition of Construction and on Limited Work Authorizations; Correction,
8124 [E9–3757] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Indirect Transfer of Control and Issuance of License Amendment:
  Nuclear Fuel Services, Inc., Erwin, TN,
  8121–8122 [E9–3752] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for License Amendment:
  Key Largo, FL,
  8122–8123 [E9–3750] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Subcommittee on Materials, Metallurgy & Reactor Fuels,
  8123 [E9–3753] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report for the Nuclear Ship Savannah,
  8124 [E9–3749] [TEXT]  [PDF]

20 February 2009
Protection of Safeguards Information; Correction,
7785 [E9–3629] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes; Call for Nominations,
7928 [E9–3630] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment, etc.:
  Mary Washington College Facility, Fredericksburg, VA,
  7929–7930 [E9–3623] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Prohibiting Involvement in NRC-Licensed Activities:
  Dhiraj Soni,
  7930–7932 [E9–3627] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Himat Soni ,
  7932–7934 [E9–3625] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order, Hearing, and Opportunity to Petition for Leave to Intervene:
  South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Co.,
  7934–7938 [E9–3632] [TEXT]  [PDF]

19 February 2009
Environmental Assessment, etc.:
  Unrestricted Release of a Facility in Ann Arbor, MI,
  7705–7706 [E9–3500] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Issuance of License Amendment to Transfer the Control of Special Nuclear Materials License (No. SNM–42),
7706–7707 [E9–3505] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  7707–7709 [E9–3498] [TEXT]  [PDF]

18 February 2009
Regulatory Changes to Implement the Additional Protocol to the US/IAEA Safeguards Agreement; Correction,
7549 [E9–3390] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
7621–7622 [E9–3489] [TEXT]  [PDF]

17 February 2009
Technical Specifications Task Force:
  Denial of Petition for Rulemaking ,
  7382–7384 [E9–3144] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses:
  Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations and Containing Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information, etc.,
  7482–7488 [E9–3282] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Availability of the Final Interim Staff Guidance COL/ESP–ISG–04 on the Definition of Construction and on Limited Work Authorizations,
7488 [E9–3397] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Consideration of Amendment Request for Decommissioning and Opportunity for Hearing:
  Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, Dahlgren, VA,
  7491–7492 [E9–3286] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC; Correction,
  7488 [E9–3285] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC and Unistar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC; Scoping Meeting: Cancellation,
  7488–7489 [E9–3394] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility operating licenses:
  FPL Energy Duane Arnold, LLC,
  7489–7491 [E9–3289] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Request to Amend a License for the Export of Radioactive Waste,
7492–7493 [E9–3389] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 February 2009
  Omaha Public Power District; Fort Calhoun Station (Unit No. 1),
  7271–7273 [E9–3143] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal,
  7273 [E9–3083] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; Subcommittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assesment,
  7273–7274 [E9–3160] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
7274 [E9–3278] [TEXT]  [PDF]

12 February 2009
Protection of Safeguards Information; Correction,
6989 [E9–3074] [TEXT]  [PDF]

11 February 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
6922–6923 [E9–2896] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Materials, Metallurgy & Reactor Fuels,
  6923 [E9–2899] [TEXT]  [PDF]

10 February 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
6661–6662 [E9–2713] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations,
6662–6674 [E9–2553] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Subcommittee on Materials, Metallurgy and Reactor Fuels,
  6675 [E9–2715] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  6674–6675 [E9–2714] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
6675 [E9–2892] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Approving Indirect Transfer of Materials License:
  Foster Wheeler Environmental Corp.; Idaho Spent Fuel Facility,
  6676 [E9–2712] [TEXT]  [PDF]

09 February 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
6421 [E9–2616] [TEXT]  [PDF]
6421–6422 [E9–2618] [TEXT]  [PDF]
6422 [E9–2620] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Exelon Generation Co., LLC and PSEG Nuclear, LLC Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Unit Nos. 2 and 3,
  6423–6430 [E9–2615] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of Texas,
6430–6432 [E9–2617] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Renewal Request and Opportunity to Request a Hearing:
  Source Materials License SUA–1341, COGEMA Mining, Inc., Christensen and Irigaray Ranch Facilities, etc.,
  6436–6440 [E9–2619] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems,
  6432 [E9–2622] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  ACRS Subcommittee on Thermal–Hydraulic Phenomena,
  6433 [E9–2625] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Safety Culture Policy Statement Development,
  6433–6436 [E9–2621] [TEXT]  [PDF]

