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E-Mail Subscription Service

The NLRB makes available e-mail subscriptions for a variety of information.

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Items available include:

  • News Releases: The latest news from the NLRB.
  • Announcements: Significant appointments, promotions and departures of NLRB personnel.  
  • Weekly Summary of Decisions: A listing and brief summary of all decisions issued by the Board, and links to all ALJ decisions and appellate court decisions on NLRB cases, issued Tuesday for the previous week.
  • Board Decisions: Receive links to Board decisions as they are issued.  
  • Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Decisions: Receive links to ALJ decisions as they are issued.
  • Regional Election Decisions: Decisions and Directions of Elections (D&DEs) and Decisions and Orders (D&Os) issued by Regional Directors.
  • General Counsel Memos: General Counsel memoranda are issued to field offices and/or Washington offices by the General Counsel to provide policy guidance.
  • Operations-Management Memos: Operations-Management memoranda are issued to the field offices from the Division of Operations-Management of the General Counsel’s Office in Washington to give direction in case handling matters.
  • Appellate Court Branch Briefs and Motions: The briefs and occasional motions filed by the General Counsel in support of the Board's orders 
  • Regional News: Receive news releases from your local region only.
  • Social Media Feeds: Receive our Twitter updates via email.