Historical Documents


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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1969–1976, Volume XXXI, Foreign Economic Policy, 1973–1976


  • Andreotti, Giulio, Italian Prime Minister from February 1972 until July 1973 and from July 1976 until August 1979
  • Apel, Hans, West German Minister of Finance from 1974
  • Ash, Roy, Assistant to the President and Director, Office of Management and Budget from February 1973 until February 1975
  • Bahr, Egon, West German Minister for Special Affairs until 1974; West German Minster of Economic Cooperation from 1974 until 1976
  • Barber, Anthony, British Chancellor of the Exchequer until March 1974
  • Barré, Raymond, member, General Council of the Bank of France, 1973; French Minister of Foreign Trade, January–August 1976; French Minister of Economy and Finance from August 1976; French Prime Minister from August 1976
  • Bennett, Jack F., Deputy Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs until 1974; Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs from 1974 until 1975
  • Boerma, Addeke Hendrick, Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization until 1975
  • Brandt, Willy, West German Chancellor until May 1974
  • Brennan, Peter J., Secretary of Labor from February 1973 until March 1975
  • Brezhnev, Leonid, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • Bryant, Ralph, Director, Division of International Finance, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System until 1975
  • Buffum, William B., Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs from February 1974 until December 1975
  • Bull, Stephen B., Staff Assistant to the President until 1973; Special Assistant to the President and Appointments Secretary from 1973 until 1974
  • Burns, Arthur, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
  • Bush, George H.W., Director of Central Intelligence from January 1976
  • Butz, Earl, Secretary of Agriculture until 1976
  • Callaghan, James, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from March 1974 until April 1976; British Prime Minister from April 1976
  • Casey, William J., Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from February 1973 until March 1974; President and Chairman, Export-Import Bank from 1974 until 1976
  • Cheney, Richard, Deputy Assistant to the President from 1974 until 1975; Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff from 1975
  • Cole, Kenneth R., Jr., Executive Director, Domestic Council from 1973 until 1975; Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs from 1974 until 1975
  • Colombo, Emilio, Italian Minister of Finance from July 1973 until March 1974; Italian Minister of the Treasury from March 1974 until July 1976
  • Connally, John B., Jr., Secretary of the Treasury from February 1971 until June 1972
  • Connor, James, Secretary to the Cabinet from January 1975; White House Staff Secretary from June 1975
  • Cook, Richard, Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs from 1972 until 1973
  • Cooper, Charles, Deputy Assistant to the President and staff member, National Security Council from 1973 until 1974; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1974 until 1975
  • Crosland, Anthony, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs from April 1976
  • Dale, Francis L., Representative to the European Office of the United Nations in Geneva and Chief of Mission to the European Office of the United Nations and Other International Organizations from December 1973 until July 1976
  • Dam, Kenneth, Assistant Director for National Security and International Policy, Office of Management and Budget until 1973; Executive Director, Council on Economic Policy, 1973
  • Davignon, Étienne, Director-General for Policy, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Chairman of the Governing Board (Official Level), International Energy Agency from November 1974
  • Davis, Jeanne, staff secretary, National Security Council
  • De Clercq, Willy, Belgian Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance from 1973 until 1974; Belgian Minister of Finance from 1974
  • Dent, Frederick, Secretary of Commerce from 1973 until 1974; Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from 1975
  • Dinitz, Simcha, Israeli Ambassador to the United States
  • Dobbins, James, Special Assistant to the Counselor of the Department of State from 1975 until 1976
  • Dobrynin, Anatoly, Soviet Ambassador to the United States
  • Duisenberg, Willem Frederik, Dutch Minister of Finance
  • Dunlop, John, Director, Cost of Living Council from 1973 until 1974; Secretary of Labor from March 1975 until January 1976
  • Dunn, John M., Executive Director, Council on International Economic Policy from 1975
  • Eagleburger, Lawrence, Executive Assistant to the Secretary of State from 1973 until 1977; Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management from 1975 until 1977
  • Eberle, William, Special Representative for Trade Negotiations until 1975; Executive Director, Council on International Economic Policy from 1974 until 1975
  • Ehrlichman, John, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs until April 1973
  • Eisenhower, Julie, daughter of Richard and Pat Nixon
  • Eliot, Theodore, Executive Secretary of the Department of State until 1973
  • Ellerman, A. Denny, staff member, National Security Council
  • Emminger, Otmar, Vice-President, Central Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Enders, Thomas O., Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from July 1974 until December 1975; Ambassador to Canada from December 1975
  • Fellner, William J., member, Council of Economic Advisers from 1973 until 1975
