Senator Dick Lugar - Driving the Future of Energy Security

Profile of a Patriot

Through the Lugar Energy Patriot, Senator Lugar profiles a student, professional, scholar, or member of the business community who has demonstrated leadership and initiative in taking concrete action to improve America's energy security. In addition to the profile posted here, individuals will receive a certificate designating them Lugar Energy Patriots, and a letter of congratulations.

Mike Hudson
CEO, I-Power

During his October Energy Tour, Senator Lugar stopped in Anderson, Indiana to meet with Mike Hudson, President and CEO of I-Power. The two discussed the importance of making energy security goals a priority in the business community. During the trip, Senator Lugar commented, “I am impressed by the number of innovative ways Hoosiers are entering into exciting energy opportunities.”

Mike Hudson of I-Power stands out as an example of this innovation. In 2005, Mr. Hudson took over Detroit Edison’s distributed generation business, parlaying his experience in aircraft engine design into engine design for generators. The resulting venture, I-Power Energy Systems, sells distributed generation equipment that enhances energy security. Distributed generation is defined as small-scale electricity produced at or near customers’ businesses or homes. It has the potential to improve the reliability and reduce the costs of the nation’s electricity supply, lower emissions of air pollutants, and diversify electricity sources.

Energy security proponents advocate distributed generation for many reasons. First, the co-location of the generators and energy users means that less energy is lost in transmission and storage with distributed generators than through the delivery by traditional electric utilities – up to 70% less in the combined heat and power configuration. As a result, generators use fewer fossil fuels to produce the same amount of energy, reducing overall consumption. I-Power has several products geared towards clean energy, such as a generator that utilizes low BTU gas produced from waste processes, an energy source that would normally goes unused, and a low emissions irrigation pump for use in the agricultural industry. These products, called Greenergy technologies, are efficient enough to exceed California’s emissions standards – the strictest in the nation.

The small size of distributed generators also means that they can be located anywhere, enabling them to take advantage of local alternative fuel sources. I-Power produces generators, as noted earlier, powered by natural gas from animal waste and partially biodegraded landfill materials. Use of these local feedstocks reduces the amount of energy needed to transport fuel to the electricity generation source. Such innovative uses of biomaterials will also drive up the demand for them, generating income for farmers. The potential to shore up rural economies was one of the main reasons Mr. Hudson chose to keep I-Power’s base in Indiana after establishing it as an independent company.

Additionally, distributed generation may have international applications. It has the potential to improve the quality of life in remote locations and developing countries without a well-developed electricity grid; the systems could be especially helpful in providing reliable electricity to hospitals and clinics that require refrigeration. Similarly, distributed generation could provide an alternative energy source to countries that are heavily dependent on oil or natural gas from volatile suppliers. For instance, I-Power is focused on Ukraine as a candidate for biomass-based distributed generation capability in order to allow that country to reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas supplies.

“It’s very important,” says Hudson, “to continually think through how developing technologies can further American foreign policy and domestic efficiency. Energy security is one of the most important motivators for action.”

Senator Lugar agrees. That’s why he’s named Mike Hudson of I-Power Energy Systems the December Lugar Energy Patriot.