06 February 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Exelon Generation Company, LLC, and PSEG Nuclear, LLC; Correction,
  6332 [E9–2546] [TEXT]  [PDF]

05 February 2009
  Luminant Generation Co. LLC; hearing,
  6177–6181 [E9–2455] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Proposed Standard Review Plan Section on Risk–Informed, Performance–Based Fire Protection Program,
6181–6182 [E9–2456] [TEXT]  [PDF]

04 February 2009
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  MAGNASTOR Addition; Confirmation of Effective Date,
  5983 [E9–2370] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Application for Renewal:
  Florida Power Corp.; Crystal River Unit 3 Nuclear Generating Plant,
  6060 [E9–2323] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment; Availability, etc.:
  Signum Biosciences, Inc.; Monmouth Junction, NJ,
  6060–6062 [E9–2362] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment; Availability. etc.:
  Seiko Corp. of America's, Mahwah, NJ,
  6062–6063 [E9–2324] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  AMERENUE; Callaway Plant Unit 2,
  6064–6067 [E9–2322] [TEXT]  [PDF]

03 February 2009
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
5948–5949 [E9–2320] [TEXT]  [PDF]

02 February 2009
Notification of Impending Waiver Termination,
5797 [E9–2179] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; ACRS Subcommittee on US–APWR,
  5872–5873 [E9–2180] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
5873 [E9–2221] [TEXT]  [PDF]
To top of page

30 January 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC and Unistar Nuclear Operating Services, LLC,
  5688–5689 [E9–2050] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Common Law Tort Claims Concerning Design and Marking of DOT Specification 39 Compressed Gas Cylinders,
5723–5726 [E9–1993] [TEXT]  [PDF]

29 January 2009
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking:
  Eric Epstein, Chairman, Three Mile Island Alert, Inc.,
  5187–5191 [E9–1904] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.; Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (Unit Nos. 2 and 3),
  5191–5192 [E9–1903] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Safety Culture Policy Statement Development; Public Meeting and Request for Public Comments; Correction,
  5192 [E9–1902] [TEXT]  [PDF]

28 January 2009
Westinghouse Electric Company LLC; Consideration of Petition in Rulemaking Process,
4911 [E9–1372] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Combined License Application; Cancellation of Environmental Scoping Process, etc.:
  Entergy Operations, Inc.; River Bend Station Unit 3,
  4985–4986 [E9–1779] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating License, etc.:
  Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC,
  4986–4988 [E9–1775] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Receipt and Availability for Comment of Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report:
  Nuclear Ship Savannah,
  4988 [E9–1778] [TEXT]  [PDF]

27 January 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses:
  Biweekly Notice,
  4764–4781 [E9–1568] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Demand For Information:
  Certain General Material Licensees,
  4781–4782 [E9–1680] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards,
  4782–4783 [E9–1679] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
4784 [E9–1772] [TEXT]  [PDF]

26 January 2009
Denial of Petition for Rulemaking:
  Raymond A. Crandall,
  4346–4353 [E9–1211] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Availability of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Public Meeting:
  Virginia Electric and Power Co., d/b/a Dominion Virginia Power, and Old Dominion Electric Cooperative; Correction,
  4475–4476 [E9–1564] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Nebraska Public Power District; Cooper Nuclear Station,
  4476–4477 [E9–1563] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Establishment of Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards,
4477–4478 [E9–1577] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Northern States Power Co. (formerly Nuclear Management Co., LLC),
  4478–4479 [E9–1578] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Southern California Edison Co.; San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 3; Exemption,
4479–4480 [E9–1566] [TEXT]  [PDF]

23 January 2009
Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses,
4247–4257 [E9–1152] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statement; Intent, etc.:
  Union Electric Company D/B/A Ameren UE; Callaway Plant Unit 2 Combined License Application,
  4257–4258 [E9–1383] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committe on Reactor Safeguards,
  4259 [E9–1375] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (Acrs); Subcommittee on Planning and Procedures,
  4259 [E9–1368] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (Acrs); Subcommittee on Plant License Renewal,
  4259 [E9–1369] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
4260 [E9–1554] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Safety Culture Policy Statement Development; Public Meeting and Request for Public Comments,
4260–4263 [E9–1376] [TEXT]  [PDF]

