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Medical Benefits

Benefits During Service

All Volunteers receive comprehensive medical and dental benefits. The benefits start with coverage of vaccinations and anti-malarial prescription, which begin prior to departure. Each post has a Peace Corps Medical Officer to provide primary care. Full medical insurance during service covers 100% of primary care, hospitalization, medical evacuation, all prescriptions including birth control and dental care needs. Volunteers are also covered by workman's compensation for injuries incurred during their period of service.

Benefits After Service

Extend Health Benefits

Take advantage of affordable health insurance for up to 18 months following Volunteer service. The Peace Corps pays the first month's premium and you then have the option to purchase a reasonably priced insurance policy to cover you and qualified dependents.

Last updated Aug 10 2012

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Learn all about Peace Corps service and see if it's a good fit for you in this 44-page PDF (5mb).
(updated 2/12)

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