Pacific Endeavor 2012: Making the Incompatible Compatible

Representatives from 22 Asia-Pacific militaries, international humanitarian organizations, academia from various educational institutions, and industry partners gather for a group photo after the opening ceremony for Pacific Endeavor 2012.

Story and Photos by SSG Carl Hudson, U.S. Army On Aug. 4 – 17, I was privileged to participate as a public affairs representative in the Pacific Endeavor 2012 workshop and witnessed representatives from 22 Asia-Pacific militaries, international humanitarian organizations, academia from various educational institutions, and industry partners gather for the common cause of saving [...]

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Honoring Our True Heroes; NFL Pays Tribute to Wounded Warriors

An Army Soldier and Purple Heart Recipient talks with NFL Player Calvin Johnson

Theresa Donnelly Each year in Hawaii, we welcome the NFL Pro Bowl. Part of the lead up to the big game at Aloha Stadium are a series of community engagements, where citizens meet their favorite football players and the players learn more about the Hawaii community and our culture here. On Jan. 24 I had [...]

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Pacific Endeavor; improving interoperability and building relationships


Getting the opportunity to travel overseas is something I always love to do. In fact, being in the military often gives me these chances. However, what is really fulfilling for me is seeing the Pacific Command strategy in action. This was the case a couple weeks back when I traveled to Singapore to promote Pacific [...]

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Personal Perspectives: A Deployment to Southern Philippines

After assigned to Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines (JSOTF-P) for just one week, on Sept. 27, 2009 I found myself standing in the middle of a massive flooding fiasco in metro Manila, surrounding by thousands of desperate people, watching the city rescue units and the Armed Forces of the Philippines bring their loved ones safely [...]

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U.S. and Laos Co-Host Multinational Pandemic Influenza Workshop


Major infectious disease outbreaks in Asia are being placed under the microscope during a series of workshops co-hosted by the U.S. and Laos. This multinational “Pandemic Influenza Civil-Military Senior Planners Workshop” from 6-9 April, 2010, included more than 45 civilian and military medical professionals from 12 nations. Participating nations include Cambodia, the Maldives, Philippines, Thailand, [...]

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Big Island hosts USPACOM International Military Lawyer Conference

Today, Pacific Command’s 23rd annual Military Operations and Law Conference (MILOPS) wraps up on the Big Island, Hawaii. MILOPS is a yearly meeting of legal professionals from countries throughout the Asia-Pacific region. With 26 nations represented, this year’s conference covered a broad spectrum of complex issues facing the Asia-Pacific region from humanitarian assistance and disaster [...]

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COE Hosts Global Pandemic Influenza Workshops


In the event of a global pandemic, militaries around the world would expect to be called upon by governments to support civilian first-responders. In order to maintain this type of readiness, The Center for Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (COE) plans to conduct pandemic influenza workshops in 11 countries throughout the Asia Pacific [...]

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Cobra Gold, Lessons Learned on Disaster Relief

In a DOD Bloggers Roundtable on Feb. 2. Lt. Gen. Benjamin Mixon, commander of U.S. Army Pacific, discussed the importance of military exercise Cobra Gold. Cobra Gold is one of the best and most important exercises that we do as part of U.S. Pacific Command…[it] highlights many of the activities that we do in the [...]

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Cobra Gold Brings Multiple Nations Together for Training


Exercise Cobra Gold, in its 29th year, begins Monday, with service members from Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and the U.S. as guests of host Thailand. Sponsored by PACOM and the Royal Thai Supreme Command, the three-week exercise includes a command post exercise, a series of medical and engineering civic action projects, and [...]

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Collaborative Efforts Results in New Facilities, Road in Southern Philippines


A new birthing clinic, elementary school, and a road are among the most recent projects to be completed in the southern Philippines through the cooperative efforts of Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines (JSOTF-P), the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and local officials. On Jan. 14, the school, which will accommodate 250 students, and the [...]

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Cobra Gold 2013 Represenatatives

Landing craft air cushion (LCAC) 47

- A U.S. Marine Corps light armored vehicle

An MV-22B Osprey prepares to land

NMCB 5 Seabees Build, Teach and Learn at Aplaya Elementary School

Rake concrete while constructing a classroom during Exercise Cobra Gold 2013

A tour of the USS GW ship’s flight deck

UH-1Y Venom helicopter

Third-annual Okinawan first vendor showcase

F/A-18 Hornets  during Cope North 2013

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