Grant Applicants
Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program

Please note! The deadline for Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program has been extended to September 24, 2012, due to a outage. The system will not be accessible at all on September 15, 16, and 17. Read more on the blog.

Guidelines for the current fiscal year are now available:
Access FY 2013 Grant Program Guidelines Online

Frequently Asked Questions about the IMLS Early Careers Development Program (PDF, 58KB)

Read more about the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program on the IMLS Web site

Applicant 101
Also available for 2013 Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program applicants is the following Applicant 101 web presentation. Viewers must have Adobe® Acrobat Pro or Reader version 9 or above to be able to see the PDF presentation below. Get Plug-in.

Web conference with Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Grants Staff
We are available by phone and through e-mail to discuss general issues relating to Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grants. We also invite you to participate in one of two pre-application web conferences to learn more about the program, ask questions, and listen to the questions and comments of other participants.

The web conference schedule for the FY13 Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program is as follows:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012, at 3:00-4:00. Eastern Time
Tuesday, August 14, 2012, at 3:00-4:00. Eastern Time

A few minutes before the start time, go to the following web page through your browser: 

You will be asked to enter your name and your e-mail address. For the audio connection on Wednesday, July 25, dial 866/299-7945 on your phone, and when prompted, enter the code 9910420#. For the audio connection on Tuesday, August 14, dial 888/272-8702 on your phone, and when prompted, enter the code 2053175#.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change. The week the web conference is scheduled, visit the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Web page to confirm the date and time.


Deadline: September 24, 2012
Grant Amount: $50,000–$500,000 (subject to the availability of funds and IMLS discretion)
Grant Period: Up to three years, except for doctoral program projects, which may be up to four years
Matching Requirement: See below.
Program Contact: Mary Alice Ball, AMLS, PhD, Senior Library Program Officer

Kevin Cherry, MSLS, PhD, Senior Library Program Officer

Traci Stanley, Library Program Specialist
Program Overview:

The Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program supports projects to recruit and educate the next generation of librarians, faculty, and library leaders; and to support early career research. It also assists in the professional development of librarians and library staff.

Matching Requirement:
Unless you are requesting Early Career Development, Collaborative Planning funds or National Forum funds, you are REQUIRED to provide cost sharing of at least one-half of the total cost of the project, excluding funds for student support. You may do this directly or through contributions from your project partners and others, by providing funds or in-kind services. For the purposes of cost sharing, student support means any type of assistance provided directly to students (including stipends, tuition remission, and travel), and it applies to continuing education students as well as those enrolled in degree programs. All listed expenses, including all cost sharing, must be incurred during the grant period. IMLS (45 C.F.R. Chapter XI and 2 C.F.R. Chapter XXXI) and government-wide rules and requirements apply, including appropriate Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars and regulations. Federal funds may not be used to meet cost-sharing requirements.

  • We do not require a match for Early Career Development, Collaborative Planning or National Forum Planning proposals. However, we will consider cost-sharing contributions as a competitive factor when evaluating Early Career Development proposals. (See Evaluation Criteria.)
  • Cost sharing is not required for funds to be provided to students in the form of scholarships, fellowships, tuition, wages, or other stipends, provided that payments are reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly on the performance of the work, and that it is your institution’s practice to similarly compensate students in non-sponsored as well as sponsored activities. Charges for tuition remission and other forms of compensation paid to students as, or in lieu of, salaries and wages shall be subject to reporting requirements. Cost sharing is not required for student materials such as books, laptops, or other equipment, or for student travel associated with research or dissemination of project activities or results.
  • We encourage applicants to contribute as cost sharing the salaries of any permanent staff who participate on a project in proportion to the amount of time they will spend on the project. Your proposal should explain how their regular duties will be performed during the grant period.

Libraries that fulfill the general criteria for libraries may apply. See program guidelines for special conditions of eligibility for this program.

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