Historical Documents


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Foreign Relations of the United States, 1961–1963, Volume XXI, Africa

Southern Africa Region: Document List

Document 311: Paper Prepared in the Department of State

Washington, June 28, 1962.

Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Africa. Secret; Noforn. Drafted by Duggan and Lewis. Sent to George McGhee and U. Alexis Johnson, Department of State; Paul Nitze, William Bundy, Henry Rowen, and Major General T.W. Parker, Department of Defense; Henry Fowler, Department of the Treasury; Richard Helms and Ray S. Cline, CIA; and McGeorge Bundy and Carl Kaysen, the White House, under cover of a memorandum from Henry Owen (S/P) that reads: “The attached paper, ‘The White Redoubt' of June 28, 1962, will be discussed at the Planning Group meeting on Tuesday, July 10.” The paper was discussed at the Secretary's Planning Meeting on July 17. A summary of the discussion is in Department of State, S/P Files: Lot 70 D 199, Departmental Organization.

Document 312: Memorandum of Conversation

Washington, August 21, 1962.

Source: Department of State, AF/AFI Files: Lot 64 D 467, United Nations 17th GA, Pol 1, General Policy, US. Confidential. Drafted by Sisco and approved by the White House on August 29 and by the Office of the Secretary of State on August 27.

Document 313: Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State

London, December 6, 1962, 7 p.m.

Source: Department of State, Central Files, 770.00/12-662. Confidential.

Document 314: Paper Prepared in the Department of State

Washington, March 25, 1963.

Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Africa. Confidential. Drafted by Foulon, Sanger, and Mathews. Transmitted to Planning Group members on April 17 under cover of a memorandum from Walt Rostow, S/P, that reads: “The attached paper entitled ‘Problems of Southern Africa' dated March 25, 1963 will be discussed at the Planning Group meeting, Tuesday, April 23.”

Document 315: Memorandum From the President's Special Assistant (Schlesinger) to Attorney General Kennedy

Washington, July 1, 1963.

Source: Kennedy Library, Schlesinger Papers, White House Files, Africa 7/1/63-7/9/63. Secret.

Document 316: Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense McNamara

JCSM-528-63 Washington, July 10, 1963.

Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, South Africa, 6/6/63-7/12/63. Secret.

Document 317: Circular Telegram From the Department of State to Certain Diplomatic Posts

Washington, July 19, 1963, 8:58 p.m.

Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 10 PORT/AFRICA. Confidential. Drafted by Brown and Schwebel on July 18; cleared by Tasca, Burdett, Meeker, and Sisco; and approved by Cleveland. Sent to USUN, London, Pretoria, Paris, Oslo, Rio de Janeiro, Caracas, Manila, Accra, Rabat, Taipei, Tunis, Monrovia, Tananarive, and Freetown and repeated to Lagos, Dar-es-Salaam, Leopoldville, Lisbon, Lourenco Marques, and Luanda.

Document 318: Memorandum From the Department of State Executive Secretary (Read) to the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)

Washington, July 24, 1963.

Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, Portugal. Confidential.

Document 319: Memorandum From William H. Brubeck of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)

Washington, October 29, 1963.

Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Countries Series, South Africa, 9/30/63-10/29/63. Secret.