The Office of Administration

The Office of Administration coordinates and manages the infrastructure and support activities for the agency. This office provides human resource management, labor relations, facilities management and support; acquisitions and lease management; and occupational safety and health. Physical inventory, shipping and receiving, telecommunications, and management of the Board's hearing room and conference center are major functions managed by this office. Work is carried out in four divisions: Administrative Operations & Security, Acquisitions, Human Resources and Safety.

AD-10: Administrative Operations and Security Division
Office of Administration Administrative Operations and Security Division is responsible for the day-to-day support for the operations and direction of the NTSB's facilities and building management program including, but not limited to, the following functions: telecommunications, security, property management, space management, facilities and equipment maintenance, mail services, and transportation.

AD-20: Acquisition and Lease Management Division
The Office of Administration Acquisition and Lease Management Division manages the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) acquisition program and provides best value business solutions that support the NTSB mission. The Acquisition and Lease Management Division is a full service acquisition organization that awards and administers contracts and agreements; manages the NTSB Purchase Card Program; awards and manages real property leases for both NTSB Headquarters and Regional Offices; and provides customers essential acquisition guidance and training.

AD-30: Human Resources Division
Human Resources Division is responsible for human capital planning and management, policy and program development, consulting and advisory services, and HR program assessment and evaluation. Specifically, the Human Resources Division manages position management and classification, recruitment and staffing, labor and employee relations, benefits administration, and pay and leave administration. The Division also administers the employee assistance program; performance management and awards; workers compensation; time and attendance; and payroll processing services.

AD-40: Safety Division
The Safety Division, Office of Administration, is responsible for ensuring compliance with Federal, State, and local statutory and regulatory mandates, guidelines, standards and procedures and ensuring safe working conditions for NTSB employees (office and at on scene investigations). This includes planning, implementing, and evaluating the NTSB occupational safety and health program to reduce the potential for human and economic losses associated with incidents and accidents. The Division is also responsible for providing safety training to improve competencies of the NTSB workforce, implementing enforcement programs for employee health and safety, and conducting oversight inspections and reviews of NTSB offices and space.

Senior Staff

Lola A. Ward, Director
Frank Perla, Administrative Operations and Security Division Chief
Christopher Blumberg, Acquisition & Lease Management Division Chief
Emily Carroll, HR Division Chief
Gary W. Helmer, Safety Division Chief
Anh Bolles, Strategic Executive Resources Officer


NTSB Careers
Acquisition Information


National Transportation Safety Board
490 L'Enfant Plaza East, S.W.
Washington, DC 20594
(202) 314-6000 (phone)