Week of June 6th in Review

Jun 10, 2011 Issues: Local Issues

Your Community, Your Voice

Dear Friend,

Last weekend marked the launch of the 33rd Congressional Council, and a standing room only crowd of over 400 people showed up to Wilton Place Elementary to take part in this moment. All leaders in their own communities, they came from as far away as San Diego and Riverside, young activists and old warriors, ministers and organizers, all ready to reaffirm their commitment to take back their country from the Republican extremists that have controlled our national dialogue.

The atmosphere was electric.

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass was briefed by her staff before greeting her constituents at the Congressional Council Launch event

So just what is the 33rd Congressional Council? The Congressional Council is an all volunteer, grassroots organization designed to involve constituents in taking action in their own communities. Through providing access to experts from the federal government, hosting town halls and forums, and taking community concerns directly to decision makers in Washington DC, the Congressional Council will serve to amplify the voice of the people.

Those who have known me throughout my legislative career know that I believe that this type of coalition essential to a functioning democracy. During my six years in the State Assembly we maintained a People’s Council, which many of you reading may have participated in, that provided me with ground level input in the areas of education, the environment, small business development, and health and human services, as well as taking an active role on the issues most important to them. Our Health Commission conducted an annual Health Fair that served over 700 residents per year, our Education Commission put on “Cash for College” events to help students and parents access funds for higher education, and our Environmental and Small Business Commissions joined forces to create a Green Jobs Fair that attracted over 1000 people. And while the issues we address now at the federal level may be different, the need for action is still the same.

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass received a warm welcome by her constituents at the 33rd Congressional Council Launch event

That is what made Saturday’s event so special.

After I gave a report back about some of our nation’s most pressing issues- the budget battle, the debate over raising the debt ceiling, and the Republican plan to end Medicare- I took questions from the audience. One by one they got up to tell their stories and share their concerns. From the record unemployment amongst our young African American men, to the efforts by the Republicans to balance our nation’s debt on the backs of hard working low and middle income Americans, they made their voices heard loud and clear.

By participating in the 33rd Congressional Council, everyone in that room was taking action to help move their community forward and make their government work for them.

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass outline the agenda for the first Congressional Council Meeting

The Congressional Council is designed to not just talk about issues, but to provide constituents with the resources to make positive changes in our movement towards social and economic justice. We’re not just going to talk about the Republican’s plan to end Medicare- we’re going to organize and stop it! When the Republicans talk about cutting the programs that our community depends on, we won’t just hold town halls- we’re going to fight back!

But with all of the people who showed up on Saturday, we still need more. We need everyone reading this to get involved and get active! We need your voice, your expertise, and your passion. We need you to help define the issues that matter in the 33rd Congressional District and how we can address them.

U.S. Rep. Karen Bass engages in a Q & A session with constituents

If you were not able to make it to the kick-off but still want to be involved in the 33rd Congressional Council, or even if you just have questions about it, call my office at (323) 965-1422 and ask how you can participate. Signup to receive text messages reminding you when upcoming meetings are by texting follow CA33CC to 40404 or visit http://karenbass.house.gov

It’s your government- make your voice heard.


Karen Bass