Upcoming Events

2012 Leon Silverman Lecture Series

The 2012 Leon Silverman Lecture Series focuses on the Constitution and the Supreme Court’s earliest history on property rights.  Reservations are required to gain entry and seating is limited. Reservations for the entire series will be given priority. Please call 202-543-0400 to make reservations. Reservations are on a first come first serve basis so please register early. Please click here for the full PDF of the invite which has been mailed to all active members.

The 2012 Leon Silverman Lecture series is sponsored by:
Fried Frank Shriver Harris and Jacobson LLP
Gregory P. Joseph Law Offices LLC
Bart M. Schwartz in memory of Robert Kasanof
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP

The Lecture Schedule is as follows:



November 14, 2012 | 6:00 PM
The History of Native American Lands
and the Supreme Court
Professor Angela Riley
University of California Los Angeles School of Law

Recent Events

 Leon Silverman 2012 Lecture Series

October 10, 2012 | 6:00 pm
The Supreme Court and the
Takings Clause
Professor Richard A. Epstein
University of Chicago School of Law

March 14, 2012 | 6:00 pm
Property Rights and the American
Founding: An Overview
Professor Johnathan O’Neill
Georgia Southern University

May 2, 2012 | 6:00 pm
Property Rights in the Gilded Age
Professor James W. Ely, Jr.
Vanderbilt University

May 23, 2012 | 6:00 pm
A Prudent Regard for Our Own Good?
James Madison and the Commerce
Clause, in Nation and State
Professor Mark R. Killenbeck
University of Arkansas School of Law

The Supreme Court Historical Society Celebrates The 30th Anniversary of Sandra Day O’Connor’s First Term on the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court Historical Society and the Freedom Forum celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Sandra Day O’Connor’s appointment to the Supreme Court. President Ronald Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Connor to the Supreme Court of the United States on September 22, 1981. The Senate confirmed the appointment on September 25, 1981, making O’Connor the first female Associate Justice in the history of the Court. Justice O'Connor served on the Supreme Court for twenty-four years and retired on January 31, 2006.The event was held at The Annenberg Theater Newseum on April 11th 2012.


 Video Coverage of the event can be found on YouTube [External Link]

Frank C. Jones Reenactment Lecture

The Society hosted the third annual Frank C. Jones Reenactment lecture on November 9, 2011.  Justice Antonin Scalia presided over the reenactment of Texas v. White, an 1869 Supreme Court case that dealt with a claim by the Reconstruction government of Texas involving bonds owned by the state since 1850 that were illegally sold by the Confederate state legislature during the Civil War.   Click here for event information.

 2011 Summer Institute

 The Society was proud to host two sessions of the Summer Institute for Teachers, June 16-21, 2011 and June 23-28, 2011.  Both sessions took place at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. and were conducted by Street Law, Inc. Click here for event information.

2011 Annual Meeting and Dinner

The Supreme Court Historical Society hosted the 36th Annual Meeting on Monday, June 6, 2011. Click here for event information.

 National Heritage Lecture

On Monday, May 16, 2011 The White House Historical Association, The U.S. Capitol Historical Society and The Supreme Court Historical Society hosted the National Heritage Lecture on the Kennedy White House and the Press. Click here for event information.

2011 Leon Silverman Lecture Series


The 2011 four part lecture series focused on the people behind some of the Court's early religion cases.  On May 10, 2011, the Society hosted the last of the lecture series.


New York Supreme Court Historical Society Presents John Jay: A Family Affair Nominated From New York: The Empire State’s Contributions To the Supreme Court Bench


On Wednesday, May 4, 2011 the Supreme Court Historical Society partnered with the Historical Society of the Courts of the State of New York to host lectures by Walter Stahr, Esquire. Readings from letters between John and Sarah Jay by Janet M. Wedge, Louise North and Hon. Albert M. Rosenblatt  Click here for event information.


The Supreme Court Historical Society is always eager to hear what you think. Please share your ideas and suggestions at suggestions@supremecourthistory.org. Your comments will be sent to a member of the Society's staff. Thank you for your interest in helping the Society improve its services and program offerings.





emailus The Supreme Court Historical Society is always eager to hear what you think. Please share your ideas and suggestions at suggestions@supremecourthistory.org. Your comments will be sent to a member of the Society's staff. Thank you for your interest in helping the Society improve its services and program offerings.


 Angela Riley

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