Chair: Attorney General Eric Holder
Executive Director: Michael Bresnick

The Task Force Steering Committee is Chaired by the Deputy Attorney General James Cole and Acting Associate Attorney General Tony West serves as Vice Chair.

The Consumer Protection Working Group, co-chaired by Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division Stuart Delery; Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division Lanny Breuer; Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission David Vladeck; U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California Andre Birotte; and Director of Enforcement for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Kent Markus.

The Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities Working Group, co-chaired by Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division Lanny Breuer, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division Stuart Delery, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Director of Enforcement Robert Khuzami, United States Attorney for the District of Colorado John Walsh and New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The coordinator of this working group is Matthew Stegman.

The Training and Information Sharing Committee, co-chaired by H. Marshall Jarrett, Director of the Department of Justice’s Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys and James H. Freis, Jr., Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).

The Victims’ Rights Committee, co-chaired by H. Marshall Jarrett, Director of the Department of Justice’s Executive Office of U.S. Attorneys, and Mary Lou Leary, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Justice Programs.

The Mortgage Fraud Working Group, co-chaired by Ben Wagner, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of California, Stuart Delery, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division, David Montoya, Inspector General for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Timothy Gallagher, Chief of the Financial Crimes Section, FBI, and a representative of the National Association of Attorneys General.

The Securities and Commodities Fraud Working Group, co-chaired by Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Robert Khuzami, Director of Enforcement for the Securities and Exchange Commission, and David Meister, Director of Enforcement for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. 

The Recovery Act, Procurement, and Grant Fraud Working Group (focusing on fraud related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds and other procurement and grant fraud), co-chaired by Joseph Wayland, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Antitrust Division, Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, Kathleen Tighe, Chair of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, Sally Yates, U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, Kevin Perkins, Assistant Director, Criminal Investigative Division, FBI and the National Association of Attorneys General.

The Rescue Fraud Working Group (focusing on fraud related to the Troubled Asset Relief Program), co-chaired by Christy Romero, Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program, Lanny Breuer, Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, and the Treasury Department, Office of Financial Stability.

The Non-Discrimination Working Group (focusing on discrimination in the housing and finance markets), co-chaired by Tom Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, as well as representatives of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Federal Reserve Board.

The Oil and Gas Price Fraud Working Group is co-chaired by the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission and the National Association of Attorneys General.

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Reporting Suspected Fraud

The Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force maintains a wide list of resources and information dedicated to helping find and report suspected cases of financial fraud.

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Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force

Eric Holder, Attorney General, Chair
Michael Bresnick, Executive Director
(202) 514-2000
Recursos Para V�ctimas de Fraude
What is Financial Fraud?
What is Financial Fraud?

Financial Fraud encompasses a wide range of illegal behavior - from mortgage scams to Ponzi schemes, credit card theft to tax fraud. Everyone is affected by financial fraud.