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Index of Publications

The following is an alphabetical listing of all resources available in the online library.

  • Adapting Environmental Education Materials (ICE M0059)

    This manual walks through the steps of evaluating, filtering and adapting existing environmental education materials for specific needs. It includes training sessions for skills development and examples of consolidating a curriculum, adapting resources to local realities, and incorporating content in traditional classroom subjects and non-formal youth programs. A companion to Environmental Education in the Schools. ERIC: ED432466.

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  • Beyond the Classroom: Empowering Girls (ICE M0080)

    This Idea Book, generated from Volunteer experiences, provides practical advice for empowering young women through every day activities. It promotes the use of workshops, camps, clubs, special events, and friendly conversations, which present opportunities to encourage goal-setting, positive decision-making skills, build confidence, and help girls change their lives for the better.

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  • Building Bridges: A Peace Corps Classroom Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding (WWS online manual)

    This electronic publication is a classroom resource and contains short, adaptable lesson plans and activities that build cross-cultural awareness, respect, and communication skills. Lessons are flexible, easy to use, and standards-based for easy adaptation by teachers of U.S. grades 6 through 12.

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  • Looking at Ourselves and Others (WWS online manual)

    The activities contained in this resource will challenge students to become more conscious of the values they share with their families, friends, and communities. The materials also provide students with analytical tools that help combat stereotypical thinking and enhance cross-cultural communication.

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  • DPM Idea Book: Integrating Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation in Your Work (ICE M0084)

    This practical book begins with the human impact of natural disasters, then defines roles Volunteers can play in disaster prevention and mitigation. It presents ideas any Volunteer can implement, and describes specific activities related to agriculture, the environment, health, education, youth, and small business development.

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  • Volunteer’s Guide To Community Entry, A: Learning Local Environmental Knowledge (ICE M0071)

    This handbook provides Volunteers in any sector with a structured way to learn about the biophysical, economic and social aspects of a host community during pre-service training and the initial months of service. They explore and discover how community members perceive and relate to their local natural resource base and over time increase their understanding of local practices and livelihood strategies to become valuable assets for community development. This is an excellent tool for Volunteers to use in their role as a learner (see related publication, Roles of the Volunteer in Development [ICE No. T0005]).

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  • Working with Community Content-Based Instruction CCBI: Volunteer Workbook (ICE M0073)

    This publication is based on the CCBI approach of using local indigenous knowledge and easily accessible resources to make classroom subject matter more relevant to students while engaging community members in ongoing learning experiences. See also the trainer's guide: Community Content-based Instruction Manual (ICE Number T0112).

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  • Working with Supervisors and Counterparts (ICE T0121)

    This resource contains three sections that build on lessons learned by the Peace Corps to develop and enhance Volunteer/supervisor working relationships, and increase the effectiveness of Volunteers, community counterparts, Volunteer supervisors.

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  • Working with Youth: Approaches for Volunteers (ICE M0067)

    This comprehensive publication for Volunteers addresses the different needs and circumstances of orphans, in- or out-of-school youth, refugees, and working youth. Volunteers' roles are discussed in working directly with youth, and enhancing the effectiveness of youth focused NGOs. Chapters lead the reader through planning, implementing, and evaluating youth activities; using appropriate tools, techniques, and games; and applying many health, education and leadership activities for youth submitted by Volunteers working around the world.

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  • World Map Project (ICE R0088)

    This handbook is based on The World Map Project Manual by Returned Volunteer Barbara Jo White and began as a World Wise Schools study guide. It describes procedures for using a grid to construct a world map along with complementary activities for teaching geography. Users need few materials and can adapt the project to their community, country or region. Drawings, maps and grids included.

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  • Health Activities for Primary School Students (ICE R0105)

    This resource covers dental health, hygiene, first aid, nutrition, drugs and alcohol. It emphasizes active learning for students, and encourages them to make healthy decisions and to be responsible for the health of their own respective communities. Included are songs and activities to get students more actively involved in health and hygiene issues.

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  • Classroom Management Idea Book (ICE M0088)

    This book was written in response to feedback from Volunteer teachers who feel that the time spent dealing with classroom management issues detracts from the time they spend actually teaching the content. Volunteers and staff members provided practical strategies for dealing with the most commonly reported challenges. Chapters include teaching in a cross-cultural context, strategies for developing classroom procedures and rules, motivation, managing disruptive behavior, assessment, and grading. Sensitive and complicated questions, such as how to teach in a school where cheating and corporal punishment are common, are addressed.

