Our Invasive Plant Strategy

Invasive Plants     ...why be concerned?

Invasive plants pose a threat to our native environment and are recognized globally as the second greatest threat to biodiversity.
They are plants that do not occur naturally in ecosystems in British Columbia and their presence can cause environmental and/or economic harm, and some species can harm human health. These non-native or alien invasive plants reproduce rapidly, are resilient and can overwhelm existing native vegetation.

Specific impacts of invasive plant infestations include
disruption of natural ecosystem processes,
alteration of soil chemistry - preventing the regrowth of native plants and economic crops,
increased soil erosion,
livestock and wildlife poisoning,
increased risk of wildfires,
interference with forest regeneration,
allergic reactions, severe skin abrasions and burns on people.

Report an invasive plant sighting using Report-A-Weed.

The Invasive Plant Program works cooperatively with regional weed committees, local, provincial, and federal government and non- government agencies, and the concerned public. Through active communication and coordination of activities, effectiveness of invasive plant treatments and control actions performed by all land managers is improved.

Learn about the Report-A-Weed wizard

Invasive Plant Program Reference Guide

The Reference Guide was completely rewritten in 2010 to bring it up to date with current field practices, and the current IAPP version 1.6 Data Entry and Map Display modules.
The complete Reference Guide is available for download and/or on-line viewing on our Reference Guide page.

Invasive Alien Plant Program Application (IAPP)

IAPP is the database for invasive plant data in BC. It is intended to co-ordinate/share information generated by various agencies and non-government organizations involved in invasive plant management.

About the Invasive Alien Plant Program Application
About the IAPP Training Workshops

Controlling Weeds Using Biological Methods

In many areas of B.C., uncontrolled spread of noxious weeds has reduced plant diversity, altered plant and animal habitat, and reduced the forage available for wildlife and livestock.
To view detailed information regarding the development of biological agents for treatments on invasive alien plant species please visit the Biocontrol Development pages.

Pest Management Plans

The three Pest Management Plans currently in effect, covering the province of BC, can be viewed and/or downloaded on our PMP page.


For a list of publications (brochures, dichotomous keys, calendars, and helpful documentation) please visit our publications page.