
Cynthia Lummis

Representing Wyoming

Contact: Christine D'Amico (202) 225-2311

House Passes Job Boosting Energy Development Bill
In response to President Obama’s narrow offshore drilling plan, House passes offshore drilling plan to put Americans back to work.

Washington, Jul 25 -

WASHINGTON – U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis joined 252 members of the U.S. House in passing a replacement for President Obama’s weak offshore drilling plan proposed this past June.  As opposed to the job killing policies set into motion by this administration the House offshore drilling proposal, H.R. 6082, the Congressional Replacement of President Obama’s Energy-Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan, generates $600 million in revenues and adds thousands of American jobs to our economy.

“The Administration continually touts an ‘all-of-the-above’ energy strategy,” Rep. Lummis said. “Well here is it. This bill opens leases for energy development, provides jobs and pumps money into the national economy. It’s a common sense decision for our country’s security and energy independence unlike the proposal put forward by President Obama, which offers the fewest number of leases for offshore drilling ever.”

Today’s passage was a counter to the Administration’s five-year offshore energy proposal which threatens to close 85% of the nation’s offshore energy production areas and offering only 15 lease sales. The planned restriction is so drastic that the non partisan Congressional Research Service (CRS) has shown it to be the most limiting plan to have ever been offered since 1980 when this process began.

If history repeats itself our nation could see less than 15 leases. Between 2007 and 2012 the Obama Administration delayed or cancelled lease sales, allowing for only 11 of the 21 to sneak through.

By contrast, the House alternative schedules 29 new leases in the Gulf of Mexico, Mid-Atlantic, Pacific and the Arctic with initial leases beginning as early as 2013.

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