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Meet the Musician

Senior Chief Musician Juan Vazquez,

Principal Percussion

MUCS Juan Vazquez

Juan Vazquez, a native of Baltimore, Md., joined the Navy Band in 1988.   He is the principal percussionist in the Concert Band, leader of the Vibes/Bass Duo, and leader of the Skipjack Quartet. He earned a Bachelor of Music from Towson State University and an Associate of Arts from Essex Community College.  He also holds a Masters of Music in Percussion Performance from the Boston Conservatory where he was the winner of the annual Concerto Competition.  Following graduation he worked as the Director of Student Affairs.  Senior Chief Vazquez has performed with the Boston, Baltimore and Annapolis Symphonies and the Baltimore Chamber Orchestra.  He has also appeared with Johnny Mathis, Crystal Gayle and John Williams.  His teachers include Arthur Press, Frank Epstein, and Charlie Smith from the Boston Symphony and Chris Williams and Dennis Kane from the Baltimore Symphony. 

Senior Chief Vazquez is a frequent navy band jazz vibraphone soloist.  He has served on the faculties of the Boston Conservatory, Peabody Preparatory, Friends School, and the Baltimore School for the Arts.  In addition to his performance duties, he authors "Spotlight", a featured article in the Navy Band bi-monthly newsletter, Fanfare.  He is also the Copyright Coordinator and is the leader of the Navy Band’s drug testing unit.  During his free time he enjoys cooking Puerto Rican and Cuban cuisine and performing on vibraphone with his jazz quintet, In Session.