This imagery is being released in association with NASA's Mars Science Laboratory mission. This is a temporary caption to be replaced as soon as more information is available.

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Artist's concept of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft approaching Mars

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NASA to Host Mars Curiosity Rover Teleconference Oct. ...

NASA will host a media teleconference at noon PDT (3 p.m. EDT) on Thursday, Oct. 18, about the latest status of the Curiosity rover's mission to Mars.

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This image contributed to an interpretation by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity science team that some of the bright particles on the ground near the rover are native Martian material.

Rover's Second Scoop Discarded, Third Scoop Commanded

Commands will be sent to Curiosity today instructing the rover to collect a third scoop of soil from the "Rocknest" site of windblown Martian sand ...

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This 360-degree scene shows the surroundings of the location where NASA Mars rover Curiosity arrived on the 59th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission on Mars (Oct. 5, 2012).

Curiosity Preparing for Second Scoop

On Sol 65 (Oct. 11, 2012) of the Mars Science Laboratory mission, NASA's Mars rover Curiosity completed several activities in preparation for ...

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Mars rock known as 'Jake Matijevic'

Mars Rock Touched by NASA Curiosity has Surprises

The first Martian rock NASA's Curiosity rover has reached out to touch presents a more varied composition than expected from previous missions.

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This pairing illustrates the first time that NASA's Mars rover Curiosity collected a scoop of soil on Mars.

Work Resumes with First Scooped Sample

The team operating Curiosity decided on Oct. 9, 2012, to proceed with using the rover's first scoop of Martian material.

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Mission Images

Bright Particle of Martian Origin in Scoop Hole

This image contributed to an interpretation by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity science team that some of the bright particles on the ground near the rover are native Martian material.

This image contributed to an interpretation by NASA's Mars rover Curiosity science team that some of the bright particles on the ground near the rover are native Martian material. Other light-toned ...

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Small Debris on the Ground Beside Curiosity

This image from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows a small bright object on the ground beside the rover at the 'Rocknest' site.

This image from the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) camera on NASA's Mars rover Curiosity shows a small bright object on the ground beside the rover at the "Rocknest" site. The object is just below the ...

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Curiosity's Location During First Scooping

This 360-degree scene shows the surroundings of the location where NASA Mars rover Curiosity arrived on the 59th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission on Mars (Oct. 5, 2012).

This 360-degree scene shows the surroundings of the location where NASA Mars rover Curiosity arrived on the 59th Martian day, or sol, of the rover's mission on Mars (Oct. 5, 2012). It is a mosaic of ...

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Target: Jake Matijevic Rock

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Image

This image shows where NASA's Curiosity rover aimed two different instruments to study a rock known as "Jake Matijevic." The red dots are where the Chemistry and Camera (ChemCam) instrument zapped it ...

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High-Resolution View of Cross-Section Through a Mars ...

NASA's Mars Science Laboratory image

This image shows the wall of a scuffmark NASA's Curiosity made in a windblown ripple of Martian sand with its wheel. The upper half of the image shows a small portion of the side wall of the scuff ...

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