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Welcome to Rural Reporting Manual page
Current 2012 Rural Data Reporting Manual
2011 Agency Identification Form (RU-10) Spreadsheet Template (Excel)
Rural Data Reporting Manual Archives
(HTML and Downloadable PDF files)
2011 Rural General Public Transit Service Form (RU-20) Spreadsheet Template (Excel)
Overview of NTD Internet Reporting System Forms (HTML) 2011 Rural Intercity Bus Form (RU-21) Spreadsheet Template (Excel)
Glossary (HTML) | (pdf) 2011 Rural Recipient Form (RU-22) Spreadsheet Template (Excel)
  2011 Urban Recipient Form (RU-23) Spreadsheet Template (Excel)

2012 Rural Reporting Changes and Clarification Highlights

There are no changes for the 2012 Report Year.

Last Updated: 09/28/2012

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