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Economic Impacts

Provides national and international resources for the economic impacts of invasive plant species. See Economic Impacts - National and Economic Impacts - International for general resources and other species.


Annotated Bibliography on the Economics of Invasive Plants (Apr 2004; PDF | 37 KB)
University of California. Agricultural Issues Center.

Approaches to Assessment of Cumulative Economic Impact of Invasive Plants (2005; PDF | 98 KB)
University of California - Davis. Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Assessing the Economic Impact of Noxious Weeds: The Case of Leafy Spurge (Jan 2003; PDF | 1.20 MB)
Brandon University (Canada). Leafy Spurge Forum Proceedings.

Biofuels and Invasive Plant Species - White Paper (Feb 2007; PDF | 74 KB)
Weed Science Society of America.
White Paper by: Joe DiTomaso, Jodie Holt, and Nelroy Jackson

Cost Estimates - Saltcedar
Tamarisk Coalition.

Economic Effects of Invasive Weeds on Land Values (from an Agricultural Banker's Standpoint)
Charles Weiser, Exotic Pests of Eastern Forests Conference Proceedings (Apr 1997)

Economic Impacts from the Effects of Invasive Weeds on Outdoor Recreation: An Input-Output Model (PDF | 282 KB)
University of Nevada - Reno. Cooperative Extension.

Economic Impacts of IPlants: Invasive Plants and the Nursery Industry (Spring 2000)
Brown University. Environmental Studies.

Invasive Plants of Range and Wildlands and Their Environmental, Economic, and Societal Impacts (2005)
Weed Science Society of America. CL Duncan and JK Clark, eds.

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A Preliminary Assessment of the Economic Impact of Leafy Spurge in Manitoba (Jan 2003; PDF | 149 KB)
Brandon University (Canada). Leafy Spurge Forum Proceedings.

The Economic Consequences of Alien Plant Invasions: Examples of Impacts and Approaches to Sustainable Management in South Africa (PDF | 240 KB)
University of Cape Town (South Africa). B.W. Van Wilgen, D.M. Richardson, D.C. Le Maitre, C. Marais, and D. Magadlela. 2001. Environment, Development and Sustainability 3:145-168.

The Economic Impact of Weeds in Australia (Feb 2004; PDF | 329 KB)
Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management.

The Role of Resource Economics in the Control of Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa (PDF | 474 KB)
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (South Africa).
Jane Turpie. 2004. South African Journal of Science 100:87-93.

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Last Modified: Jul 12, 2012
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