International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program


If you believe that you or someone you know has been a victim of international terrorism, help may be available. The International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program (ITVERP) offers financial support for qualified persons. more...

Who Is Eligible?

If you have suffered a direct physical or emotional injury as a result of an act of international terrorism, as designated by the Attorney General, you may be eligible to receive reimbursement through ITVERP. If your family member has died as a direct result of an act of international terrorism, you, as a surviving family member, may be eligible to receive reimbursement through ITVERP. To receive reimbursement you, the victim, must (at the time of the terrorism event) be either—

  • An officer or employee of the U.S. Government, or
  • A national of the United States.


What Expenses Are Covered?

Eligible claimants of international terrorism may apply to receive reimbursement for expenses related directly to recovery from the terrorism event. This expense-based reimbursement program covers out-of-pocket expenses such as—

  • Medical expenses (including
    dental and rehabilitation costs);
  • Mental health care costs;
  • Property loss, repair, or replacement;
  • Funeral and burial costs; and
  • Miscellaneous expenses.


How To Apply

If you believe you are an eligible victim of a designated international terrorism event, please use the following forms and information to prepare your application for reimbursement.
