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Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) assists local community endeavors to effectively avert and react to juvenile delinquency and victimization. Through partnerships with experts from various disciplines, OJJDP aims to improve the juvenile justice system and its policies so that the public is better protected, youth and their families are better served, and hold offenders accountable. OJJDP develops, implements, and monitors programs for juveniles. The office also supports many research, program, and training initiatives; develops priorities and goals and sets policies to guide juvenile justice issues; disseminates information about juvenile justice issues; and awards funds to states to support local programming nationwide.


Principal Deputy Administrator: Melodee Hanes
OJJDP Main Line: 202-307-5911
OJJDP E-mail: AskJJ