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Liaison 2012
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"I currently conduct a civil-military operations course ... I have always enjoyed reading the Liaison in the past and am looking forward to continuing to do so in the future."
- Gilbert E. Doan
Deputy, Operational Studies Department, Joint Special Operations University (Florida, USA)

Regional Capstone Pandemic Influenza Conference in Indonesia Wraps Up Six Years of Work
Jakarta, Indonesia
Aug 27, 2012- Aug 29, 2012
Participants from 22 countries spanning South Asia, Southeast Asia, East Asia and the Pacific attended the capstone Asia Pacific Multilateral Pandemic Preparedness, Response and Recovery Conference, which synthesized best practices from six years of pandemic preparedness and response activties, Jaka...
Workshop Focuses on Improving Regional Disaster Response in Health
Jakarta, Indonesia
Aug 30, 2012- Aug 31, 2012
Nearly 70 participants attended the "Optimizing Collaboratieve Regional Health Responses in Natural Disasters and Complex Emergencies" workshop focused on improving civil-military health response in disasters, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 30, 2012. (COE/Brian Miyamoto)
COE holds 17th International Committee of the Red Cross HELP course
Honolulu, HI
Jul 16, 2012- Jul 27, 2012
Chief Robert Feinberg (PACOM Public Affairs) interviews Master Sergeant Grace Devara-Montano, International Health Specialist, U.S. Air Force during an interview training session of the Crisis Communications module at the HELP course. (Para Medical Company (Malaysia)/Dr. Shahril Nizam Abdul Jahril)...
COE conducts humanitarian trainings aboard USNS Mercy
USNS Mercy
May 14, 2012- May 21, 2012
MERCY AT SEA (May 17, 2012) Victoria Hart, an instructor and coordinator for Humanitarian Assistance Response Training (HART), instructs a HART class for military and civilian non-governmental organization (NGO) personnel in the ward room of Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19...
JTF HART Course (3d MEB)
Okinawa, Japan
Mar 11, 2013 - Mar 13, 2013
Hanoi, Vietnam
Mar 13, 2013 - Mar 14, 2013
HART Course (International Students EWTGPAC)
Coronado, CA
Mar 20, 2013 - Mar 22, 2013
Balikatan 2013 Exercise
Apr 03, 2013 - Apr 17, 2013
Talisman Saber 2013 FPC (Tentative Dates)
Brisbane, Australia
Apr 15, 2013 - Apr 19, 2013

7th Fleet Talisman Saber 2013 STAFFEX
Yokosuka, Japan
Jan 27, 2013 - Feb 01, 2013
AHA Center HADR Training Assessment
Jakarta, Indonesia
Jan 21, 2013 - Jan 24, 2013
ASEAN DMM+ HADR / Military Medical Expert Working Group FTX MPC
Jan 21, 2013 - Jan 24, 2013
Bangkok, Thailand
Jan 14, 2013 - Jan 17, 2013
UN OCHA APC MADRO Guidelines Conference
Bangkok, Thailand
Dec 10, 2012 - Dec 14, 2012
HADR Information Sharing TTX (J2 USPACOM)
Honolulu, HI
Dec 10, 2012 - Dec 12, 2012
Center for Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance
1 Jarrett White Road (MCPA-DM), Tripler, AMC, Hawaii 96859-5000 USA
Tel:(808)433-7035    Fax:(808)433-1757