
At the National Center for Computational Sciences (NCCS), we’re proud of our staff, proud of our users, and proud of the work we do to advance world-class computational science. NCCS Highlights give us an opportunity to spotlight some of the research, people, and activities we believe are especially worthy of your attention.

  • NCCS’s Feiyi Wang Delivers Keynote at China Meeting of HPC Advisory Council – November 16, 2009
    [ HTML ]
  • Burn, Baby, Burn – October 15, 2009
    [ Open PDF ]
  • Oak Ridge Supercomputers Provide First Simulation of Abrupt Climate Change – September 15, 2009
    [ Open PDF ]
  • Supercomputing Heats Up Solar Energy – August 24, 2009
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  • Training for Ultrascale Computing: Q&A with Donald Frederick of the National Center for Computational Sciences – June 30, 2009
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  • ORNL Hosts Lustre Part II – June 30, 2009
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  • Sequestration puts Carbon Dioxide Underground – June 1 2009
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  • Supercomputing Tests the Waters – June 1 2009
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  • Tracking a Neutron’s Odyssey through a Fast Reactor – May 20, 2009
    [ Open PDF ]
  • Tracking CFCs in a Global Eddying Ocean Model – May 4, 2009
    [ Open PDF ]
  • Oak Ridge Supercomputer Wins Big at HPC Challenge – Nov 20 2008
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  • The Search for Stable Storage – Nov 19 2008
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  • Oak Ridge supercomputer is the world’s fastest for science – Nov 17 2008
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  • The Search for Stable Storage – Nov 14 2008
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  • The Future of Climate Research: A Q&A with ORNL’s James Hack
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  • Resolution Revolution
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  • Library of Flames Illuminates Design of Advanced Combustion Devices
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  • The NCCS is Committed to Groundbreaking Science
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  • 2009 INCITE Call for Proposals for Allocations of Supercomputing Time
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  • Potassium Channel Model Lights the Way for Simulations of Molecular Machines
    [ nccs_potassium_lr.pdf ] [ High Res PDF ] [ html ]
  • Explaining Our Expanding Universe
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  • Scientists Push Climate Simulation to a New Level
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  • Simulation Helps Unlock the Ocean’s Secrets
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  • Dissecting Fire: Model Fully Resolves Ignition Process for the First Time
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  • Simulation Aids Development of First Coal Plants with Near-Zero Emissions
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  • NOAA Calls on DOE Supercomputers to Simulate Climate and Severe Weather
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  • Researchers Explore the Mechanisms of New Alzheimer’s Drugs
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  • ORNL Researchers Contribute to 2007 Nobel Peace Prize
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  • Simulation Helps Unlock the Secrets of Protein Folding
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  • Beyond the Valley of Beta Stability
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  • Jaguar: Top500
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  • 3-D Simulations of Tokamak Plasmas Conducted at ORNL
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  • Astrophysicists Close in on Exploding Stars
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  • Jaguar Calculations Help Turn Vehicle Exhaust into Power
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  • Radio Waves Will Make Reactor Hotter Than the Sun
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  • ORNL Team Discovers New Way to Spin Up Pulsars
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  • Combustion Researchers Resolve Turbulence Issue
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  • High-School Researchers at ORNL Land National Honor
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  • Oak Ridge Research Spotlighted in Chemistry Journal
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  • Researchers Have Partners at the NCCS
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Highlights Archive 2006
Highlights Archive 2005

Last modified on June 30th, 2010 at 3:57 pm