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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Become a PMF

Overview and Timeline

NOTE: New regulations impacting the PMF Program took effect on July 10, 2012. We are in the process of updating the PMF website to reflect the new changes, but have reflected initial information about the Class of 2013 application cycle.


The PMF Class of 2013 application, via a job opportunity announcement on USAJOBS (, is expected to launch Monday, November 5, 2012, and close at 11:59:59pm (ET) on Monday, November 19, 2012. Applicants can search for "Presidential Management Fellows" on USAJOBS or select the link found under the Application Process\How to Apply webpage.

To become a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF), you must sign up for a multi-phase process. It will take patience and endurance, but also gives you a chance to demonstrate your ability. Last year, more than 9,000 graduate students applied to the PMF Program and approximately 630 achieved Finalist status. If you become a PMF, you will have earned your place in the Program, and the opportunity to grow professionally, serve your country, and make a difference!

The very first step in successfully becoming a PMF is paying attention to the details of the application process. Applying for Federal Government jobs can be a lengthy process; and though we've done everything we can to streamline the process, there are still rules and regulations we must follow to ensure fair and merit-based selections. Below is an approximate timeline of the major steps in the process, as it relates to the PMF Class of 2013's application cycle. Please note the assessment process may impact dates shown below. The chart will be updated accordingly. All timelines are subject to change.

As details become available, we will update this webpage. Interested applicants should check this "Become a PMF" section frequently for updates.

Approximate Timeline
(All deadlines are 11:59:59 p.m., Eastern Time, and subject to change)

Date Description
Monday, November 5, 2012

Application for the PMF Class of 2013 opens via a job opportunity announcement on USAJOBS at; search for "Presidential Management Fellows". Eligible applicants must also complete the on-line assessment prior to the announcement closing.

Monday, November 19, 2012 Application for the PMF Class of 2013 closes at 11:59pm (ET)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012 Deadline for applicants to submit supporting documentation for any claims for Veterans' Preference.
Mid-December 2012
  • Applicants notified of eligibility
  • Semi-Finalists selected and notified
  • Semi-Finalists start scheduling their in-person assessment
January/February 2013 In-person assessments conducted for Semi-Finalists
March 2013 Semi-Finalists notified of Finalist status via email
Spring 2013 PMF Class of 2013 Finalists Job Fair (Washington, DC, metro area)

UPDATED: 09-20-2012, 10:00 AM (ET)