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The National Security Council (NSC) Institutional Files Collection are in the custody of the National Archives and Records Administration under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act. Materials covered by this Act have been archivally processed and are described in this Finding Aid. Items that are security classified or otherwise restricted under the act have been removed and placed in a closed file.  [See Also:  Presidential Records Act]

A Withdrawal Sheet (NA Form 14029) has been placed in the front of each folder describing each withdrawn item. Employees of the National Archives will periodically review the unclassified portions of closed materials for the purpose of opening those which no longer require restrictions.  [See Also:  Declassification]

About the Finding Aid  [See Also:  Adobe Acrobat PDFNSC Institutional Files Finding Aid]

The NSC Institutional Files Finding Aid is 165 pages. This file is large and may take time to load (3.64MB)

The Finding Aid includes:

  • Series Descriptions
  • Group and Committee Descriptions
  • National Security Study Memorandum Title List
  • National Security Decision Memorandum Title List
  • Folder Title List

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