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Aquatic Species


Describes research, methodology, and results from the monitoring of current invasive aquatic species problems. See Manager's Tool Kit - Monitoring for general resources and other species.

Aquatic Species

Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Procedures (Jun 2009; PDF | 15.6 MB) and AIS Monitoring Forms
Wisconsin Lakes Partnership. Citizen Lake Monitoring Network.

(Aquatic) Invasive Species Mapping in Michigan
Great Lakes Information Network.

Aquatic Invasive Species Smart Prevention / Press Release -- Where the Invasive Things Are -- and Where They Could Be (Mar 9, 2010)
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Researchers at the Center for Limnology have launched a new Web site, Aquatic Invasive Species Smart Prevention, to help assess the threat of aquatic invasive species in Wisconsin's lakes. The researchers partnered with the UW-Madison Applied Population Lab to develop an interactive Web site displaying a map of Wisconsin with more than 12,000 lakes color-coded to reflect their environmental suitability for zebra mussels, and are in the process of expanding the site with maps for additional species.

Broad-Scale Non-Indigenous Species Monitoring along the West Coast in National Marine Sanctuaries and National Estuarine Research Reserves (PDF | 4.73 MB)
DOC. NOAA. National Marine Sanctuaries.
Report to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Detecting and Monitoring of Aquatic Nuisance Species
DOI. FWS. Fisheries and Habitat Conservation.

Introduced Aquatic Species in the Marine and Estuarine Waters of California (Dec 2008; PDF | 1.2 MB)
Multi-Agency Rock Intertidal Network.

Invasive Species Watch
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (Canada).

Lower Columbia River Aquatic Non-Indigenous Species (ANS) Survey 2001-2004: Final Technical Report (Oct 2004; PDF | 1.4 MB)
Portland State University. Center for Lakes and Reservoirs.

Marine Invader Monitoring Information Collaborative (MIMIC)
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Aquatic Invasive Species Program.

Marine Invader Tracking Information System
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sea Grant Center for Coastal Resources.

Marine Invasive Species Program
California Department of Fish and Game. Office of Spill Prevention and Response.

Michigan Cooperative Monitoring Program
Michigan Cooperative Monitoring Program.

NAS Alert System
DOI. USGS. Nonindigenous Aquatic Species.
The USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species Program has launched an alert system that allows users to register to receive e-mails of new aquatic introductions in the United States. Users can sign up for "State Watches", "Group Watches" and/or "Species Watches". Detailed explanations of each of these can be found on the registration page. The system also allows users who are not registered to review and query archives of alerts that are sent.

Non-Native Species in Our Nation's Estuaries: A Framework for an Invasion Monitoring Program (2002; PDF | 877 KB)
DOC. NOAA. Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
National Estuarine Research Reserve Technical Report Series 2002:1.
Report summarizes the results of a workshop held Jan 14-18, 2002 at Asilomar Conference Grounds in Pacific Grove, California.

Aquatic Invasive Species
Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership.

Project (RED): Riverine Early Detectors
River Alliance of Wisconsin.
Project RED provides tools and training for volunteers to monitor their rivers for 15 species of concern. The project is a collaboration between the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the National Institute for Invasive Species Science and the River Alliance of Wisconsin.

Protocols for Monitoring Aquatic Nuisance Species
DOI. Florida Integrated Science Center. Center for Aquatic Resource Studies.

Volunteer Diver Monitoring
Northeast Marine Introduced Species.

Volunteer Monitor: National Newsletter of Volunteer Watershed Monitoring -- Aquatic Invasive Species (Spring 2009; PDF | 1.1 MB)
EPA. Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds.

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Aquatic Plants

A Survey of the Invasive Aquatic and Riparian Plants of the Lower Rio Grande (Apr 2005; PDF | 1.42 MB)
DOD. USACE. Engineer Research and Development Center. Environmental Laboratory. Aquatic Plant Control Research Program.

Alaska Aquatic Plant Survey Report (Oct 2005; PDF | 748 KB)
Portland State University. Center for Lakes and Reservoirs.
Prepared for DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Aquatic Plant Monitoring
Washington State. Department of Ecology.

Coastal Lakes Aquatic Plant Survey Report (Jan 2004; PDF | 1.46 MB)
Portland State University. Center for Lakes and Reservoirs.
Prepared for USDA. Forest Service.

Early Detection & Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS)
University of Georgia. Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health.
Provides distribution data at the State and County level and point locations.

Eurasian Watermilfoil Treatment Monitoring and Evaluation Protocol (Aug 8, 2007; PDF | 37 KB)
Idaho State Department of Agriculture.

Invasive Aquatic Plant Program
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.

Maine Center for Invasive Aquatic Plants
Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program.
Includes: 2009 Maine Lakes Report (PDF | 7.4 MB)

Survey Giant Salvinia with Remote Sensing? (May 6, 2002)
USDA. Agricultural Research Service.

Virginia Phragmites Web Mapping Application (Feb 2007)
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. Virginia Invasive Species Council.

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Aquatic Animals

2011 Monitoring and Rapid Response Plan -- Monitoring and Rapid Response Plan for Asian Carp in the Upper Illinois River and Chicago Area Waterway System (May 2011)
Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee. Monitoring and Rapid Response Workgroup.

Invasive Mussel Monitoring and Early Detection
Stop Aquatic Hitchikers. Mussel Monitoring & Detection.

Lake Champlain Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program
Lake Champlain Basin Program.

Pennsylvania Zebra and Quagga Mussel Monitoring Network
Pennsylvania Sea Grant.

Sea Lamprey Hunters Program
Great Lakes Fishery Commission.
Online database asking for information from anglers on sightings of lampreys. This is where Great Lakes anglers can play a key role: they can serve as Lamprey Hunters! With your help, we can learn where lampreys are and better target control.

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Last Modified: Aug 02, 2012
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