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Mike Seyfert

Republican Staff Director
Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry

Mike Seyfert became the Republican Staff Director for the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry at the beginning of the 112th Congress.  From 2005 to 2011, Mike was Legislative Director for U.S. Senator Pat Roberts.  He first joined Senator Roberts’ office in 1997 as a legislative correspondent and worked his way up as a legislative assistant and assistant legislative director.  Mike’s official government travels have taken him to Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, China, Hong Kong and Canada.  Mike serves as treasurer of the Senate Employees’ Child Care Center and is past president of the Kansas State University Capital Area Alumni Club.  He has participated in a week-long program at the Army War College bringing together civilian and military leaders and is three-time recipient of the “Friends of Wheat” award presented by the National Association of Wheat Growers.  Mike earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture from Kansas State University and an MPA degree, with emphasis in public budgeting and finance, from The George Washington University.  He was the fourth generation raised on his family's farm and now owns with his wife a portion of the land formerly owned and farmed by his grandfather.