  • Flanigan, Peter, Assistant to the President for International Economic Affairs until 1974; Executive Director, Council on International Economic Policy from 1972 until 1974
  • Ford, Gerald R., Republican Representative from Michigan until 1973; House of Representatives Minority Leader until 1973; Vice President from December 6, 1973, until August 9, 1974; President from August 9, 1974, until January 20, 1977
  • Fourcade, Jean-Pierre, French Minister of Economy and Finance from May 1974 until August 1976
  • Fox, Lawrence A., Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for International Economic Policy
  • Friderichs, Hans, West German Minister of Economics
  • Friedman, Milton, Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
  • Fukuda Takeo, Japanese Minister of Finance from November 1973 until July 1974; Japanese Vice-Prime Minister and Director General, Economic Planning Agency from December 1974 until November 1976
  • Gaja, Roberto, Italian Ambassador to the United States from 1975
  • Gardner, Stephen, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury from 1974 until 1976
  • Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, West German Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice-Chancellor from 1974
  • Gergen, David, Special Assistant to the President from 1973 until 1974; Special Consultant to the Secretary of the Treasury from 1974 until 1975; Special Assistant to the White House Chief of Staff from 1975 until 1976; Special Counsel to the President for Communications, 1976; Director, White House Office of Communications from 1976 until 1977
  • Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry, French Minister of Economy and Finance until May 1974; French President from May 1974
  • Glitman, Maynard W., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Trade Policy from 1974 until 1976
  • Goodman, Richard J., Associate Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture
  • Greenspan, Alan, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers from 1974
  • Greenwald, Joseph A., Representative to the European Communities until January 1976; Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from February until September 1976
  • Gromyko, Andrei, Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Gunning, David M., staff member, Council on International Economic Policy
  • Haig, Alexander M., Jr., General; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until 1973; Army Vice-Chief of Staff, 1973; Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff from May 1973 until September 1974; Commander in Chief, European Command, and Supreme Allied Commander, Europe from 1974
  • Haferkamp, Wilhelm, Vice-President, Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission
  • Haldeman, H.R., Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff until 1973
  • Hannah, John, Administrator, Agency for International Development until October 1973; Executive Director, United Nations World Food Council from 1975
  • Hansen, Roger, Special Assistant to the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, 1973; Deputy Assistant Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, 1974
  • Hartman, Arthur A., Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs from January 1974
  • Hartmann, Robert, Counselor to the President from 1974
  • Healey, Denis, British Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1974
  • Heath, Edward, British Prime Minister until March 1974
  • Hijzen, Theodorus, Deputy Director-General for External Relations, European Commission
  • Hinton, Deane R., Assistant Director, Council on International Economic Policy until 1973; Deputy Director, Council on International Economic Policy from 1973 until 1974; Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of the Congo from June 1974 until June 1975; Representative to the European Communities from January 1976
  • Hormats, Robert D., staff member for International Economic Affairs, National Security Council until 1973; senior staff member for International Economic Affairs, National Security Council from 1974
  • Humphrey, Hubert, Democratic Senator from Minnesota
  • Hunt, Sir John, British Secretary of the Cabinet from 1973
  • Hyland, William G., Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State from January 1974 until November 1975
  • Ingersoll, Robert S., Ambassador to Japan until November 1973; Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs from January until July 1974; Deputy Secretary of State from July 1974 until March 1976
  • Jackson, Henry (Scoop) M., Democratic Senator from Washington
  • Jackson, John, General Counsel, Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from 1973 until 1974; Acting Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations, 1974
  • Javits, Jacob K., Republican Senator from New York
  • Jobert, Michel, French Minister of Foreign Affairs from April 1973 until May 1974
  • Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States from November 22, 1963, until January 20, 1969
  • Jones, Jerry, White House Staff Secretary from April 1974 until June 1975
  • Katz, Julius L., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Resources and Food Policy until 1974; Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from 1974 until 1976; Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs from September 1976
  • Kehrli, Bruce A., Special Assistant to the President from 1973 until 1974
  • Kelly, William B., Jr., Senior Economic Advisor, Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations until 1973; Assistant Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from 1973 until 1976
  • Kendall, Donald, President and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo, Inc.
