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Discussion Groups

Provides information about electronic mailing lists that discuss issues related to invasive plant species. See Resource Library - Discussion Groups for general resources, other species, and pest management.

Disclaimer: Information posted on these lists do not reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Alien Plant Working Group Discussion - APWG / APWG Archives
APWG is e-mail list that serves to promote discussion on APWG projects and relevant invasive plant issues.

To subscribe to the list: send an e-mail to apwg-request@lists.plantconservation.org with the following in the body of the message (not the subject): SUBSCRIBE

All Plant Converservation Alliance (PCA) Mailing Lists


Arizona Native Plant Society - AZPlants
AZPLANTS is an unmoderated list for discussion of Southwestern native plants of the Arizona Native Plant Society. The list's central topic is the ecology, distribution, and propagation of plants native to Arizona and the Sonoran Desert. Related topics within the list's sphere of interest would include native-plant xeriscaping; revegetation, plant salvage and habitat restoration; the impact of exotic/invasive species; state and federal legislation related to endangered species, habitat protection, noxious weed lists.

To subscribe: Send an e-mail to: listserv@listserv.arizona.edu, with the message body

sub azplants <yourfirstname yourlastname>


California Invasive Plant Email Forums
California Invasive Plant Council.
California WeedTalk provides a forum for discussion of invasive plant issues in California. This listserv serves to facilitate information sharing between its members and others concerned about invasive plants that damage the state's ecosystems. CalWeedJobs circulates job announcements related to invasive plants or restoration.


California Invasive Plant Council Weed Mapping Workgroup (CalWeedMapping)
The CalWeedMapping email list is a forum for discussion and sharing on the topic of mapping invasive plants, tracking weed invasions over time, and monitoring the effects of eradication treatments.


Dave's Garden - Invasive Plants Discussion Forum
A forum for thoughtful and respectful discussion of invasive plants (whether native or exotic/alien species); their effect on your garden and the environment, and a place to seek help with identifying and eradicating or controlling such plants.


Delaware River Invasive Plant Partnership - DRIPP
(DRIPP) was formed to increase public awareness and understanding of the impacts of non-native invasive plant species and facilitate the exchange of information regarding these weeds in the Delaware River watershed. The major goals of DRIPP are:
1) to unite private citizens, organizations, and academic
institutions with local, state, and federal agencies;
2) to develop an overview of what is known and what is being done in the watershed regarding invasive plants;
3) to create a comprehensive invasive plant management plan that includes thorough inventories to assess the impacts of invasive plant species, and identification and prioritization of the most problematic invasive plants;
and 4) to coordinate watershed-wide invasive plant control efforts.


Enviroweeds - CRC for Australian Weed Management
The Enviroweeds list server, which was established in 1998 by the Weeds CRC, is used to help distribute and discuss information on the management of environmental weeds in natural ecosystems.


Global Invasive Species Team Listserv
Archive from the Nature Conservancy, Global Invasive Species Team.


Invasive Plant Association of Wisconsin (IPAW)
The Invasive Plant Association of Wisconsin (IPAW) is an organization comprised of agencies, organizations, and individuals concerned with the spread of invasive plants and their impacts on natural ecosystems.


InvasivesOhio: Ohio Invasive Plant Council
Participating in statewide efforts to address the threats of invasive species to Ohio's ecosystems and economy by providing leadership and promoting stewardship, education, research, and information exchange.


Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council - EPPC On-Line Discussion Forum
A list server for the discussion of exotic pest plants in Florida including: impacts, biology, and management.


Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council - MA-EPPC
The purpose of the Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council is to join forces in the middle Atlantic region of the U.S. to better address the problem of invasive exotic plants and their threat to the region's native flora, fauna, and natural ecosystems. Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia will constitute the supporting body of this exotic pest plant council. The committee will meet several times each year (number and schedule to bedetermined by the committee) at different locations throughout the region.

  Midwest Invasive Plant Network (MIPN) Listserv
Information is posted about events, job openings, grants, and much more.

Minnesota Invasive Species Discussion Group (MISDG)
Supported by The Minnesota Invasive Species Advisory Council (MISAC). MISAC is a diverse group with a common interest in battling nonnative invasive species in Minnesota .


Neinvasives-discuss - IPANE (Invasive Plant Atlas of New England)
A list to which anyone can post if they want to discuss invasive species in New England with others.


Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council Group
To gather information on research and control for invasives.


Plant Conservation Alliance E-mail List
Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA) has an automated e-mail list through which meeting agendas, meeting highlights, and various other announcements are distributed, native plant discussion is also promoted.


SouthWest Vegetation Management Association (SWVMA)
SWVMA is a group of people concerned by the growing problems posed by invasive plants specifically in the South West. Some examples of serious "weeds" include Saltcedar, yellow starthistle and Dalmation toadflax. Invasive plants and noxious weeds have caused large-scale agricultural and ecological problems in other areas of the U.S., and we'd like to make the public aware of the seriousness of this issue. Our main goals are education and public awareness.


Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council (SE-EPPC) List
Southeast Exotic Plant Pest Council


Global Invasive Species Team Listserv (Archives)
Archive from the Nature Conservancy, Global Invasive Species Team. Listserv no longer active.


Western Weed Coordinating Committee Members Listserve
An Early Warning listserve has been established so WWCC members could alert each other when new invaders are discovered. It is to be used only for invasive plant alerts.

You can write to this listserve any time at invaders@listserv.montana.edu
and the message will go to everyone on the list. When you post a message about newly discovered weeds, please include the name of the plant and some identifying information, where it was found and when, how it might have gotten there, and the intended action to deal with it. This listserve also is a great place to ask for related resources and expertise about new invaders.

You may reply to messages simply by hitting "Reply" and your message will go to everyone on the list.

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Last Modified: Aug 27, 2012
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