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  • Community Content Based Instruction (CCBI) Instruction Manual (ICE T0112)

    This publication is based on the CCBI approach of using local indigenous knowledge and easily accessible resources to make classroom subject matter more relevant to students while engaging community members in ongoing learning experiences. This can be the best of "place-based" learning for youth or adults along with community outreach in any sector. See also the participant's guide: Working with CCBI: Volunteer Workbook (ICE Number M0073).

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  • Community Economic Development (CED) Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers, A (ICE M0069)

    These self-study materials address how community economic development differs from traditional concepts of economic development, with a focus on helping individuals, families and communities take control of their own economic futures. The content includes helpful examples and useful techniques for increasing and maintaining citizen participation in CED, gathering community information, developing and implementing a CED strategic agenda, and monitoring and evaluating progress and impact. Optional trainer's notes are included.

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  • Culture Matters: The Peace Corps Cross-Cultural Workbook (ICE T0087, ICE T0120)

    Culture Matters is an excellent training resource designed to increase cultural awareness from self-reflection and observation, through communication and adaptation. This interactive workbook uses exercises, stories, quotations, and descriptive text to help the reader successfully adapt to a new culture or live and work in a multicultural environment. Illustrated. ERIC: ED429911.

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  • Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM): A Pre-Service Training Module (ICE T0123)

    This training manual introduces Peace Corps Volunteers to the impact of natural disasters, an understanding of the disaster cycle, key actions needed at each phase, personal safety during natural disasters, and community risk analysis and planning. Skills training includes field work. There are substantial resource materials on a variety of natural disasters.

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  • Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM): An In-Service Training Module (ICE T0124)

    This manual contains sessions and a trainer's guide for delivering disaster preparedness and mitigation training to Peace Corps Volunteers. Topics include resource and strengths mapping, analysis, and developing family and community preparedness plans. While there is some duplication of Pre-service training material, this manual provides more in-depth information about the ways that community Volunteers and counterparts can be useful before, during and after a disaster.

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  • Environmental Education in the Community (ICE M0075)

    Whether you wish to carry out a simple awareness activity or plan to manage a long-term project, this manual has advice, tips, and project management ideas for a successful program. Includes guidance for starting and managing an education project, as well as the many practical activities to conduct with a variety of audiences. Field-generated material includes a chapter on establishing and sustaining camps as well as a chapter detailing step-by-step directions to conduct numerous activities and projects.

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  • Environmental Education in the Schools: Creating a Program that Works! (ICE M0044)

    This manual offers useful information on introducing environmental issues into an academic curriculum. Each of the nine chapters deals with a different aspect of developing and implementing an environmental education program, starting with assessing local environmental problems and school conditions to determining goals and objectives, ways of gaining program support, and evaluating results. Contains a wealth of activities, enlivened with illustrations, case studies, and Volunteer examples. ERIC: ED363520.

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  • HIV/AIDS: Integrating Prevention and Care into Your Sector (ICE M0081)

    This Idea Book offers practical strategies for assessing and responding to the varied needs of communities affected by HIV. Creative and effective activity examples illustrate how Volunteers can empower people living with HIV and AIDS, overcome common obstacles to HIV/AIDS-related work, and adapt other development efforts to lessen the impact of HIV/AIDS on families and communities.

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  • HIV/AIDS: Training Resource Kit (ICE T0136K)

    This resource kit is a comprehensive set of training resources for posts. It provides session plans, fact sheets, and other resources to help you tailor HIV/AIDS training in pre-service training and in-service training to the needs of various groups of trainees and Volunteers. The eight modules in the Resource Kit were organized around what is already happening in the field in HIV/AIDS activities. Reports of what Volunteers are doing are grouped by competencies needed for those activities.

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  • In the Classroom: Empowering Girls (ICE M0083)

    This resource provides background information on the importance of using a holistic approach to promote girls' education. It provides ideas for creating a girl-friendly learning environment, classroom and curriculum-related activities, co-curricular activities, awards and incentives, and scholarships. Examples of specific activities implemented by Peace Corps Volunteers and their counterparts around the world are included.

