R 231630Z MAY 12 ALCGRSV 038/12 SUBJ: OCT 2012 RESERVE SERVICEWIDE EXAMINATION (RSWE) COMPETITION A. PPCINST M1418.1D DTD 7 OCT 2009, Servicewide Exam (SWE) Guide B. Enlisted Accessions, Evaluations, and Advancement Manual, COMDTINST M1000.2 C. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28A, CHAP.7.C. D. Performance, Training and Education Manual, COMDTINST M1500.10C E. COMDTNOTE 1430, ALCOAST 189/12, Selected Reserve Supplemental Advancement Procedures 1. Summary. This message announces the OCT 2012 RSWE in all ratings for pay grades E-5 through E-9. Commanding Officers shall ensure dissemination of this message to all reserve enlisted members in their AOR. Units, SWE officers and affected members shall familiarize themselves with the contents of Refs (A) thru (E) and this message. Members' failure to receive and review this message will not justify a waiver of its requirements. 2. Schedule. RSWEs will be administered on Saturday morning, 20 OCT 2012. Active duty members (if otherwise eligible) who RELAD by 30 JUN 2012 and affiliate with the ready or standby reserve (active status) may participate in this RSWE cycle. 3. RSWE/End Of Course Test (EOCT) waivers: A. The OCT 2012 RSWE is waived for the following ratings: BM1, BM2, DC2, EM1, EM2, ET1, ET2, FS2, GM1, HS1, IS2, IV1, IV2, ME1, ME2, MK1, MK2, MST1, OS1, OS2, PA2, SK2, and YN2. B. Rating EOCTS for the OCT 2012 RSWE are waived for the following ratings: FS1, IS1, and YN1. C. RSWE and EOCT waivers are only authorized as listed above. This message supersedes previously published waivers. Supplemental advancement eligibility requirements are contained in Ref. (E). D. Consult 3.B.6.D.4 of Ref. (B) for information regarding items that may be used by BM/OS candidates. All candidates may use non-programmable calculators. 4. Responsibilities A. Member (1) Ensure all requirements of 3.A.4.b of Ref. (B) are met. (2) PDEs will be posted online in DA "Member Self Service" in July 2012. The member is solely responsible for accuracy of all online PDE data and corrections. Report any discrepancies to your administration or Servicing Personnel Office (SPO). After reporting PDE discrepancies the member must ensure that corrective action was taken by re-verifying the online PDE. The member shall contact PPC (ADV) directly via email at "PPC-DG-ADV" or by phone at 785-339-3400 NLT 01SEP2012 if the online PDE has not been corrected prior to the PDE correction deadline. Failure by the member to report and verify online PDE corrections may result in a "not eligible" status for the SWE or loss of points in the final multiple score. If the online PDE does not show a status of "eligible" by 01 SEP 2012, an exam will not be shipped. (3) The member shall notify their command NLT 01 SEP 2012 if their SWE should be mailed to a location other than the normal Exam Board OPFAC shown on the PDE. B. Command (1) Commanding Officers' responsibilities are detailed briefly in 3.A.4.e of Ref. (B) and fully amplified throughout chapter 3 of Ref. (B). Any unit with connectivity issues may request paper PDEs or Profile Letters by email to "PPC-DG-ADV" or by MSG to "COGARD PPC TOPEKA KS//ADV//." Commanding Officers are reminded to withhold or withdraw advancements for members who become ineligible at any time during the SWE cycle regardless of eligibility list standing. This includes a member receiving a "not recommended" on a subsequent EER. Send message notification to "COGARD PSC TOPEKA KS//ADV//," info "COMCOGARD PERSCOM ARLINGTON, VA//RPM-1//." (2) Unit failure to provide support to the member in correcting or updating the online PDE is not justification for a PDE correction deadline waiver, regardless if considered "no fault of the member." The member is ultimately responsible to notify PPC (ADV) prior to the published deadline if the unit fails to provide support. (3) A missing EER with current Commanding Officer recommendation is the most common reason for member ineligibility. IAW article 3.A.4.e.4 of Ref. (B), each member must have a current EER with a Commanding Officer recommendation. The EER must be effective dated after 01 JUL 2011 and NLT 01 JUL 2012 for all candidates. If an EER was not completed in this date range due to reasons listed in 5.E.1.a of Ref. (B), commands shall complete a "SWE-EER" effective dated NLT 01 JUL 2012. SWE EERs cannot be submitted only to change a Commanding Officer's recommendation. (4) Changes to the Commanding Officer's recommendation on the current EER from "not recommended" to "recommended" must be effective dated and approved/finalized/posted in DA NLT 01 JUL 2012. Only the Approving Official who originally assigned the "not recommended" may approve the recommendation change on the latest EER. (5) Verify that EPQs/EPMEs were completed and signed off effective NLT 01 JUL 2012. (6) The last day that units away from their homeport on continuous deployment from mid-September to the SWE date may request an early mailing of SWEs is 01 SEP 2012. (7) Submit email to "PPC-DG-ADV," informing of members with incomplete EPQs but PDEs showing "eligible," to prevent a SWE from being mailed NLT 01 SEP 2012. (8) The last day a unit may request to have a member's exam shipped directly to an exam board different from that on the PDE is 01 SEP 2012. (9) The last day for the command to request a substitute SWE for a member who cannot participate on the normal date due to emergency or operations is 27 OCT 2012. C. Servicing Personnel Officer (SPO) (1) Complete online PDE corrections in DA by 01 SEP 2012 D. PPC (1) Post online PDEs to DA self service by JUL 2012. (2) Begin early mailings of SWEs to U/W units by AUG 2012. (3) Begin mailing SWEs to exam boards units by SEP 2012. (4) Post online SWE Profile Letters to DA self service by DEC 2012. (5) Provide ADV Eligibility List to PSC for release by DEC 2012. 5. Miscellaneous A. EERs in the members' current pay grade will be used to compute the marks multiple within the date ranges listed in 3.A.6.b. of Ref. (B). B. The Point Start Date (PSD) shown on the PDE will be used to determine award points. Any members who advanced on/after 01 JAN 2010 will have a PSD equal to the day following the SWE Eligibility Date (SED) for that advancement. Members who have not advanced since 01 JAN 2010 will show a PSD equal to their Pay Base Date (PBD). Members with broken service who have not advanced since 01 JAN 2010 and have award points predating their adjusted PBD may request an earlier PSD to capture all awards. Send PSD change requests by email to "PPC-DG-ADV." 6. PPC (ADV) is the single POC for SWE inquiries. They may be reached at (785)339-3400 or email to global address at "PPC-DG-ADV." Waiver requests must be sent prior to scheduled deadlines by email to "PPC-DG-ADV" (include CO or XO on Cc line) or by message to "COGARD PPC TOPEKA KS//ADV//." Additional SWE information is located on the PPC (ADV) home page: http://cgweb.ppc.uscg.mil/adv/. 7. Internet release authorized.