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You are here: Home / Microbes / Databases

Describes databases available online related to invasive microbial species. See Resource Library - Databases for general resources, other species, expertise, and geographic based information.

Database: Global Health Database (free trial)
Host: CAB International
Scope: The Global Health database is published by CABI which has recorded public health and veterinary research since 1910. Global Health is the only specialist bibliographic abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health research and practice. With more than two million records, Global Health is the definitive international public health database for academics, researchers, NGOs, policy makers, clinicians, healthcare professionals and students. The database covers all pathogens relevant to human health, including invasive related issues such as avian influenza and west nile virus.

Database: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Early Detection Data System (HEDDS) - National Avian Influenza Surveillance Information
Host: DOI. USGS. National Wildlife Health Center
Scope: Includes current information about wild bird sampling for early detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the United States. Available to agencies, organizations, and policymakers involved in avian influenza monitoring and response. Scientists will use the data to assess risk and refine monitoring strategies should HPAI be detected in the United States. Public access is more limited, but shows the states where samples have been collected and includes numbers of samples collected from each state.

Database: Invasive and Emerging Fungal Pathogens and Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory Databases
Host: USDA, ARS, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory.
Scope: Provides detailed information incuding images of fungi of quarantine significance. Includes: Fungi Intercepted at Ports of Entry, 100 Fungi on Important Agricultural and Forest Crops Not in the United States, Invasive and Emerging Fungi in the United States, and Common Plant-associated Fungi in the United States.

Database: Plant Viruses Online, Descriptions and Lists from the Virus Identification Data Exchange (VIDE) Database
Host: Australian National University in Canberra, Australia; Austrialian Centre for International Agricultural Research (mirrored from University of Idaho)
Scope: Plant viruses worldwide

Database: ProMED-mail
Host: International Society for Infectious Diseases
Scope: Global electronic reporting system for outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases & toxins, open to all sources. ProMED-mail, the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases, is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases.

Database: Whirling Disease Data Base
Host: Montana State University, Environmental Statistics Group

Database: U.S. National Fungus Collections - Databases
Host: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory
Scope: Includes various U.S. fungal databases

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Last Modified: Jul 17, 2012
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