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Understanding your CP09 Notice

We've sent you this notice because our records indicate you may be eligible for the Earned Income Credit (EIC), but didn't claim it on your tax return.

What you need to do

  • Read your notice carefully — it will explain the steps needed to determine your qualifications.
  • Complete the Earned Income Credit Eligibility Worksheet.

    If you are eligible for the credit,
    • Sign and date the worksheet.
    • Mail the signed worksheet in the envelope provided.
    If you are not eligible for the credit,
    • Do not return the worksheet to us.

What we will do

We will review your worksheet and make a determination.

  • If you're eligible for the credit, we'll send you a refund check in 6 ― 8 weeks, as long as you don't owe tax or any other debts we’re required to collect.
  • If we deny the credit, we will send you a letter of explanation.
  • If you don't hear from us after 8 weeks, call our toll free line at 1-800-829-0922 to check the status.

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Answers to Common Questions

Why did the IRS send me this notice?
You may be eligible for the Earned Income Credit (EIC). The EIC is a credit for certain people who work and have earned income. The credit may give you a refund even if you do not owe any tax.

Tips for next year

Claim the credit if you are still eligible.

Ask the IRS to figure the earned income credit for you by writing "EIC" on the EIC line, complete Schedule EIC, and attach it to your return. If you qualify for the credit, the IRS will calculate it for you.

Write "NO" on the EIC line if you do not want or you do not qualify for the credit.

Understanding your notice

Reading your notice
Your notice may look different from the sample because the information contained in your notice is tailored to your situation.

Notice CP09, Page 1
Image of page 1 of a printed IRS CP09 Notice

Notice CP09, Page 2
Image of page 2 of a printed IRS CP09 Notice

Notice CP09, Page 3
Image of page 3 of a printed IRS CP09 Notice

Notice CP09, Page 4
Image of page 4 of a printed IRS CP09 Notice

Notice CP09, Page 5
Image of page 5 of a printed IRS CP09 Notice

Printable samples of this notice (PDF)

Tax publications you may find useful

How to get help

Calling the 1-800 number listed on the top right corner of your notice is the fastest way to get your questions answered.

You can also authorize someone (such as an accountant) to contact the IRS on your behalf using this Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative (Form 2848).

Or you may qualify for help from a Low Income Taxpayer Clinic.

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 2012-08-24