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National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program

A research and implementation partnership

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NEHRP Secretariat

John Filson

John R. Filson
Scientist Emeritus
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
905 National Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 905
Reston, VA, 20192
(703) 648-6785

John Filson has been involved with the USGS participation in NEHRP since 1978. He served as leader of the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program from 1980–1988 and again from 1997–2003. During the latter period he led the creation and early development of the Advanced National Seismic System. He retired in 2003 but continues to support NEHRP activities through the Secretariat.

Professional Experience:
2003–Present Scientist Emeritus USGS NEHRP Secretariat, 1997–2003 Earthquake Hazards Program Coordinator USGS, 1995–1997 Member Arms Control Intelligence Staff of the Director of Central Intelligence, 1994–1995 Acting Chief Geologist USGS, 1990–1994 Chief Branch of Global Seismology and Geomagnetism USGS, 1988–1990 Research Project Chief USGS, 1980–1988 Chief, Office of Earthquake, Volcanoes, and Engineering USGS, 1978–1980 Deputy Chief, Office of Earthquake, Volcanoes, and Engineering USGS, 1975–1978 Program Manager Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency U.S. Department of Defense, 1969–1975 Staff Member, Lincoln Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963–1968 Teaching and research assistant University of California Berkeley, 1960–1963 Lieutenant, U. S. Marine Corps.

Presidential Meritorious Executive Service Award, Meritorious and Distinguished Service Awards Department of Interior, Outstanding Public Service Award Federal Emergency Management Agency, Exceptional Performance Award Central Intelligence Agency, O. Yu Schmidt Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Observational Seismology Award Eastern Section Seismology Society of America, Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science

Ph.D. and M.S. Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley
B.A. Geology, Rice University

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