Training Service Members & Commanders

Department-wide Baseline Training

The Department’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response program provides new baseline training for all military personnel and is designed to educate individuals throughout their careers to include professional military education programs. This training provides ample opportunity to discuss different elements of what constitutes sexual assault and to address with each Service member, from entry level to commander, military to civilian, enlisted to flag officer or equivalent, their role in preventing and responding to sexual assault.

Accession Training

The Department has directed the Military Services to provide sexual assault training to all accession (officer and enlisted) programs.

Pre-deployment Training

This training provides information regarding the cultural differences of a given host country and the Department’s coalition partners in an effort to help prevent sexual assaults while also ensuring advance information on the support system available for Service member protection and care outside of the United States.

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Campaign Materials

SAPRO's SAAM materials have been designed to support installation and unit sexual assault prevention and education efforts. These downloads contain material that can be reproduced and distributed to support local SAAM campaigns. Materials include posters, video PSAs and radio PSAs.

Download SAAM posters and videos

Commander Training

The Department recognizes that a commander may respond to only one or two sexual assault incidents during his or her tenure. Due to the traumatic nature of sexual assault and the complexity of the issues, commanders will receive ongoing training to help guide their actions and decisions related to the needs of a sexual assault victim, rights of the accused, as well as actions that assist their organization.