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About ORF: title over image of architectural detail    Supporting NIH priorities by providing safe, secure, sound, healthy, and attractive facilities   

Building 45, Natcher Building

Building 45 or the William H. Natcher Building


The Natcher Building, completed in 1994, includes office space for 600 NIH extramural staff, a 1,000-seat auditorium, a state-of-the-art multiuse Conference Center with nine conference rooms, a 300-seat cafeteria, and below grade employee parking for 450 vehicles.

The nearest NIH Shuttle Stop is at the main entrance to the building.

Building Other Names:
Building 45; William H. Natcher Building; Natcher Conference Center

Bethesda Campus

Available Service(s):
Eurest Dining Center
MD Program for the Blind Concession Stand
NIH Credit Union ATM
NIH Lactation Program
Mail Room

This page last updated on Dec 08, 2011