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  • Insights From the Field: Understanding Geography, Culture and Service (WWS online manual)

    This resource is designed to engage American students in an inquiry about the world, themselves, and others as they focus on a culture other than their own. This resource contains learning activities and performance tasks to help students learn about geography; increase their understanding of other cultures; appreciate how they are connected to their world; become inspired to engage in service to others; and achieve important curriculum standards.

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  • Libraries for All! How to Start and Run a Basic Library (ICE RE035)

    This manual and resource guide for small libraries is a basic reference and contains practical, step-by-step instructions for creating and managing a successful library. Published by UNESCO, it was written by Laura Wendell, RPCV. It is a useful resource for Information Resource Center (IRC) managers and Volunteers involved in community resource center projects and school libraries.

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  • Roles of the Volunteer in Development: Toolkits for Building Capacity (ICE T0005)

    This publication contains seven booklets, all of which help maximize Peace Corps Volunteers' effectiveness by addressing a different aspect of the capacity-building roles that Volunteers play. Each booklet has a chart delineating the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for the role described; background readings; and activities designed to increase Volunteers' competence in that capacity. The booklets can be used in self-study or in conjunction with a trainer or other training material.

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  • Life Skills Manual (ICE M0063, ICE M0066, ICE M0072, ICE M0065)

    The Life Skills program is a comprehensive behavior change approach that concentrates on developing the skills needed for life, such as communication, decision-making and critical thinking. It also helps learners understand the importance of assertiveness, self-esteem, resisting peer pressure and creating healthy relationships. This manual consists of more than 50 different lesson ideas, including HIV/AIDS training sessions, that are particularly useful in working with youth and other vulnerable groups.

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  • Microenterprise Training Guide for Peace Corps Volunteers, A (ICE M0068)

    These self-study modules describe the critical contributions microenterprises, microfinance institutions and their support organizations make in reducing poverty and building the foundations of community economic development. Activities and case studies help increase understanding of institutional capacity-building, non-financial business development services, organizational situation analysis, and the potential roles of Volunteers as business counselors and extensionists. Optional trainer’s notes are included.

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  • NGO Training Guide for Volunteers, An (ICE M0070)

    These self-study modules describe the function of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in civil society and how Volunteers can contribute to their efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. They discuss the advantages of appreciative inquiry as an approach to NGO development, provide a structured method (NGO capacity profile) to analyze NGO strength, build Volunteer skills in facilitation and training, and explore the role of governance and planning in achieving a sustainable organization. Optional trainer’s notes are included.

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  • New Beginning , A: The Child Health Manual (ICE T0102)

    This extensive manual offers specific information on developing knowledge and skills to address common community-related health problems, carry out appropriate activities, and complete training in the promotion of child health and well-being. It also discusses how specific health conditions can be addressed effectively, with an emphasis on community involvement.

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  • New Project Design and Management Workshop Training Manual, The (ICE T0107, ICE T0127, ICE T0128)

    This manual uses an assets-based approach to project design and describes the process of helping communities identify existing resources and collectively prioritize their needs. Interactive training exercises show how to engage different groups within communities in the planning, design, and implementation of local development projects.

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  • Nonformal Education (NFE) Manual (ICE M0042)

    This manual addresses practical skills for engaging in nonformal education (NFE) with a background in the underlying theory. NFE can be used across all programming sectors and is effective for identifying and maximizing learning opportunities with a wide variety of groups in almost any setting.

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  • PACA: Using Participatory Analysis for Community Action Idea Book (ICE M0086)

    Once Volunteers are trained in participatory analysis for community action (PACA) techniques and processes (see the PACA Training Manual [ICE No. M0053]), they can use this Idea Book to further their knowledge of PACA and begin to implement the concepts with their communities. This book describes how Peace Corps Volunteers can maximize the Peace Corps' capacity-building approach to development by using participatory activities to better understand the impact of gender roles and relations in community development. Most importantly, this book gives concrete ideas and examples to help Volunteers put the analysis gained from the activities into action.

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  • Participatory Analysis for Community Action (PACA) Training Manual (ICE M0053)

    This revised manual continues to be a core resource for use in pre-service training or in-service training to teach Peace Corps trainees and Volunteers asset-based participatory approaches to community development. As in the original manual, readers learn specific tools like community mapping, transects and seasonal calendars that may be used with groups within communities to help them identify their collective resources, needs and priorities. The book also reinforces a process to ensure community members are not excluded from the planning process due to economic status, sex, age, race, religion and other factors. Trainers will appreciate the updated examples and the suggestions for integrating PACA training with other essential training sessions.

