Tax Fraud

Resources for Victims

The IRS notes: "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!" Don't become a victim to any scheme that offers instant wealth or exemption from your obligation as a United States citizen to file tax returns and/or pay taxes. Some of these schemes can literally cost you your life savings. Others can result in your prosecution and imprisonment if you knowingly participate in them.

Resources for Victims

Identity Theft and Your Tax Records

IRS policies and contact information if you suspect identity fraud in connection with your tax records.

Fraudulent Tax Return Filed Using Your SSN?

What to do if you think someone else has filed a tax return under your Social Security Number.

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Reporting Suspected Fraud

The Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force maintains a wide list of resources and information dedicated to helping find and report suspected cases of financial fraud.

Report Fraud

Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force

Eric Holder, Attorney General, Chair
Michael Bresnick, Executive Director
(202) 514-2000
Recursos Para V�ctimas de Fraude
What is Financial Fraud?
What is Financial Fraud?

Financial Fraud encompasses a wide range of illegal behavior - from mortgage scams to Ponzi schemes, credit card theft to tax fraud. Everyone is affected by financial fraud.