Rep. Grimm Asks President to Denounce ‘Piss Christ’ Return to NYC; Fed-up with Administration’s Apologies and Religious Hypocrisy

Sep 21, 2012

STATEN ISLAND, NY – Congressman Michael G. Grimm (R,C-NY) issued the following statement in reaction to the Obama administration’s failure to denounce Andres Serrano’s religiously offensive and controversial art work “Piss Christ,” which will be on display in NYC starting Thursday:

“The Obama administration’s hypocrisy and utter lack of respect for the religious beliefs of Americans has reached an all-time high.  Our own government has just launched on-air ads in Pakistan apologizing for the anti-Islam video that has sparked unrest throughout the region.  Earlier, they asked YouTube to take down the trailer to the controversial film, a request which was denied.

“Now as the controversial ‘Piss Christ’ art exhibit makes its return to NYC, the administration remains silent.  Perhaps they’ve forgotten the controversy that surrounded this deplorable piece depicting a crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine. It outraged Christians in America and throughout the world as the touring exhibit was met with protests and acts of vandalism.

“As a Catholic, I find ‘Piss Christ’ to be vulgar and offensive, just as many in the Islamic world found ‘Innocence of Muslims’ to be highly offensive.  Like most Americans, I condemn both yet remain tolerant as the First Amendment demands. Unfortunately, this administration has yet to echo these views in regards to the religiously offensive ‘art’ here at home.   

“While I believe that we must walk a fine line in regards to free speech, this administration is clearly taking an a la carte approach. In picking winners and losers, it has turned its back on the American people to apologize to the very nations that allowed our embassies to be stormed and our flags to be burned.   I call on President Obama to stand up for America’s values and beliefs, and denounce the ‘Piss Christ’ that has offended Christians at home and abroad.  It’s time this president stops apologizing for America and starts leading it.”