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  • Promoting Powerful People: A Process for Change (ICE T0104)

    This manual promotes a process for helping people to help themselves, and focuses on skills Volunteers need to communicate effectively with community members. Although the manual uses nutrition as an example, most sessions require little or no adaptation to be used In other technical areas. Sessions are cross-referenced to PACA: Participatory Analysis for Community Action and Culture Matters Trainer's Guides.

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  • TEFL/TESL: Teaching English as a Foreign or Second Language (ICE M0041)

    This publication was designed for use by Peace Corps Volunteers with no previous teaching experience. It combines general teaching practices with specific language teaching techniques, and outlines and assesses each of the major, commonly used approaches to language instruction. Sessions cover techniques for teaching grammar and the four basic language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing), including lesson planning and testing. ERIC: ED313902.

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  • Teach English Prevent HIV: A Teacher's Manual (ICE M0090)

    Education is a key to preventing the spread of HIV and reducing stigma and discrimination against those infected and affected by HIV. Teach English Prevent HIV: A Teacher's Manual is designed to enable Peace Corps Volunteers in every region to teach English while also providing students a safe space to learn about HIV/AIDS and develop life skills that reduce their vulnerability to infection. The curriculum focuses primarily, though not exclusively, on speaking and listening skills and aims to achieve a measurable impact on students' knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy, intentions, and behaviors. This manual is designed for school-based programs targeting students ages 13–16 with an intermediate level of English language proficiency. Modeled on an evidence-based program, the manual includes 14 individual lessons and a four-part booster program to reinforce learning as well as evaluation tools to gauge impact on students' knowledge, attitudes and behaviors.

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  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Large Multilevel Classes (ICE M0046)

    This manual draws on suggestions from Volunteers working under difficult conditions with limited resources. It offers ideas and activities to help teachers deal with very large classes or a lack of textbooks. It also addresses such issues as student interests and needs, classroom management, theme-based lesson planning, the national curricula, and resistance to group work. It aids Volunteers in creating classrooms where students are given opportunities to think critically, work cooperatively, and enjoy the experience of learning. ERIC: ED358702.

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  • Uncommon Journeys (WWS)

    Featuring 11 essays by returned Peace Corps Volunteers, Uncommon Journeys lends readers an insider's view of life as a Volunteer. Challenges. Rewards. Humor. And, most importantly: lessons about life in other cultures. Ten of the selections are accompanied by lessons designed for 6th- through 12th-grade classrooms. Stories range from Eastern Europe to Africa, and from Central America to Asia.

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  • V2 - Volunteerism Action Guide: Multiplying the Power of Service (ICE CD062, ICE CD063, ICE CD064, ICE CD065)

    This guide is a resource for Volunteers and their community partners to plan, design, implement and assess local service or volunteerism activities. The aim of the V2 Action Guide is to support existing or new host country volunteerism efforts. Applying a service learning approach when possible, this publication shows Volunteers how to add value to their capacity building work by helping participants in volunteer activities identify learning goals and integrate reflection (learning) in their work. Part 1 of the guide is an overview and introduction to the elements of service learning along with important cultural considerations. Part 2 is a step by step guide for creating service learning projects with suggested resources and provides a real life example of the process. Part 3 is a template that can be adapted, translated, and used by local groups or organizations to design their own service activities. This guide references specific helpful resources in many other ICE publications.

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  • Voices From the Field: Reading and Writing about the World, Ourselves, and Others (WWS online manual)

    This resource contains two sections and is designed for use by language arts teachers in U.S. grades 7-12. The Peace Corps Stories section contains narratives, fiction, folktales, and poetry around which lesson plans are organized. The Curriculum Units section contains two separate, but complementary language arts units: Reading and Responding to Literature and A Reading and Writing Workshop. Lessons are intended to engage students' imaginations and inspire them to lead "wide-awakened" lives.

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  • Volunteer On-Going Language Learning Manual (ICE M0064)

    People learn languages at different rates and in different ways. This book can help individuals develop strategies for increasing their language competency, discover how they learn best, and continue self-directed language learning after formal training.

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Last updated Apr 16 2012

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