Petascale Systems Integration into Large Scale Facilties workshop

Hotel Nikko, San Francisco, California

May 15-16, 2007


Petascale systems will soon be deployed. Every phase of petascale systems, from the first design to the final use, present unprecedented challenges. Activity is underway for requirements definition, hardware and software design, programming model, methods and tools innovation and acquisitions. After systems are designed and purchased, and before they can be used at their full potential for their intended purposes, they must be installed in a facility, integrated with the existing infrastructure and environment, tested and then deployed for use.

This workshop will add large scale systems to the body experience by looking at the challenges and opportunities that come with Petascale systems deployment. Participants will identify challenges; search for the best practices; share experiences and define lessons learned. Furthermore, the workshop will assess the effectiveness of tools and techniques that are or could be helpful in petascale deployments, and determine potentially beneficial tools areas for research and development. The workshop will also address methods to ensure systems continue to operate at the same or better levels after deployment. Finally, the workshop will foster a network of experts who are able to share information on an on-going basis as petascale systems come on line.

Workshop Goals

Final Draft Report

Please provide your comments no later than September 28, 2007 to:

Final Agenda

(includes links to the presentations and to the reports from the breakout sessions)


By last name and
By organization

Workshop Format

A mix of presentations, panels and discussions. The presentations will be designed to establish discussion topics and generate discussion. Break-outs and/or panels will be focus on specific areas and/or questions related to deployment and integration. Breakout leaders will format questions and summarize the results of the breakouts.


Daniel Hitchcock and Barbara Helland, Facilities Division, The Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR), Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.

Workshop Organizer

William T.C. Kramer, NERSC General Manager

If you have any questions, please contact us at:

Registration is now closed.

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