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The Nation's Report Card

The Nation's Report Card: Writing Report Card


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Higher percentages of 13- and 17-year-olds enrolled in advanced mathematics

Age 13
Age 17

As part of the 2008 long-term trend assessment, students at age 13 were asked about the kinds of mathematics courses they were taking. The full text of the question and the percentage of students who responded within each category are shown below:

What kind of mathematics are you taking this year?

A. I am not taking mathematics this year
B. Regular mathematics
C. Pre-algebra
D. Algebra
E. Other

Age 13 mathematics course-taking


  • A higher percentage of 13-year-olds were enrolled in more advanced mathematics courses in 2008 compared to 1986.
  • Compared to 1986, the percentage of 13-year-olds in 2008 taking algebra increased from 16 to 30 percent.

* Significantly different (p < .05) from 2008.
# Rounds to zero.
1 Original assessment format. Results prior to 2004 are also from the original assessment format.
2 Revised assessment format.

NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. View complete data with standard errors.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), various years, 1986–2008 Long-Term Trend Mathematics Assessments.

To read more details on comparisons across years, see About the Long-Term Trend Assessment.

2008 Long-Term Trend Report Card 2008 Long-Term Trend Report Card