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History Day 2012

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History Day 2012


The Nixon Library is proud to support National History Day! In keeping with this year's theme, Revolution, Reaction, Reform in History, we have compiled these "briefing books" on some of the topics covered in our collection. Our archive houses over 42 million pages of primary documents. We hope this small sample inspires your research!

For more information please email NixonEducation@nara.gov or call 714-983-9120. To make arrangements to visit our research room, please email Nixon@nara.gov.

Logo for this year's theme

President Richard Nixon: The Last Progressive or a Modern Conservative?

The Equal Rights Amendment and the Women's Movement
Richard Nixon's Silent Majority and the Antiwar Movement
President Nixon Ends the Draft: Conscription or a Volunteer Based Military. Which System Works?
Ending the Vietnam War: What were the President's Options?


President Richard Nixon: The Last Progressive or a Modern Conservative?


01. Mr. Nixon Speaks to the Nation; Speech File [PPS 208 (1946)], Box 101, Folder 8
02. Annotated News Summary 11-27-69
03. Annotated News Summaries from Feb. 1970
04. Memo to John Whitaker, 01-11-71
05. Memo for Pres. Nixon; Charles Colson, 03-09-71
06. Memo for Pres. Nixon, 05-29-71
Health Care
01. Letter to the Pres.; WHCF, Subject Files HE, Box 24, Folder HE 6
02. Memo for Dr. Morgan; WHCF, Subject Files HE, Box 24, Folder HE 6
03. Nursing Home Field; WHCF, Subject Files HE, Box 24, Folder HE 6
04. Letter to the Pres.; WHCF, Subject Files IS, Box 4, Folder IS 1
05. Southern Cal. Public Health Assoc.; WHCF SMOF, Finch, Box 58, Folder 1

The Equal Rights Amendment and the Women's Movement

01. NWPC; WHSF-SMOF, Anne Armstrong Subject Files, Box 7, Equal Rights Amendment [1of3]
02. ERA 09-02-60; WHCF-SMOF, Anne Armstrong, Box 20, ERA [Equal Rights Amendment]
03. Ratification of ERA; WHCF-SMOF, Anne Armstrong, Box 20, ERA [Equal Rights Amendment]
04. ERA Fact Sheet; WHCF-SMOF, Anne Armstrong, Box 20, ERA [Equal Rights Amendment]
05. Letter to Mrs. Nixon; WHCF-SMOF, Anne Armstrong, Box 22, Letter to Mrs. Nixon [Anti-ERA]

The Silent Majority and the Antiwar Movement

Silent Majority
01. Kissinger Telecon Transcripts; Chronogical File 10-13-69, Box 2
02. Kissinger Telecon 10-09-69; Chronogical File, Box 2
03. Kissinger Telecon 10-10-69; Chronogical File, Box 2
04. Kissinger Telecon 11-04-69; Chronogical File, Box 2
05. Kissinger Telecon 11-03-69; Chronogical File, Box 2
06. Kissinger Telecon 11-03-69; Chronogical File, Box 2
Voting Age
01. Ehrlichman Notes with Pres. 03-17-70; WHSF-SMOF, John Ehrlichman, Box 9
02. Youth Memo 04-08-71; WHCF-SMOF, Robert Finch, Box 44
03. Voting Rights Act 06-22-70; WHSF-SMOF, Pres. Personal File, Box 59
04. 26th Amendment Cermony; WHSF-SMOF, Pres. Personal File, Box 67
05. Memo to Haldeman; WHSF-SMOF, Box 10, Youth Registration
06. Campus Handout Sheets; Returned Materials Central Files, Howard Cohen, Box 38
07. 26th Amendment Short 2010

Ending the Draft: Conscription or a Volunteer Based Military,Which System Works?

01. Talking Points; FG 249, Commission on All Vol. Armed Force, Box 1, (1969-1970) 2 of 2
02. Summary Report; FG 249, Commission on All Vol. Armed Force, Box 1, (1969-1970) 1 of 2
03. Memo to Ehrlichman; FG 249, Commission on All Vol. Armed Force, Box 1, (1969-1970) 1 of 2
04. Letter to Pres. Nixon; FG 249, Commission on All Vol. Armed Force, Box 1, (1969-1970) 1 of 2

Ending the Vietnam War: What were President Nixon's Options?

01. Memo for Nixon; NSC - HAK Office, Country Files-Far East, Box 103, Troop Withdrawals
02. Mutual Withdrawals; NSC - HAK Office, Country Files-Far East, Box 121, Folder 1
03. Statement to Congress; NSC - POW MIA Vietnam, Box 2, Folder 1A
04. Situation in Vietnam; NSC - POW MIA Vietnam, Box 2, Folder 8
05. Thoughs on Peace; WHSF-SMOF, Haldeman, Box 178, Vietnam Folder
06. Communist Fact Sheet; WHSF-SMOF, Haldeman, Box 178, Vietnam Folder
07. Vietnam Peace Agreement; WHSF-SMOF, Haldeman, Box 178, Vietnam Folder


For more information, contact us at 714-983-9120 or NixonEducation@nara.gov.

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