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NREL - National Renewable Energy Laboratory
About NRELEnergy AnalysisScience and TechnologyTechnology TransferApplying TechnologiesEnergy Systems Integration
Continuum Magazine - Clean Energy Innovation at NREL

Innovation Spectrum - Stories of NREL's success in clean energy transformation.

Highlights of Recent Science and R and D Accomplishments.

35 Years of Innovation - NREL Overview.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the only national laboratory solely dedicated to advancing renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies from concept to commercial application. For 35 years, NREL innovations, analysis, and expertise have enabled the emergence of a U.S. clean energy industry and led to numerous success stories from across the laboratory. NREL's 327-acre main campus in Golden, Colorado, is a living model of sustainable energy. The laboratory also operates the National Wind Technology Center on 305 acres located 13 miles north of its main campus.

NREL's Mission

NREL develops renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies and practices, advances related science and engineering, and transfers knowledge and innovations to address the nation's energy and environmental goals.

Science and Technology

NREL's research and development achievements have helped shape clean-energy alternatives for powering our homes and businesses, and the nation's transportation infrastructure. The laboratory's science and technology teams span the full spectrum of innovation, from fundamental science and market-relevant research to systems integration, and testing and validation.

NREL's Capabilities

NREL's areas of expertise include:

Governance and Funding

NREL, led by Director Dan E. Arvizu, is the principal research laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE).  NREL also conducts research for the Office of Science and the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. The laboratory is managed for EERE by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, a partnership between Battelle and MRIGlobal.

Annual Funding (in millions per fiscal year)

Chart showing NREL's annual funding in millions of dollars per fiscal year. FY02 - 215.8, FY03 - 229.8, FY04 - 211.9, FY05 - 201.9, FY06 - 209.6, FY07 - 378.4, FY08 - 328.3, FY09 - 521.1, FY10 - 536.5.