News / Africa

Hollande Stresses Human Rights in DRC

French President Francois Hollande and DRC President Joseph Kabila stand during the opening session of the Francophone Summit, in Kinshasa, DRC, Oct. 13, 2012.
French President Francois Hollande and DRC President Joseph Kabila stand during the opening session of the Francophone Summit, in Kinshasa, DRC, Oct. 13, 2012.
VOA News
French President Francois Hollande has stressed the importance of upholding human rights and achieving peace in the troubled regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo, at the opening of a Francophone summit in the DRC capital, Kinshasa.

Hollande has previously criticized the human rights situation in eastern Congo where a rebellion is taking place. He called the situation "unacceptable."

DRC President Joseph Kabila met with Hollande earlier Saturday. In opening remarks at the summit, he described the rebellion as "an unjust war" imposed by outside forces. The United Nations has accused Rwanda of backing the rebel movement, which Rwanda denies.

Along with the Congolese rebellion, the situation in Mali is expected to dominate the conference, which ends Sunday. The United Nations on Friday passed a resolution clearing the way for deployment of foreign troops to help Mali's interim government deal with Islamist militants who have taken control of the north.

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by: 9dharma from: china
October 14, 2012 2:20 PM
human rights, we need

by: Suzan from: Goma
October 13, 2012 4:10 PM
Too many people are dying here in the Congo. Please do not let these crimes left unpunished. I have lot too many people in my family and acquaintances. Please do something!