One of the most important components of the Supreme Court Historical Society is its vigorous publications program. The publications produced by the Society play an important role in fulfilling its educational mission to expand Americans’ understanding of the Supreme Court and its history. The Quarterly is in a newsletter format. Published four times a year, it contains short articles focusing on aspects of the history of the Court, its Justices and its work. Articles are often anecdotal and tend to be informal. Past issues have highlighted earlier Justices and their family members, famous Court cases, and other materials of interest. The Quarterly is a benefit of membership in the Society and each member receives copies as they are published. In addition, selected issues are posted on the web site for increased accessibility.

Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXIII NUMBER 4, 2011 [PDF]

Supplementary Article with footnotes:

Judah P. Benjamin: Part II: ““The Queen’s Counsel”” by Judah Best

Previously Published Quarterly Newsletters:


Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXIII NUMBER 3, 2011 [PDF] Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXIII NUMBER 2, 2011 [PDF]

Supplementary Article with footnotes:

Judah P. Benjamin: Part I: “The Little Jew from New Orleans” by Judah Best

Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXIII NUMBER 1, 2011 [PDF]


Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXII NUMBER 4, 2010 [PDF]

Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXII NUMBER 3, 2010 [PDF]

Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXII NUMBER 2, 2010 [PDF]

Click Here for the Quarterly VOLUME XXXII NUMBER 1, 2010 [PDF]


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