Pool Safely Day July 22 – July 29, 2012

Pool Safely Day 2012

Week of July 22-29

Let us know how you’re participating in Pool Safely Day 2012 – an annual celebration of water safety designed to encourage all Americans to pool safely every day.

Participants from all around the U.S. will be celebrating Pool Safely Day 2012 during the week of July 22 – July 29, 2012. To have your support counted as a Pool Safely Day 2012 event, simply plan to participate by conducting any one or more of the following activities during the week of July 22-29, 2012:

  1. Host an event or activity at your facility to share water safety information, such as swim lessons, CPR training, or a water safety demonstration.
  2. Have your city or state issue a proclamation declaring one day during the week Pool Safely Day – a template proclamation is available at poolsafely@widmeyer.com.
  3. Incorporate Pool Safely messages or materials into pool-themed events that your organization is already conducting during that week.
  4. Display Pool Safely posters or make available other Pool Safely materials at your facility – free materials are available at poolsafely@widmeyer.com.
  5. Partner with a local fire department or public safety organization to set up a voluntary backyard safety check day for residential pools in your community.

Once you have determined how you’re going to participate this year, select the day that works best for your event, and register your participation by simply sending an email to poolsafely@widmeyer.com with a brief description of what you’re doing and contact information for our follow-up.

After confirming your plans, promote your involvement in Pool Safely Day 2012 though community outreach announcements, posting information on social media, or notifying local media. Please help us raise public awareness about water safety and drowning prevention by encouraging every American to pool safely every day. To learn more about Pool Safely Day 2012 or about the campaign please contact Julia Gotwald at (202) 667-0901.

Who is Virginia Graeme Baker?

Seven-year-old Virginia Graeme Baker’s tragic death inspired her family to advocate for pool and spa safety and moved Congress to act to prevent entrapments.
Read more about her story

The Pool and Spa Safety Act: Staff interpretation and updates


Find the most up to date requirements for the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act.