  • Kennedy, Richard T., Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Council Planning from 1973 until 1975
  • Kissinger, Henry A., Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until November 1975; Secretary of State from September 22, 1973, until January 20, 1977
  • Klasen, Karl, President, Central Bank of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Korologos, Tom, Deputy Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs until 1975
  • Kosygin, Alexei, Soviet Prime Minister
  • Larosiere, Jacques de, Director of the Treasury, French Ministry of Economy and Finance from 1974
  • Long, Olivier, Director-General, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  • Long, Russell B., Democratic Senator from Louisiana; Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance
  • Lord, Winston, staff member, National Security Council until 1973; Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs until 1973; Director, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State from 1973
  • Lynn, James T., Assistant to the President and Director, Office of Management and Budget from February 1975
  • MacAvoy, Paul, member, Council of Economic Advisers from 1975 until 1976
  • Macdonald, David R., Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Enforcement, Operations, and Tariff Affairs from 1974 until 1976
  • Macdonald, Donald, Canadian Minister of Finance from 1975
  • MacEachen, Allan J., Canadian Secretary of State for External Affairs from 1974 until 1976
  • Malmgren, Harald B., Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations until 1975
  • Mansfield, Michael J., Democratic Senator from Montana; Senate Majority Leader
  • Marsh, John O., Jr., Counselor to the President from 1974
  • Martin, Edwin, Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State and Coordinator of U.S. participation in the United Nations World Food Conference from January 1974; Deputy Chairman, U.S. Delegation to the United Nations World Food Conference, November 1974
  • Maw, Carlyle E., Legal Adviser, Department of State from November 1973 until July 1974; Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs from July 1974 until September 1976
  • McFarlane, Robert (Bud), Military Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1973 until 1975; Executive Assistant to the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1975 until 1976; Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from 1976
  • McGovern, George, Democratic Senator from South Dakota
  • McNamara, Robert, President, World Bank
  • Meany, George, President, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations
  • Miki Takeo, Japanese Prime Minister from December 1974 until December 1976
  • Mills, Wilbur, Democratic Representative from Arkansas; Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means until 1975
  • Mitchell, Sir Derek, Second Permanent Secretary (Overseas Finance), British Treasury from 1973
  • Miyazawa Kiichi, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1974 until 1976
  • Moro, Aldo, Italian Prime Minister from November 1974 until July 1976
  • Nixon, Richard M., President of the United States from January 20, 1969, until August 9, 1974
  • Ohira Masayoshi, Japanese Minister of Finance from July 1974 until 1976
  • Ortoli, François-Xavier, President, European Commission
  • Ossola, Rinaldo, Deputy Director General, Bank of Italy until 1975; Director General, Bank of Italy from 1975 until 1976; Italian Minister of Foreign Trade from 1976
  • Parker, Daniel, Administrator, Agency for International Development from October 1973
  • Parsky, Gerald, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of the Treasury until 1973; Executive Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury and Administrator, Federal Energy Office from 1973 until 1974; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Trade, Energy, and Financial Resources Policy Coordination from 1974 until 1975; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1976
  • Passman, Otto, Democratic Representative from Louisiana; Chairman, House of Representatives Foreign Aid Appropriations Subcommittee
  • Pearce, William, Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from 1974
  • Pickering, Thomas, Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary, Department of State from 1973 until 1974
  • Pierre-Brossolette, Claude, French Director of the Treasury until 1974; Assistant to the French President from 1974
  • Pöhl, Karl-Otto, State Secretary, West German Federal Ministry of Finance
  • Pompidou, Georges, French President until April 1974
  • Porter, Roger B., Executive Secretary, Economic Policy Board from 1974
  • Ramsbotham, Peter E., British Ambassador to the United States from 1974
  • Renner, John, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Trade Policy from 1972 until 1974
