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IMCS Highlights

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SCUBA diving for science in the Mediterranean Sea

Costa Vetriani (left) and Stefan Sievert (right) collect a sediment core from the shallow water hydrothermal system of Paleochori Bay, Milos island (Mediterranean Sea), Greece, in May 2012, as part of a NSF-sponsored collaborative project between Stefan Sievert (WHOI), Dionysis Foustoukos (Carnegie Institution for Science) and Costantino Vetriani (Rutgers University).  Photo credits: Roy Price.

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Fish Tagging

Rutgers is performing fish tagging research in the Raritan River to see how local species are using the fish ladder. The target species is shad (Alosa), but any species that uses the ladder will be measured and tagged.

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Open House at Marine Field Station

The annual Open House at the Rutgers University Marine Field Station was a huge success. Marine scientists highlighted the research graduate students and scientists are undertaking in the Mullica River, Great Bay Watershed and Barnegat Bay.

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Sampling in Meadowlands

Weis lab sampling in the Hackensack Meadowlands

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Homeland Security Experiment in Alaska

Professor Scott Glenn, technician Mike Smith, undergrads Carey Glenn and Amanda Williams traveled to Barrow, Alaska to visit the first Arctic testbed that will examine the dual-use capability of CODAR SeaSondes for tracking vessels.

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Thai Delegation Introduced to U.S. IOOS Technologies

U.S. IOOS Program Director Zdenka Willis traveled to Rutgers University on August 16, 2012, to meet with a high-ranking delegation from Thailand's Ministry of Science and Technology and the Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA).

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Rutgers Day 2012

New Brunswick was a sea of scarlet at Rutgers University’s fourth annual Rutgers Day, an all-day festival celebrating academics, athletics and good, old-fashioned fun.

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Tom Kean's visit

Former Governor Tom Kean visited IMCS on February 27. During his tenure as Governor he was responsible for securing the 13 million dollars that the NYNJ Port Authority provided towards the construction of IMCS.

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Buy Atlantic Crossing DVD

A unique opportunity to own a copy of the award winning documentary "Atlantic Crossing: A Robot's Daring Mission" from Green Planet Films!

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Have you ever wonder?

Where the sculpture in from of IMCS building came from? Who is the author? Does it have a name? - Wonder no more - click the photo to go to the Clyde Lynds website for answers.

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New Board Members Orientation Tour

New Board Members, staff members from the Office of the Secretary, administrators, and members of the Rutgers Board of Trustees visited the Coastal Ocean Observation Lab.

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Students in intersession class, ID of Marine Invertebrates

Kathrine Bianchini (right) prepares to view polychaete worms under a microscope. Watching are Charlotte Fuller and Rebecca Noah. / KIRK MOORE/STAFF PHOTO

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Visiting Innovation Center

Aquaculture class touring Rutgers NJ Aquaculture Innovation Center in Cape May

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Sampling in Bernegat Bay

Dr. Gary Taghon, Rose Petrecca, Charlotte Fuller and Abe Gelb sample the benthic infauna in Barnegat Bay on R/V Caleta. Not pictured are captain Ken Roma and Dr. Judy Grassle

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 What is the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences?

See how Rutgers IMCS Faculty are studying some of the most pressing matters of modern science 






Why come study at Rutgers?

How many people can say they were part of the team that sailed the first underwater robot across the Atlantic Ocean? Rutgers students can-- and do!
How can you get involved? Rutgers students can team up with Professors throughout the IMCS to do great research as illustrated by the undergraduates that anchor Rutgers Glider Program!


Olaf Jensen

New York Times Green Blog article on timen research

Research by IMCS fish biologist Olaf Jensen helps put world's largest salmon on the international endangered species list.Read More...


Congratulations Fred Grassle on the Japan Prize  

Fred Grassle is being recognized for his contributions to marine environmental conservation through research on ecology and biodiversity of deep-sea organisms.    Read More...



Welcome to new faculty member John Wiedenmann 

Rutgers is excited to welcome its newest faculty member John Wiedenmann who brings great expertise in population dynamics to Rutgers.



Fabien Cousteau meest with Students

On Feb 25, 2013 Fabien Cousteau visited the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences to speak with students from the Ocean Observing Class and the Digital Story Telling Class to emphasize the importance of not only exploring, but communicating with the world.See Photos...


NJ Coastal Ocean Waters

Rutgers Study Assesses the Condition of New Jersey’s Coastal Ocean Waters

Since 2007, Rutgers marine scientists have been conducting a comprehensive and innovative ecological assessment of New Jersey’s nearshore ocean waters. And this study has some good news for our state...Read More...


IMCS is looking for Postdoctoral Fellows

IMCSThe Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University is seeking Postdoctoral Associates in the areas of biological, chemical, geological and physical oceanography. Prospective candidates should foster creative research avenues and interactions among existing research programs and faculty expertise. These fellowships are one year renewable appointments. Applications are presently being accepted and evaluated on an ongoing basis. However, active review of applications will commence on February 15, 2013. Applications received by February 15, 2013 will receive the fullest attention.

To apply, please email a curriculum vitae, statement of research interest, and names of 3 references to Dr. Richard A. Lutz (Director, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences): This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it (please include “Postdoc” in the subject line).

Rutgers is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Featured Student


This month's featured student is Sushmita Patwardhan. Learn more about Sushmita.


Exciting Science

Exciting Science Robert Chant: "Mixing and circulation in estuaries and Coastal Seas" Read More...

IMCS in the NEWS