22 January 2009
Meetings; Sunshine Act ,
4057–4058 [E9–1370] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Multi–Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment Manual; Correction ,
3995 [Z9–975] [TEXT]  [PDF]

21 January 2009
Receipt and Availability for Application of Renewal:
  Arizona Public Service Co. ,
  3655 [E9–1138] [TEXT]  [PDF]

16 January 2009
Confirmatory Order:
  Tennessee Valley Authority; Sequoyah Nuclear Plant,
  3103–3104 [E9–823] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of California,
3107–3108 [E9–971] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the State of Missouri,
3108–3110 [E9–980] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Final Memorandum of Understanding Between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Virginia Department of Health,
3105–3106 [E9–966] [TEXT]  [PDF]
License Amendment and Opportunity to Request a Hearing:
  Areva, NP, Inc.; Richland WA, etc.,
  3110–3114 [E9–960] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Multi–Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment Manual,
2998–2999 [E9–975] [TEXT]  [PDF]

15 January 2009
No NRC notices published.

14 January 2009
Regulatory Improvements to the Nuclear Materials Management and Safeguards System; Correction,
1872 [E9–586] [TEXT]  [PDF]

13 January 2009
Environmental Assessment; Availability, etc.:
  Hypervelocity Gun Facility, Naval Research Laboratory, Chesapeake Beach, MD,
  1710–1712 [E9–457] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Facility Operating Licenses, etc.:
  Biweekly Notice,
  1712–1723 [E9–35] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
1723 [E9–585] [TEXT]  [PDF]

12 January 2009
List of Approved Spent Fuel Storage Casks:
  NAC–UMS Revision 5, Confirmation of Effective Date,
  1143 [E9–346] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Availability of Model Applications:
  Technical Specification Improvement to Revise Containment Isolation Valve Completion Times, etc.,
  1252–1262 [E9–345] [TEXT]  [PDF]

09 January 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Abb, Inc. Facility; Windsor, CT; Finding of No Significant Impact for License Amendment,
  965–967 [E9–202] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Revision 13, Report on Waste Burial Charges Changes in Decommissioning Waste Disposal Costs at Low-Level Waste Burial Facilities,
967 [E9–203] [TEXT]  [PDF]

08 January 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Becton Dickinson Caribe Ltd. Facility; Cayey, PR; License Amendment ,
  834–836 [E9–94] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information:
  Detroit Edison Co.; Hearing and Opportunity to Petion for Leave to Intervene,
  836–840 [E9–111] [TEXT]  [PDF]

07 January 2009
Issuance of Regulatory Guide,
728–729 [E8–31423] [TEXT]  [PDF]

06 January 2009
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  AmerGen Energy Co., LLC; Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 1; Draft Supplement 37; Correction,
  470 [E8–31422] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Intent, etc.:
  PPL Bell Bend, LLC; Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant,
  470–472 [E8–31420] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
472 [E9–32] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Privacy Act; Systems of Records,
574–608 [E8–31458] [TEXT]  [PDF]

05 January 2009
Agency Information Collection Activities; Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals,
322–323 [E8–31402] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Combined License Application:
  South Carolina Electric and Gas Co.,
  323–324 [E8–31280] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Environmental Impact Statements; Availability, etc.:
  Entergy Operations, Inc.,
  324–326 [E8–31276] [TEXT]  [PDF]

02 January 2009
Consideration of Issuance of an Amendment to Facility Operating License:
  Entergy Nuclear Operations, Inc.,
  123–126 [E8–31207] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Meetings; Sunshine Act,
126 [E8–31266] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Approving Transfer of License and Conforming Amendment:
  AmerGen Energy Co., LLC; Exelon Generation Co., LLC; Clinton Power Station (Unit No. 1),
  127–128 [E8–31209] [TEXT]  [PDF]
  128–129 [E8–31211] [TEXT]  [PDF]
Order Approving Transfer of Licenses and Conforming Amendment:
  Amergen Energy Co., LLC; Exelon Generation Co., LLC (Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station),
  129–130 [E8–31206] [TEXT]  [PDF]

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012