  • Ribicoff, Abraham A., Democratic Senator from Connecticut
  • Richardson, Elliot L., Secretary of Defense, 1973; Attorney General from May 1973 until October 1973; Ambassador to the United Kingdom from February 1975 until January 1976; Secretary of Commerce from February 1976
  • Robinson, Charles W., Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from December 1974 until April 1976; Deputy Secretary of State from April 1976
  • Rodman, Peter, staff member, National Security Council
  • Rogers, William D., Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, from October 1974 until June 1976; Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs from June until December 1976
  • Rogers, William P., Secretary of State until September 1973
  • Rumor, Mariano, Italian Prime Minister from July 1973 until November 1974; Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs from November 1974 until July 1976
  • Rumsfeld, Donald, Permanent Representative on the Council of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization from February 1973 until December 1974; Assistant to the President and White House Chief of Staff from September 1974 until November 20, 1975; Secretary of Defense from November 20, 1975
  • Rush, Kenneth, Deputy Secretary of State from February 1973 until May 1974; Counselor to the President for Economic Policy from May 1974 until September 1974; Ambassador to France from September 1974
  • Sauvagnargues, Jean, French Minister of Foreign Affairs from May 1974 until August 1976
  • Schlesinger, James R., Director of Central Intelligence from February until July 1973; Secretary of Defense from July 1973 until November 19, 1975
  • Schmidt, Helmut, West German Minister of Finance until May 1974; West German Chancellor from May 1974
  • Scowcroft, Brent, Lieutenant General, USAF; Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from April 1973 until November 3, 1975; Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from November 3, 1975, until January 20, 1977
  • Seevers, Gary, Special Assistant to the Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers until 1973; member, Council of Economic Advisers from 1973 until 1975
  • Seidman, L. William, Assistant to the President for Economic Affairs from 1974
  • Shultz, George P., Secretary of the Treasury until May 1974
  • Simon, William E., Deputy Secretary of the Treasury from February 1973 until May 1974; Administrator, Federal Energy Office, from December 1973 until April 1974; Secretary of the Treasury from May 1974
  • Sisco, Joseph, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from February 1974 until June 1976
  • Soames, Sir Christopher, Commissioner for External Affairs, European Economic Community
  • Sonnenfeldt, Helmut, senior staff member, National Security Council until 1974; Counselor of the Department of State from 1974
  • Springsteen, George S., Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs until 1974; Special Assistant to the Secretary of State and Executive Secretary of the Department of State from 1974 until 1976
  • Stein, Herbert, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers until 1974
  • Tanaka Kakeui, Japanese Prime Minister until December 1974
  • Timmons, William E., Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs until 1974
  • Trudeau, Pierre Elliott, Canadian Prime Minister
  • Truman, Edwin, staff member, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
  • Van Lennep, Emile, Secretary-General, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Vanik, Charles, Democratic Representative from Ohio
  • Volcker, Paul A., Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs until 1974; President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York from August 1975
  • Volpe, John A., Ambassador to Italy
  • Von Staden, Berndt, West German Ambassador to the United States
  • Wallich, Henry C., member, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System from 1974
  • Widman, F. Lisle, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Monetary Affairs from 1975
  • Wilson, Harold, British Prime Minister from March 1974 until April 1976
  • Witteveen, H. Johannes, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund from 1973
  • Wolff, Alan, Deputy General Counsel, Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from 1973 until 1974; General Counsel, Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from 1974
  • Yeo, Edwin, III, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs from 1975
  • Yeutter, Clayton, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Consumer Services from 1973 until 1974; Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for International Affairs and Commodity Programs from 1974 until 1975; Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations from 1975