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Library > Fact Sheets > Utah Aviation Hall of Fame


Posted 2/16/2011 Printable Fact Sheet

The Utah Aviation Hall of Fame was established to recognize individuals in the State of Utah who have distinguished themselves through heroic accomplishments as civil or military aviators or by fostering exceptionally noteworthy advances in the State of Utah's aviation programs. The overarching goal of this program is to cultivate public appreciation for the contributions of such worthy individuals to the cause of air power and to encourage the continued development of aviation throughout the State.

In 1996 the Governor of Utah provided official recognition of the Utah Aviation Hall of Fame and proclaimed 32nd Flight (Pioneer), Order of Daedalians, the National Fraternity of Military Pilots, as the sponsor and custodial agency for the program. The initial thirteen inductees for the Hall of Fame were enshrined in 1996 when the Hall of Fame found a home within the Hill Aerospace Museum.

For more information about the Utah Aviation Hall of Fame, or to nominate a person for the current list of candidates, please contact Pat Gilmore, the Hall of Fame Administrator, at (801) 298-8597 or email.


Lt. Col. Paul Bloomquist

Major General Orvil A. Anderson

General John Kenneth Cannon

Brigadier General Darrell Stuart Cramer

Major General William E. Creer

Colonel Glenn Todd Eagleston

Captain Richard Taylor Eastmond

Colonel Bernard F. Fisher

Jacob Edwin Garn

Senator Jake Garn

Colonel Gail Halvorsen

Robert H. Hinckley

Colonel Lorin Lavar Johnson

Lieutenant Colonel Clifford Dale Jolley

Colonel Willard R. Macfarlane

Colonel Russell L. Maughan

Ardeth "Art" Mortensen

Alberta Hunt Nicholson

Lieutenant Colonel Chase J. Nielsen

Major General Chesley Gordon Peterson

Major Alden P. Rigby

Brigadier General Richard Condie Sanders

Colonel Walter T. Stewart

Brigadier General Paul W. Tibbets

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