Maloney statement upon the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq

Dec 16, 2011 Issues: Foreign Affairs, War in Iraq
Press Contact: 
Jon Houston (202) 225-7944

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) today issued the following statement as Iraqis took over control of the last American military base in their country on Friday as US forces marked the end of their mission:

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to praise our troops—and our President-- as we end our involvement in Iraq.

America’s armed forces were called to duty, did everything asked of them and served with distinction.  Their valor and dedication in serving our country half a world away has been an inspiration to me and to our nation.  And now, as they leave the nation of Iraq, we here at home honor their sacrifice, the sacrifice of their families, and welcome them with open arms and open hearts. As we welcome those who are coming home, we must not forget the nearly 4,500 service members who lost their lives and the more than 30,000 troops who were wounded in this conflict who, along with their families, have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

President Obama deserves much credit for keeping his promise to the American people to withdraw from the Iraq conflict and have our troops home by the holidays. Those of us in the House and the Senate must continue to honor our commitment to our veterans and their families, helping to ensure a future in which they can fulfill their hopes and dreams for themselves and their children.