Mortgage, Loan, Lending and Related Fraud

Resources for Victims

Traditional mortgage fraud includes situations in which homebuyers and/or lenders falsify information to obtain a home loan. Homebuyers should never sign mortgage documents that have incomplete or inaccurate information.

Mortgage Rescue and Loan Modification Scams: Many so-called foreclosure rescue companies or foreclosure assistance firms claim they can help struggling homeowners save their home from foreclosure. Some are brazen enough to offer a money-back guarantee. Unfortunately, most of these foreclosure fraudsters take your money and run.

Reverse Mortgage Scams: Reverse mortgages can be useful products, but have been associated with deceptive practices and allegations of high-pressure sales tactics and the risk of being steered into inappropriate loans and annuities.

Resources for Victims

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

The mission of HUD is to increase homeownership, support community development and increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination. The HUD Web site contains information about fraudulent activities related to housing and how consumers can protect themselves from becoming victims of loan fraud.

NeighborWorks America

NeighborWorks America creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities.

HOPE NOW Alliance Counseling Organizations

Listing of HOPE NOW Alliance counseling organizations, which consist of Housing and Urban Development partners that have offices across the United States. These organizations provide borrowers with in-depth debt management, credit counseling and overall foreclosure counseling.

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Reporting Suspected Fraud

The Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force maintains a wide list of resources and information dedicated to helping find and report suspected cases of financial fraud.

Report Fraud

Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force

Eric Holder, Attorney General, Chair
Michael Bresnick, Executive Director
(202) 514-2000
Recursos Para V�ctimas de Fraude
What is Financial Fraud?
What is Financial Fraud?

Financial Fraud encompasses a wide range of illegal behavior - from mortgage scams to Ponzi schemes, credit card theft to tax fraud. Everyone is affected by financial fraud.