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Business and Information & Communication Technology

Business Volunteers work to build local capacity and improve economic opportunities in communities. They participate at many levels, whether helping artisan cooperatives to market their handmade goods, training entrepreneurs in basic small business skills development, or working with micro-finance institutions, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) or municipalities to support local economic development projects.

Information and Communications Technology Volunteers help communities and organizations capitalize on available and appropriate information technology. Volunteers are also involved in computer teaching and training.

Click on the links below to learn more about the specific opportunities and requirements for business and information & communication technology Volunteers in the Peace Corps.

Business Development
Volunteers assist private and public businesses, local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations, women's and youth groups, and educational institutions.
Information & Communication Technology
Volunteers provide technical training and support to school systems, health ministries, municipal government offices, businesses, and non-governmental organizations.
Business Advising
Volunteers assist private and public businesses, local and regional governments, nonprofit organizations, women's and youth groups, and educational institutions.
NGO Development
Volunteers focus on increasing family income, improving the environment for businesses, educating young people, and helping businesses find markets for traditional or value-added products.

Last updated Aug 10 2012

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(updated 2/12)

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