
Allows the Armed Services to partner with government or private organizations to establish buffer areas around active training and testing areas. 10 U.S.C 2684a

Readiness and Environmental Protection Initiative (REPI) conservation buffer program.

The following is additional information concerning legislation pertaining to mission sustainment.

Read about success stories of DoD's past and present partnerships through its DoD planners and military leaders are reaching out to communities to help conserve land for farming protect valuable habitat to support well-planned growth, and preserve significant historical and cultural assets while enabling development that is consistent with the military's job of ensuring America's security.

The following are federal laws that allow the Armed Services to enter into partnerships with federal, state, and non-government organizations.

Decorative Border

State Approaches to Eminent Domain Reform
Legislative Update as of 2 April 2007

The U.S. Supreme Court decision, Kelo vs. City of New London (Connecticut), produced a significant legislative backlash. The high profile case ruled that economic development constituted a legitimate public use for a local government taking by eminent domain authority. Following the decision an overwhelming response in the state legislatures resulted in over 700 pieces of legislation introduced and considered during the 2005-2006 sessions. Of those, 70 bills were enacted in 35 states.

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Decorative Border

Last Modified: 13 May 2011 at 16:30